In a world of magic filled with mystical creatures and plagued by powerful monsters dubbed golems, a young teen finds a book of powerful magic that will change his life and maybe his world forever. Follow the orphan Terry as he grows in his new life as a powerful mage... or more.
I love this! I think im addicted! You did a FANTASTIC job! Don't stop! I would highly recommend people read this! and I can't believe I became a simp so fast it's ridiculous
Storytelling is gripping, and you're automatically siding from the first chapter with MC. Clear determination of who is speaking, without confusion. Easy to read sentences, spelling and grammar are well done. Good job author!
The story just flows. The writing is very clear and easy to read. A bit dialogue heavy, but I actually prefer that. Pacing is great and you don't get bogged down with descriptions as you would in other fantasy stories. Looking forward to next installments.
KEEP IT UP! You've got serious literary capabilities, Author, and they shine through your meticulous wordplay and descriptive efforts. The pacing can stand for a bit of improvement, as at some times I skipped an entire paragraph or two in order to keep invested. In general, however, I think you're doing an amazing job, and I look forward to your further work. 10/10, Author!
Hi Author! Overall, your story is very interesting and I liked how you describe their world background and your writing quality is so good! The character design is one of them who you create so well, Good job so far!
I think it is overall pretty good but I think you need to add a bit more detail to your characters, so the reader can get a better understanding of how the characters look.
Reveal Spoiler
Shameless self-review here enjoying the entire writing process and am happy that I am getting so many positive things said about my writing thank you everyone for the time you have spent with my novel. Everything makes a difference. Every read. Every power vote. Every Collection. Every Review. Every Comment. Thank you everyone again and again.
I really like this book! I'm a sucker for adventure and fantasy books and this one suites my tastes. The first 11 chapters have been so interesting. Am looking forward for the next updates!
Really enjoying this story so far. Your writing style is well developed, and your main character is unique and not archetypical. Interesting concept, excited to see where this goes! Keep up the good work.
This story has a high potential and the writing quality is very good. Minimal or to no error at all. The characters are designed well. The author has successfully built the world background and the development of the story is smooth. I hope to see many more chapters in the future. Happy writing author!
Excellent story so far! I am following it day by day, and I can't wait to see what's coming next. Each chapter has a way to keep me engaged, and you really get a feel for the world these people live in. Keep up the good work!
Okay, another fantasy mixed with this kind of thriller plot! Not to mention the black tome that looks eerie and scary at the same time! Way to go, keep up the good work, author!
A fantasy tale of an underdog magical apprentice who finds himself in possession of a powerful, dark tome. Well written, and so far enjoyable. I'm looking forward to what happens next.
Hi, This is Nelly, I am an editor from another platform that focuses on LGBT Fictions. After reading your story "The Black Tome", I decided to contact you and if possible, to extend you an invitation on distributing your works. However, there is so little I can talk about it here. If you were interested, please contact me via, then I should take the opportunity to discuss it with you in detail. It was a great pleasure to meet your story. Sincerely Nelly