The sound of lightning struck down in the distance as the clouds began to darken. A storm was blowing in. Darryl walked into the Trader's Inn with a sigh, "There's no way they are getting out." Darryl said to himself with a sigh as he approached the counter. The restaurant was empty except Liz working the kitchen and two cloaked patrons in the back corner of the restaurant.

Darryl approached the kitchen window, "Hey where's Bernie?" Darryl questioned.

Liz looked up to see Darryl. She was working on making what seemed to be a feast. She had a mass amount of potatoes cooking in the fryer. Multiple meat products sizzled on her grill as she cut sandwiches into perfect squares. "Oh, he's getting supplies from the market. It was a perfect time since I'm not too busy."

Darryl laughed as he watched her work, "Not busy. That's funny you look like you are cooking for a small army. Are you expecting a party to come in soon?" Darryl questioned.

Liz looked down to keep focused on her cooking. She shook her head as she worked, "I never precook. The patrons in the corner ordered all this. They paid in advance as well."

Darryl looked over at the cloaked figures and shook his head, "That had to cost at least 20 gold coins. A monthly salary for a hard worker in the town. Do you know anything about them?"

Liz began to plate what she was cooking, "It's not my job to pry into my patron's business they are paying customers. How they come across their gold is no concern of mine."

Terry and Roger sat in the corner completely cloaked. They watched as Darryl entered. Roger gulped hard, "You don't think he saw us right?" He pulled the cloak further down his head.

Terry shook his head, "Don't worry about it if he sees us he sees us."

"But we are supposed to be in hiding. We just should have stayed at Lord Bezel's." Roger said in a soft whispered voice. He watched Darryl in the corner of his eye as he spoke to Liz at the kitchen window. "If we get found already what's the point of hiding."

Terry shrugged, "If he comes over let me talk."

Roger nodded his head his stomach groaned loudly.

Terry chuckled hearing the stomach growl, "Besides you should focus on getting yourself fed. It smells good in here doesn't it."

Roger was quiet for a moment his arms were wrapped around his stomach. "When I first walked in here all I could smell was food. It's all I can smell now. I don't even know what I smell… Chicken? Steak? Onions? Carrots?" He laughed quietly to himself, "If the food is as good here as it smells I can't wait to eat."

Terry nodded smiling, "That's the spirit."

Roger whispered loudly as he noticed Darryl approaching the table, "He's coming."

Terry shrugged, "I got this." Terry turned his head toward Darryl pulling the hood off his head, "How's it going?" Terry said with a smile.

Darryl stopped dead in his tracks next to the table, "You got out? I didn't think it was possible."

Terry smiled, "Well it was. It's why I went in I had to get Roger out."

Darryl turned his attention to Roger who was looking straight down with his cloak held tight, "So that's why you decided to go into the labyrinth. I knew that Caim didn't overpower you…. Do I have to ask why haven't you killed Caim yet?"

"I thought about it, but I'm trying to avoid further bloodshed." Terry watched as Liz came with a massive platter held upon her shoulder. Fries steaming hot up to the ceiling were stacked up high like a mountain on the trey. It was surrounded by perfectly cooked meats fish, steak, a whole chicken and a large slap of pork surrounded the fries. She placed the platter down with a smile on her face, "Thank you." Terry said with a nod.

"No worries I'll be right back with your finger sandwiches." She said happily.

Terry nodded his head, "You can eat ya know."

Roger nodded his head and grabbed the steak immediately with his bare hands. He bit into it letting grease fall to the floor, "Sooomph gooomph." (so good)

Terry laughed watching Roger greedily eat, "Where was I?"

"Bloodshed," Darryl said quietly.

"Look if I killed Caim many people would come on a crusade to avenge him. I'm not looking for a war right now. You know killing him would start a war." Terry said quietly reaching for the plate with the fish cooked on it. "This looks so good," Terry said happily admiring the pink color of the fish along with the seared skin of the fish that gave it a fragrant aroma.

Darryl sighed and sat down next to Terry, "Then what's next for you?"

"Better question. What's next for you? Who do you think the winning side is?" Terry questioned.

"The winning side?" Darryl repeated.

"I mean who do you think will rule this world when the war breaks out across the world? Who's going to win dark or light?"

Darryl bit his lip softly and sighed, "I think when you get serious there' nothing that can stand up to you."

Terry laughed quietly, "That's probably right. So you think we're the winning side. So I can assume when things start happening you would join us?"

Darryl nodded his head, "O-of course. What would I need to do to join us... I mean you.."

Terry smiled taking a bite of fish deliberately chewing and swallowing, "Nothing. You can go back to the circle for now and pretend nothing happened. When you are needed I'll let you know. We are staying with Lord Bezel, so if you want to talk to us that's where we'll be.

Liz came with another platter with a countless number of mini sandwiches. Terry laughed, "We probably got too many.

Roger shook his head, "Nonsense." He shoved an entire sandwich into his mouth and munched on it the sound of the rough toast being chewed in his mouth resonated around the inn.

Terry chuckled, "Well he's happy I ordered him all this food."

"There is one question I need to ask you. If war does break out… how many people do you see losing their lives because of this war?" Darryl asked quietly.

"The honest answer is as many as it takes... but I'm not going to stand by any longer and watch the circle send young mages to die, or lock people away in a dank labrynth."