"Roger. That you?" Terry questioned into the darkness.

"C...Candlelight?" Roger bit his lip for a moment, "Why are you here. Did they throw you in here too?"

"Kind of… I found out you were thrown in here and I came to get you out." Terry smiled and approached Roger.

"Stay back!" Roger held his back against the wall, "How do I know your not a monster or something?"

Terry shrugged, "Look. We're both enemies of the king now apparently. Can't believe I lost my room service for this… You've been wondering these halls longer than I have you found a way out?"

Roger shook his head, "I haven't found anything. Everything looks the same besides the text behind me."

"It looks like it's in a different language," Terry said putting his finger up to his mouth.

'It says Labyrinth of Erebus.' Erebus said in Terry's head.

'Oh, it does? Do you recognize this place?' Terry questioned.

'Hmm…. it does. This was a place that humanity once tried to contain me in. Trap me… it didn't work.'

Terry smiled leaning on one of the dirt-covered walls, 'then that means you must know a way out huh?"

'Of course. We still have Pathways. It's a spell only we can use. Getting anywhere around the world in an instant… it's not a common spell Terry."

'Can Roger go through it' Terry questioned

'Of course.'

Terry looked over at Roger and sighed, "Alright I think I figured out a way to get us out of here…. And I know you really don't trust me nor do you have a reason to. I'm your only way out."

Roger clenched his fists, "Before we do anything who is your partner really?"

Terry continued to lean on the wall and slowly looked over at Roger, "It's Erebus."

'He's lying there's no way Erebus was in a Tome.' Eris said in Roger's head.

"I can think of one place we can stay for right now," Terry said looking at Roger's disbelieving face. He held his hand out and whispered, ��Pathways." A dark portal that somehow rivaled the absolute darkness around them appeared in between the boys. "Follow or get left behind," Terry muttered entering the portal of darkness.

Roger reluctantly followed him. Going out of the portal they were now standing on marbled flooring surrounded by natural light flooding in from the massive windows around them. "Where are we?" Roger questioned looking at Terry.

"Bezel's estate. I couldn't think of anywhere else that they wouldn't look for us." Terry sighed looking up the stairs, "I might as well go talk to him."

"Why are you saying we're safe here? Bezel is the lord of the land he works directly with the circle."

Terry shrugged as he went up the stairs, "Not exactly." Terry could hear Roger's footsteps following behind him causing him to smile. He entered Bezel's chambers seeing the full-grown vampire sitting behind the desk. "My lord, what brings you here to my humble home?" Bezel questioned quickly moving to the middle of the room descending on one knee.

"I made an enemy of the circle is there a way my friend and I can stay here?" Terry questioned.

Roger bit his lip his thoughts racing, 'Why is candlelight calling me friend… and why is the lord of the land bowing to him.'

Eris sighed in Roger's head, 'Maybe he was telling the truth about the true god of darkness being inside him. I only know of Erebus being able to cast the spell that got us here."

"Yes my lord, I will get my hidden room prepared immediately for both of you. May I ask sir why are you hiding your friend as well?" Bezel questioned still bowing to Terry.

"He was the reason I made an enemy of the circle. He had a dark god inside him as well. They tried to lock him away. So I got him out." Terry sighed, "I wasn't expecting this all to happen so quickly."

Bezel turned his attention toward Roger, "Who lives inside of you?" An inquisitive look took over Bezel's face.

"Eris," Roger said stepping forward to stand next to Terry.

Bezel made a high pitched squeal akin to a sound of excitement, "The lord and the lord's daughter will be staying in my home. Truly a time for celebration."

Roger's nostrils flared in irritation, "Don't call me that again."

"Yes sir." Bezel said bowing his head even lower until he disappeared in a plume of dark smoke.

Terry laughed, "I guess he went to get our rooms ready." Terry walked behind the desk and sat down, "So we're going to have to lay low for a while. Bezel has plenty of income we'll be able to eat."

Roger's stomach groaned in response, "Yeah? I haven't eaten in a while."

Terry stood up smiling, "Yeah I could go for some food too." He left the quarters with Roger following behind him, "But where did Bezel go?" Terry muttered to himself. He got to the bottom of the stairs and heard a bump behind the stairs. He went to investigate.

Bezel was cleaning at superhuman speeds. Wiping down the walls knocking down cobwebs. He was stocking dressers with clothes as the door opened behind him. Terry and Roger were in the doorway. Terry's dark brown hair was shaggy and a mess. Terry's emerald green eyes lit up the room. Roger had neat black hair his eyes were ocean blue. "My lords."

Terry walked into the room with a smile on his face, "Is this where we are staying? Looks great!"

Roger walked in next, "The only problem is that there is only one bed."

"I'm sorry there is only room for one bed." Bezel said bowing back down.

"Don't worry about it one of us can sleep on the floor." Terry said patting Bezel on the shoulder, "But… we both haven't eaten in a while do you have any food?"

Bezel stood up putting his hand up to his chin in deep thought, "I can get some food together but it would be a bit until I get back. You can go to the Trader's Inn down the road."

"We have to keep a low profile though," Terry said shooting down the idea.

Bezel walked to the dresser that was across the king-sized bed and pulled out two black cloaks with large hoods, "Just wear these. No one will question you wearing these nor would they be able to recognize you."

Terry reached out to grab the cloaks handing one to Roger who took it grudgingly. "But… I don't think I have any money to eat." Terry said reaching into his pocket feeling a singular glass bead. Terry's face grew white. 'I'll still bring you back Aly. Promise." He looked back up to Bezel, "Yeah I'm out of gold."

Bezel tossed a small sack of gold over to Terry. He seemingly pulled it out of nowhere. "That should be enough to eat."

Terry nodded his head shoving the gold sack in his other pocket making it bulge out and jingle as he walked. "Put the cloak on and I'll show you the way there," Terry said turning his attention to Roger. "You'll love the food there it makes Maya's food seem almost inedible," Terry said laughing.

"Hey... I liked Maya's food," Roger said almost moaning.

"But it's the only food you've ever had right? I was the same… but the food at the Trader's Inn will change your life!" Terry said with a light laugh as he put the cloak on seeing Roger finishing putting his on as well. "Wow… these cloaks cover our faces completely," Terry said looking at where Roger's face should be. It was completely masked in shadow.

Roger felt the soft cloak around him and smiled, "It's comfy too."

"Thank you Bezel we should be back soon," Terry said with a large smile on his face, as he walked out of the hidden room with Roger following behind him. They left the building and began to walk on the busy streets toward the Trader's Inn.