Terry got in one of the three beds that were set out or them by Bernie. The room was quaint dimly lit by candlelight. With the way they were lit they seemed to be enchanted with fire magic, something Terry was quite familiar with having studied fire magic throughout his entire life. "Incin," Terry said quietly holding his finger up after speaking a small orb of fire appeared floating over his finger.

Alison was already snoring quietly but Darryl was still awake, "You didn't say anything about being able to use fire magic." Darryl said with a smirk, "Thought you were only able to cast dark magic."

"This is what school of magic I mained before I found the Tome," Terry muttered as he focused on the fire orb letting it slowly float between his fingers and around them like he was playing with a toy.

"Oh really? I wished I mained fire magic before I found Vulcan. I had to relearn lots of stuff. I used to use water. I can't really use that kind of magic anymore at all though."

Terry blinked a couple of times listening to Darryl, "Vulcan? That's your spirit? The spirit that was in your tome? Was he a dragon master or something?"

Darryl shook his head and leaned his back against the metal bed rest letting his head rest against the wall, "No. You see my powers aren't exactly summoning real dragons. Vulcan was known as the god of the forge a god of creation."

Terry tilted his head listening, "Forge? I remember reading about those aren't those for weapons and armor?"

"Kind of. When I first found Vulcan that was all I could really do as a Tomefinder create. Create swords or crossbows out of pretty much nothing. It was an impressive talent but as a Tomefinder, you aren't supposed to be able to lose to normal mages ever."

"You summon dragons now though something must have changed," Terry said blowing on his finger causing the orb of fire to vanish into a white cloud of smoke.

Darryl laughed, "They aren't exactly dragons. I remember when I asked Vulcan how I could get stronger. He didn't give me much of a hint besides saying I had to be more creative. I rested on that for days." Darryl laughed again, "Be more creative? Which was when it hit me what if I could make a weapon that could fight for me?"

Terry smiled, "A weapon that could fight for you?"

"Yeah... After asking myself was the first time I made one of these." Darryl held his hand out and closed his eyes. Metallic clanging could be heard as a shimmering serpent-like creature with 16 blades for arms appeared in the middle of the room. "This was how I fought for a while going into battle with metallic creatures such as these."

Terry's eyes lit up, "Wow... they are made out of metal... but your other dragons aren't. Right?" Terry questioned leaning up further to get a good look at the metal creature.

Darry scratched the back of his head and smiled, "No... everything I can make is metal even the large dragons... I remember when I first created one of these creatures they felt like an extension of my own body I could see what they see if I imagined them with eyes. Eventually, I got better at making these creatures look alive. No longer looking metallic but of scale... which was when I thought of trying to make a dragon."

"It's all beginning to make sense," Erebus said as he was silent for quite a while.

"What's starting to make sense?" Terry questioned Erebus out loud.

"Huh?" Darryl questioned taking a moment's pause, "Oh... you're talking to Erebus, aren't you. I do that sometimes too. It's hard to stay quiet when talking to them sometimes huh? It can lead to awkward conversations. Some people just don't understand us. Especially when we tell them we are talking to a voice in our heads." Darryl chuckled.

Terry smiled looking at Alison and back to Darryl, "You guys said you were brother and sister right?"

Darryl nodded his head, "Mmhmm."

"Both of you are Tomefinders right? What were the chances of you both finding a tome?"

"Well." Darryl said looking up to the ceiling, "Usually where one tome is found another is somewhere close by. Me and Alison were exploring some ruins as kids. Our tomes were both in the ruin's treasure chamber. Each tome called out to us separately."

"That's an awesome story... I always thought those dragons were real... so those names you call your dragon's by and the moves?"

"All made up. I feel I fight better using the move names and stuff as commandments to them as it helps me remember how to control..." Darryl cut himself off, "Nevermind... but in the end it doesn't really matter me and my sister both tried to fight you at the same time and you won effortlessly."

"Well, I didn't exactly win. Erebus won."

"Are we going to have to have this conversation again Terry?" Erebus growled.

Darryl smiled, "I bet Erebus didn't like that. What you need to realize is that Erebus to you is more than a partner you two are basically the same person. His accomplishments are your accomplishments and vice versa."

Terry looked down for a moment most of is body were under the soft quilted blankets that Bernie and Liz were kind enough to lend them, "Yeah. Your right. Sorry, Erebus." He mumbled quietly.

"No need for apologies. You seeing what he just said as truth is good enough." Erebus said in Terry's mind.

Terry sighed, "I guess I'm going to bed now."

"Might as well get some sleep while you can," Darryl said with a smile waving his arm causing the metallic serpent to fade away without a trace.

Terry smiled and curled up under the covers closing his eyes. Sleep quickly took him.

Back at the orphanage Matron Maya, sat at her table with a vampire sitting across from her. "You look different what happened?" She questioned.

"I have changed thanks to an orphan that came out of here today."

Matron was quiet for a moment, "Terry did this?"

"So his name is Terry... A fitting name for a master. Master Terry." Bezel said smiling to himself.

"Besides asking me about him... are you here for anything else?" May questioned with a more serious expression coming over her face.

"Oh, I'm not interested in that anymore. Don't need it."

"So you won't be taking any of them anymore?" She said sounding a bit happier.

"As I said no need anymore. I walked out in sunlight... it was dusk... but I walked out in sunlight today. I no longer need blood... I ate normal human food. Something that used to make me sick now fueled me. Terry almost made me human Maya."

"I... see. So what now?" She questioned.

"Since I no longer have the need for this orphanage I think I will help get these kids adopted. What do you need to make that happen Maya?" Bezel questioned.

Matron Maya smiled wide, "Funding... and if you can let the people in the city know about us I know more people would come to adopt."

"Call it done." Bezel said with a nod.