Terry stood in the dark void that he had grown quite accustomed to. "So I guess this is what sleep is now. Time with you?" He questioned the mirror image that stood in front of him with the familiar large eye watching him behind it.

"It's one of the only ways we can really have our face-to-face time Terry. No reason to waste the time we have while you sleep." Erebus explained.

"Hmm... waste? What were you wanting to do while we sleep?" Terry questioned.

"You need to understand more about me. More about the powers that you have. Through understanding them and myself you will grow stronger." Erebus explained through the mirror image of Terry.

"I... see. So you wanted to train me in my sleep?" Terry said after thinking for a moment.

"Exactly." Erebus chuckled, "But first... Look around. What do you see?"

Terry turned his head looking around everything was pitch-black besides Erebus and the mirror image oh himself. "Darkness," Terry whispered.

"Hmm. Close... but if everything is darkness how do you see me? There has to be light coming from somewhere. What else do you see?" Erebus questioned.

"I see a... clone of me and...."

"No... close your eyes focus." Erebus said cutting Terry off from finishing his sentence."

Terry closed his eyes obeying Erebus, "Focus on what?" Terry questioned as the darkness added away and it turned into something else he saw the yard outside of the orphanage. He was walking to the road with no control of his body. "What's going on?" Terry questioned as he watched himself take a left and head the same way that the carriage trip took the previous day.

"So you see now," Erebus said with a light chuckle.

"What am I looking at. This seems odd." Terry muttered.

"Bezel's view," Erebus said bluntly.

"Wait, I'm seeing what Bezels sees right now? What was he doing at the orphanage? If he did anything to any of them I'll kill him."

"No, he didn't hurt anyone. He actually told Maya he was no longer in need of the children in that way. He told her he was going to help get them adopted."

Terry gulped loudly Bezel began to move quickly on the trail heading back to the city at an almost blinding speed, "We see what Bezel sees. He hears us if we want him to hear us. We control him. Terry. We don't even have to be around him."

"And I'm asleep right now?" Terry questioned watching the surroundings move

"You are."

Terry focused on standing still Bezel stopped moving. "What?" Bezel questioned himself in confusion, "I cant move." He said to himself not knowing that Terry was taking over his body.

"This is crazy." Terry said quietly.

"I'm impressed. Figuring out to take direct control yourself over him." Erebus sounded proud.

Terry gulped he felt like something was fighting him but slowly he was able to move Bezel's hand and then the other. For a moment Terry held the vampire's hands in front of his own face. "Bezel can you hear me?"

"Master Terry. So you are behind this. At least warn me before taking control."

"Do not make demands of your master like that." Erebus growled.

"I'm sorry." Bezel spoke quietly.

Terry could feel the fear running Bezel as Erebus spoke. "'s ok. I was told you are going to be helping the orphans get adopted. Thank you for that."

"It's the least I can do. You gave me my life back. Back from the miserable existence I used to live. It was so hard. I couldn't be out in the sun. I feared normal food that as a kid I enjoyed so much because it made me so ill. You and... Erebus gave me a real life again."

Terry could feel a tear running down Bezel's face. Terry let his focus go and watched as Bezel regained control of his own body. "It... It was no problem... I just hope your going to make up for everything you've done. The people you hurt."

Bezel sounded desperate, "I promise you my lord I'll do everything you wish. Just tell me and I'll do it. I'll do everything you need me to do to the best of my ability. I promise."

"That's good to hear. I'll hold you to that. For now focus on making up fo everything. Finding those kids a family. Something that I know from experience that they hope and wish for everyday to just have someone to call them their own."

"Yes My Lord. Whatever you say!" Bezel yelled as he restarted his blindingly fast run toward the city.

Terry opened his eyes and he was standing in front of his own reflection. "Now do you understand what I meant when I said that he was ours."

Terry nodded his head, "Yeah. I do." Terry said quietly.

"And Now I hope you understand because we did what we needed to do. Taking over this entire region we have made people's lives better... We saved the lives of orphans. We could shape the world in our own image Terry. Make it better for everyone. Give people hope."

"I.... don't know." Terry mumbled under his breath.

"You're not as resistant now." Erebus mused.

"I mean... yeah I guess what happened with him was for the better, but for anything else I wouldn't say that. I don't want to control the world. I'm just happy I have a place I belong now."

"Are you sure you have a place you belong? They may just be trying to use you. Use us. If that's all they're doing are you sure that's a place you belong."

"It... doesn't matter. I mean for the longest time I never had anone and now well I do. I just feel like things can get better now. Now that I'm not stuck in that orphenage."

"You'll come around." Erebus smiled wide.

Terry looked around as he heard disembodied voices around him.

"Wake up!"

"Rise and shine!"

"Get up!"

"Deep sleeper huh?"


Terry slowly opened his eyes and yawned, He looked up saw Darryl and Alison looking down at him. "I feel like I barely even slept."

"You are hard to wake up." Darryl said with a chuckle.

"But at least your up now." Alison sighed..

Terry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, "Can't I just go back to sleep?"

"No the circle was expecting us to get there by morning we already are late." Alison explained.

"But we just couldn't turn down lady Liz's hospitality." Darryl shrugged and waled back over to his bed to get his shoes on.

Terry sat up and did the same and stood up. He straighed out the covers making his bed as he always had to do at the orphenage. "Well. I guess I'm ready."

Alison tossed her jacket on, "So are we."

Alison, Terry and Darryl all walked out the room and down the stairs. Liz and Bernie sat in an empty dining room on a table next to the door, "Guess yall are leaving." Liz said smiling, "See you normal time tomorrow?" She questioned with a wide smile.

"Yes... well Darryl and me will be here but I don't think Terry will be able to leave the circle for a while."

Terry bit his lip, "No I'll be here tomorrow."

Darryl looked over at Terry, "They... might not let you leave."

"Doesn't matter. I'm not going to let them keep me there. Besides I like Liz and Bernie they make great food. I'll be here." Terry smiled and looked over at Darryl, "Besides you two and me are Tomefinders I'm sure they'll pull some strings for me or you two if you ask them."

Liz waved, "Don't you be starting trouble Terry... if you do I won't be cooking for you anymore, "It won't hurt you to wait for a couple days to come back to enjoy some quality cooking."

"Yes mam." Terry sighed looking down.