"So... what is the circle?" Terry questioned listening to the sound of his feet tapping against the gravel pavement as he walked.

"It's where all the mages group together basically." Alison explained, "Think of it as a place that you can call home and will use your powers to better the kingdom." Alison paused for a moment, "It's also a great way to earn coin."

"Coin?" Terry questioned.

"You know currency?" Darryl questioned, "Don't tell me you don't what money is."

Terry gulped thinking for a moment that leads to a shake of his head, "No sorry I don't."

Darry smiled as they walked together, "Don't worry about it. Think about money as something that you can use to get things. Like you trade coin for a meal at Liz's or for clothes in a shop or to buy weapons if you need em." He explained.

"So if I want to eat at Liz's again I need money," Terry said confidently.

"uhh... that's the gist of it," Darryl said with a scratch of his head.

"Terry stop." Darryl suddenly said as they approached an open gate that leads to a bricked pathway where a large building sat on the pathway's end. "The city's main circle is right up ahead but there are some things you really need to know."

"Terry nodded his head, "What is it?"

Alison tilted her head, "What are you going on about Darryl."

"Look the king's powers is light he may not be happy about you having dark powers... I hate to ask you this but for now, could you keep your powers and the identity of Erebus a secret for now."

"Your serious?" Terry questioned.

"It's not a bad idea." Erebus mused, "It seems he really cares about you."

"Wait he can use fire magic? How'd you find that out, Darryl?" Alison said with a confused look on her face.

"Last night... I saw him use it... but for right now we shouldn't deal with any prying eyes from the king. You can use powerful fire magic right?" Darryl questioned.

"I..." Terry was quiet for a moment.

"I hate to say it but he's right. If you have others be deceived that fire is our greatest magic it will be harder to track us down. We don't know how strong the king is really Terry. There's no telling but there is one thing you need to know he has more experience than you, Terry.

Terry bit his lip nervously, "But I thought you said you could beat Eros." Terry thought in his mind.

"Even if that was so it would be a thought fight there would be many casualties and there would be no telling on if we would come out of the fight unscathed. It's a risk that we shouldn't take... yet." Erebus said in Terry's mind.

"Also I heard the head of the circle was in town. He reports directly under the king." Alison explained in thought, "I think D is right if you can really cast fire magic and strong fire magic that would rival a Tomefinder you should do it. We won't say anything."

"What if they ask me who the spirit in my Tome was?" Terry questioned unsure of the entire situation.

"Then you tell them you can't say." Alison said with a shrug, "Like you told us before. It's not unheard of from Tomefinders to not reveal their spirits."

"I.. see." Terry said looking up at the large building which seemed at least five times larger then the mansion that lord Bezel lived in. "Well... we might as well get going." He said walking forward toward the large building.

Alison and Darryl followed behind him, "Good thing we can get that figured out." Darryl said with a smile, "Do you have any questions Terry?" He questioned as they got ever so closer to the building.

Terry thought for a question to ask pausing until one popped in his head, "Well. Why is it called the circle?"

"It's a dumb reason really. All of the mages guild... well it used to be called the mages guild used to be their own separate company until the one in heaven's gate rebelled with their lord. The king wasn't happy about it so he sent all the warriors of the land to invade heaven's gate killing everything that moved."

"And when the warriors were done al that was left of Heaven's gate was charred land... and the large tower that rose up into the heavens above the clouds that could not be entered or destroyed."

"Wow..." Terry thought for a moment, "So what happened next."

"Heaven's gate became a place filled with horrible monsters and the land became unsustainable so no one lives there. It was in the center of all the other regions so much that they form a circle around it. Hence the name the circle. A united mages guild that forms a circle around the destroyed region of Heaven's Gate."

"I.. see. That's kind of depressing why would the king of light do that. Shouldn't he of forgiven them?" Terry questioned.

"It's not our place to question is motives." Alison said quietly, "All we can do is follow his orders and trust what he's doing is to better our world."

"I just don't think it's right." Terry muttered.

"Already feel you can do something better then the king hmm? Why not do it become better then him. More then him. Mold the world how you feel it should be."

"Shut up." Terry whispered as they went up the stairs leading to the entrance to the circle's headquarters for the region.

Alison opened the door and Terry's eyes lit up. Countless mages were walking back and forth some of them playing with different elements. One girl had a serpent of water revolving around her being guided by her hand motions. Another was juggling fire balls similar to what Terry was doing with the orb the previous night.

The walls were made of marble the floors shined as they were freshly polished. A long line of people stood at a desk with a woman in a fine blue suit standing behind it. "What's going on over there?" Terry questioned pointing to the desk.

"Oh those are mages getting tasks."

"Tasks?" Terry questioned.

"Yeah missions given by the circle. They get paid for what they do. It also keeps them a home in the circle as all members are required to do at least ten tasks a month to keep a home here. Getting you was the same as completing five tasks"

"Forgot that they were the ones that sent you guys." Terry said with a laugh.

"It's ok. We're glad we got to meet you. You are actually pretty awesome to spend time with." Alison said with a smile.

Terry blushed lightly, "Thanks."

"No problem. We just need to go introduce you to the leader of the circle. Just uh remember what we talked about." Darryl said quietly.

Terry nodded as he noticed Alison walking away from him."It's this way," she said.

Terry followed her as they walked past the line behind the desk getting a sideways look from the receptionist, "We're introducing the new Tomefinder to Caim."

"Oh you two completed the task and it was an actual Tomefinder and not a false alarm." The receptionist smiled, "I'll be marking your quest completion in the book and prepare your payments immediately." She said with a bow.

Terry followed as the receptionist turned her attention back to the long line of mages. Terry heard a door open and heard a deep gruff voice call out from the open door, "Enter."

Terry entered along with Alison and Daryl. Terry was surprised to see a massive man with a large winged horse sitting on his left and a three headed dog sitting on his right. Terry tried his best to smile, "Hiya." He said with a small wave.

"So you are the new Tomefinder." The man said with a wide smirk as he slowly stood up revealing his height of at least eight feet. "Take a seat." The man said gesturing to a chair across from the desk. "Phoenix. Dragoncaller you may leave. I have business to attend to."

"Yes sir." Darryl and Alison said in unison leaving Terry alone with the leader of the circle.