Terry sighed and walked past Caim to the entrance of the coliseum, "I guess you believe I'm a Tomefinder now?" Terry questioned.

Caim was quiet, "You didn't answer my question. Casting spells like that without any incantation would be enough to tire out the strongest Tomefinders I know... What's different about you?"

"I guess I am just good at drawling energy in around me without needing incantations." Terry said with a shrug, "Are you going to open these doors?" Terry questioned trying to push the door open.

Caim sighed and snapped his fingers. Shortly after the snap, the doors opened on their own.

Terry walked through the doors with Caim following behind him, "So, I have to ask. What's next."

"You seem powerful enough to take on some tasks and I'm assuming you don't have much coin on you to eat on." Caim coughed shortly after the word powerful as if it was an understatement. "So when you get upstairs talk To Beca the receptionist upstairs she'll set you up with a quick task so you can have some money to eat on. It would also get you familiar to what is expected from mages of the circle."

"And that is?" Terry questioned.

"To not be lazy to complete tasks and help the region get cleaned up of monsters and trash. After that, I think I would like you to attend some rehabilitation classes so you can understand more about the world as I see the main thing you were taught in the orphanage was magic wasn't it?' Caim questioned.

"Yeah. That was pretty much all I was taught every day I was there. Getting stronger. I remember memorizing spell after spell reading spellbook after spell book memorizing as many fire spells as I could. It was just I was a runt until I found E... I mean until I found my Tome." Terry laughed nervously.

"I see. So your spirit starts with an E sound hmm?" Caim said with a deep rumbling chuckle.

Terry shook his head, "I'm not giving you any hints I'm not letting anyone know about that he... told me not to tell anyone. He hasn't let me down so far."

Caim nodded his head as they got to the top of the stairs, "Well I also know it's a male. Its name starts with an E. I'll have to do some research then... but for now, go in line."

Terry sighed and walked away from Caim who went off to his office. Terry stood at the back of a line until a girl with a green tunic with brown pants with tall boots walked behind Terry, "Haven't seen you here before. New mage trying to make his way up in the world uh?"

Terry sighed, "I guess you can say that." Terry turned to look at her she had purple eyes and pink hair she had a tall purple witches hat on her head.

"Perfect! My name is Aly we should totally form a party together." The girl said with a vibrant smile.

Terry shrugged as the line shrunk, "I don't really know you so..."

"It's a perfect chance to get to know me." She giggled lightly, "Besides as I said I never seen you hear before it's dangerous for low-level mages like you to go on any mission by yourself."

"It seems it isn't common knowledge that you are a Tomefinder Terry," Erebus said in Terry's head.

Terry laughed, "Yeah I am a newbie. You're offering to show me the ropes?"

The line continued to shrink Terry was the next. He overheard the receptionist known as Beca speaking to the person in front of him. "This is what Master Caim has cleared you to do." She said pressing a button.

The mage in front of Terry looked to the left and right at seemingly nothing, "I'll do this one." The mage said pointing to the left of the desk.

"Alright." Beca said with a smile, "We'll expect you here in two days."

Terry walked forward and stopped in front of the desk. Ok, what task do you have for me?" Terry questioned.

Beca smiled and nodded her head pressing a button. After she pressed it seven papers that were seemingly see-through floated up in front of Terry over the desk. Terry read them silently all of them had a large S on the top right corner with a reward of eight thousand gold pieces each. Terry smiled as he read.

"You just started I bet you can only do bottom level missions I'm a C level mage after all. You can get more gold if you do my missions." She said pushing herself in front of Terry. The holographic papers floating over the desks instantly disappeared.

"Hello, Aly." Beca smiled, "Here are the missions Master Caim has cleared for you to do."

Aly didn't waste time, "I want this one." She said happily pointing to an empty space from Terry's perspective, "And he'll be joining me." Aly pointed to Terry.

"You know the reward will be split if you take a party member Aly?" The receptionist questioned.

Aly nodded her head.

The receptionist turned her attention to Terry, "And are you sure you want to take this level of a mission it is out of your suggested level?"

Terry was about to say something but Aly spoke before him, "Of course it's out of his level but he'll have nothing to worry about I'll show him the ropes!" Aly said proudly.

"We could tell her that we are way above her and that we take class S missions, but I worry if we do she'll want to come with us and I don't want you to worry about protecting a low-level mage you just met."

Terry sighed talking to Erebus in his head, "I guess I could just take this low-level mission just so I know what they are like." Terry looked up at the receptionist and smiled, "Yeah I'll take the mission."

The receptionist bowed and smiled widely, "Thank you. You will be expected back in two days."

Ally smiled grabbing Terry's hand pulling him away from the line so the people behind them can get their tasks, "So our reward is going to be five hundred for each of us. That's how much I used to get paid when I did D class missions so I'm not worried about it." She said happily.

"I see and I really wasn't paying attention what would I get paid for the class I'm on?" Terry questioned.

"Well. D class get's paid five hundred. You would be in E class so your mission would only pay out Two hundred and fifty." Terry smiled I see.

"So, I'm doing you a favor. You're going to be paid double what you would normally get paid." She giggled, "Your welcome."

Terry laughed with her, "Well that's generous of you."

"Well let's go." Ally said putting her arms out running feeling the air flowing through her fingers as she ran. Her long pink hair bouncing behind her as she ran.

Terry followed her walking at his normal pace. When they both got outside Terry looked at Aly smiling, "So what's our mission?"