Two thousand years prior.

"You sure this will work? That this can seal him away?" A man dressed in ornate armor questioned a man in drab with a smithing hammer in hand."

"Yes, Lord Kensei. I put all the incantations required throughout the labyrinth needed. If Erebus enters this labyrinth he will be forced to condense into one single entity which will give us a chance to speak to him. Bargain even."

"Are there any symptoms from entry?" Kensei questioned the apparent architect.

"I have tested it a bit. I have tried putting criminals with dark hearts into the labyrinth. They die quickly from having the darkness in their hearts ripped out of them by the labyrinth."

Kensi looked at the architect whose long white beard drooped down to his stomach. His eyes were dark brown and his skin was wrinkled with age. "Have you tried anyone else besides criminals?"

"To survive the labyrinth someone would have to be a god or be completely pure of heart… and even if I could find the pure of heart with how I designed it they would die of dehydration before they would ever find an exit as there isn't one." The architect explained.

Kensie nodded his head in understanding, "I see I see. Now… what is next how would we lure the dark god into the labyrinth?"

"It's simple. We leave the door open if any of him wonders in he will be pulled inside." The architect smiled wide.

"And we could have the chance of finally being rid of him forever." Kensie smiled, "You're a genius."

The architect bowed, "Of course my lord. A couple more things." The architect turned to the wall next to the freshly built labyrinth's sealed entrance. He pulled the set of golden armor off the wall and held it up to Kensei. "This armor will protect you from the labyrinth's enchantments."

Kensei took the armor, "Thank you. Anything else?"

"Yes my lord. This." The architect pulled out a black book. "Once he gathers together as a single entity you can use this to seal him away."

Kensei took the book and bowed lightly, "You are dismissed Inari."

The old architect smirked, "So you knew." The beard disappeared into mist the lines of age disappeared as a robe formed around the man's body. A white fox mask appeared over the architect's face. His voice changed it sounded as if multiple people were talking at the same time. "How did you know?"

"I knew with how fast you worked that this could only be finished with the power of a god… Inari was just a guess." Kensei chuckled to himself feeling proud.

"Hmm... " Inari tilted its head, "Adorn the armor so we can begin."

Kensei sighed, "Alright." He hadn't ever worn any armor then the armor he was wearing at that point. It was a family heirloom that was passed down countless generations. He adorned the golden armor that seemingly started to shine in a golden light as he wore it.

"It suits you, lord Kensei. As long as you wear the armor you will be safe in the labyrinth. Now enter." Inari said waving its arm towards the door it began to glow bright blue. It rose to allow entry."

Kensei entered and sat down at the entrance looking down at the darkness in the distance. His armor glowed brilliantly it seemingly attacked the darkness around him not letting it draw near. His heart began to race as he thought about speaking to the god of darkness for the first time. The god that had been tormenting the world before Kensei was even born.

A chill rose through Kensei's spine as darkness rushed inside the labyrinth it felt like a cold wind. His armor was barely able to defend him from the mass amount of darkness that rushed in almost like it was being sucked into the labyrinth. A silhouette began to form in the darkness. Red eyes gazed at Kensei. Seemingly staring into his soul.

"A...are you Erebus?" The lord questioned. His heart raced his entire body felt cold. It was hard to not start quivering in fear. 'This feeling of fear. I've never felt anything like this in my life."

"I do not know how you pulled me into one place… but speak." The entity questioned. Its voice sounded almost like a choir that was growling and shrieking at the same time.

Kensei was quiet. He slowly began to stand focusing on not letting his shaking legs reveal his fear.

"Speak now. I don't have much time." Erebus growled.

"You have tormented my people before I have even been around. You have killed countless people… and we have brought you here to ask you to stop."

Erebus chuckled and took a step forward seemingly causing the entire labyrinth to shake. "You think it's that easy? Have you ever tried asking a fire not to burn? Or a river not to flow? If you expect me not to spread despair. To not destroy maim murder kill… you have another thing coming."

Kensei gulped hard, "We weren't sure if you would refuse or not. No one's ever been able to talk to you because you are always seemingly spread throughout the world as a force of nature. I just want to stop our people's suffering. Even if it means I have to use this." Kensei held up the black book that Inari gave him.

Erebus laughed again disappearing for a moment only to appear behind Kensei a ghostly hand touched the shoulder of the armor. The light that the armor resonated instantly went out, "That's rich! You expect a Tome would be able to hold a primal. For countless years I have raged free to kill any I wish. I spread my darkness and decay throughout the world before humanity drew breath"

"I'm doing everything I can… I have to try." Kensei whispered as the chill of despair spread through his entire body. His armor making soft clinging sounds as he trembled in fear.

Erebus slinked around to Kensei's front looking him in the eye. "You are drenched in fear and yet you are not paralyzed. I will give you a chance. Try your luck lock me in that Tome. Try it."

It took everything Kensei had to open the Tome to fight the urge to remain still in the presence of such a terrifying entity. Yet he was able to open the Tome and hold it forward. A white light lit up the entire labyrinth as it sucked the dark entity into its pages. The entity did not move or fight or react. It simply remained still as it faded away and was locked in the pages of a BlackTome.

Kensei held the tome and slowly left the labyrinth only to run into Inari after exiting the Tome. "You did it! Good job," Inari said playfully grabbing the book out of Kensei's hand with blinding speed. "But I will be keeping this. Can't trust a human with this kind of power."

Inari disappeared in a plume of smoke. The labyrinth door closed behind Kensei leaving him alone in the building made to conceal the massive maze. Kensei sighed and collapsed to his knees. "At least it's over for now." He muttered into the silent room.