"So do we know who the Tomefinder is?" Terry questioned Darryl who sat across from him cross-legged in the chariot.

Darryl's vermillion red hair blew in the strong wind that blew in from the outside. He shook his head, "No it's just the same person called it in." He lifted his head up in thought for a brief moment and suddenly snapped his fingers, "Oh yeah uh... Maya, I think her name was."

"So it is in that orphanage. Honestly, I didn't really ever expect to be going back there." Terry said with a light chuckle. "Is there any other info?"

Darryl huffed, "Not that I can think of. Just like last time she didn't mention any name just the location she suggested bringing you. She said it should make it a bit easier collecting the Tomefinder to come if you came along."

"But I don't really know anyone at the orphanage that really liked me. I knew quite a lot of people that didn't like me especially...." Terry grew quiet.

"Like who?" Darryl questioned.

"I swear if it's who I think it is. I'll kill him," Terry said coldly.

"Let's not let it get that far no reason to get violent. Who do you think it is?" Darryl questioned.

"That orphan that pretended to be the Tomefinder the first time. Remember him? His name is Roger and was a big bully to everyone else in the orphanage and knowing my luck lately he found one. Bet he went into the same ruins where I found Erebus."

Darryl was quiet for a moment, "Well maybe he wanted to see you and apologize to you or something and wanted to see you. All we're doing is getting him back to the circle alive that's our job. That you agreed to."

"I know." Terry growled lightly, "It just irritates me is all that kid doesn't deserve power like this."

Darryl laughed, "You know it may not be the kid you think it is. Maybe she just wanted you to come cus she wanted to be able to see you again. I mean the woman raised you right?"

Terry shook his head, "I liked her but I don't think she cared for me that much especially after I found out about what she did to the orphans there."

"What? What are you talking about?" Darryl questioned sounding confused.

"Nothing really just that she was a bit of a monster herself... and a lot of kids were hurt because of her." Terry repositioned himself in his seat and bit his lip, "Nevermind."

Darryl nodded his head, "Alright. I will. We're almost there do you want to challenge the Tomefinder or would you rather me do it?"

Terry sighed, "If it's anyone but Roger I'll do it I guess but if it is you need to do it cus I'll probably kill him."

"Understood," Darryl said with a smile at least your honest, "But there is something that you need to prepare for."

"What's that?" Terry questioned looking outside the window the sun was starting to go down.

"Well they probably found the Tome in the same ruin you found Erebus in... and Erebus beat me and Phoenix together there is a chance that whoever is in that Tome is stronger than me and a smaller chance that they are stronger then Erebus," Darryl said with a serious look on his face.

"I don't think we need to worry about that," Terry said lounging back in his seat and closing his eyes deciding to nap on the way back to his old home.

Roger back at the Orphanage sat on the front porch with Matron Maya, "Whoever comes are going to want to fight me like they did Candlelight huh?" Roger questioned looking over at Maya.

"Possibly are you worried?" Maya questioned slowly rocking back and forth on her chair.

"Heck no I'm not scared it's not going to be a repeat of last time," Roger said remembering the last time Tomefinders came to the orphanage and how bad they embarrassed him.

"I don't think it will be. I can see it in you. You are much stronger than you were back then even though you really haven't grown to bond with that spirit yet."

Roger looked to the left noticing the chariot approaching in the dead of night, "So I have to ask you all those times you told us about monsters that come out at night were those lies or something?" Roger questioned.

"Of course. Kids are pretty easy to deceive and I wanted to make sure everyone came inside at an easy time." Maya said looking toward the approaching chariot, "Seems the funs about to start. Have fun, Roger. Maya said with a laugh as she watched the chariot slow down to a stop in front of the orphanage.

The door opened slowly as Terry hopped out followed by Darryl. "Ugh, I knew it would be you," Terry said with a grimace on his face.

"Candlelight... I was hoping you would come." Roger said cracking his knuckles as he stood up from his seat trying to look tough.

"You're really calling me candlelight after I burnt you to a crisp last time we dueled?" Terry asked with a sly smile.

Roger closed his eyes, 'Eris.' Saying her name in his head led him back to the golden throne room standing in front of her seated in the golden throne. "We really need to beat him. You said I had was stronger right? So we should be stronger than him."

Eris smiled wide, "Do you know anything about the spirit living inside him?"

Roger shook his head, "No I don't."

"Then I don't know if I'm a match for him or not.... hmm. Give me control." She said quietly, "I will see what I can do."

"I can do that?" Roger questioned.

"Yes you can now can I have control yes or no?" She questioned impatiently.

"Uh... sure go ahead," Roger said his heart racing quickly.

Terry looked at Roger who suddenly went still something he wasn't used to seeing unless Roger was sleeping, "You still in there?" Terry questioned walking towards the porch.

Roger opened his eyes they shined a brilliant yellow. "Ahh, there we go," Roger said his voice sounding distorted and higher pitched. He began to walk off the porch to meet Terry swaying his hips left and right almost like an exotic dancer.

"What in the?" Terry's eyes widened at the absolute changes in Roger's mannerisms,

"So you're the one my host hates? You don't seem like much buuuut looks can be deceiving can't they?" Eris asked through Roger's body as she continued to approach Terry putting Roger's hand against Terry's face. "So tell me what spirit is living inside of you?"

Terry's face grew bright red and pulled away from Roger's touch.

"Seems a female spirit was in that Tome," Darryl said with a laugh watching Terry's face seemingly grow redder by the second.

Terry shook his head, "I'm not telling you.... but." Terry sighed having trouble speaking.

"We'll fight you if we need to. If you want to show off your true strength." Darryl said calmly pushing himself in front of Terry.

Eris chuckled lightly, "Seems someone has a crush on my host... but sure we can fight might as well get used to this new body. Seems males aren't too much different than females besides of course what's in between the legs." Eris said with a light giggle.

Terry sighed his face was starting to turn a purple hew, "I'll be waiting in the chariot." Terry said jumping back in the chariot slamming the door behind him.

Darryl laughed, "Poor guy... anyway there's a battleground behind this building we can spar there."

Eris held Roger's hand up a shining golden apple appeared in her hand, "Sounds perfect."