
"Why does he hate me so much??"Meenakshi screamed through the tears that made their way down her cheeks.

"Can't blame him. Why would he like a great walking dumb anyway?" her inner mind stated.


Meenakshi silenced her inner mind and collapsed on the floor, with tears in her eyes.

"I-I don't understand! Why does everyone hate me so much??? What have I done to them? Is it my fault that I was born into this world?

I've never been harsh enough to anyone. I've never treated anyone badly! I never harmed anyone! Then, why do people hate me so badly? What's wrong with me?"

She leaned her back on the wall beside her bed and let her emotions overflow with screams and tears. It's been a long time she's let her feelings out in the open.

Suddenly, her blurry vision caught a figure fly past her window. It was so quick, like a blink of the eye.

Meenakshi frowned and rose from the ground. She forgot everything and walked towards the window to see if someone was watching her or not.

Intuitive or not, she always felt a wired sensation about a pair of eyes watching her every move constantly. She peeked through the window and looked around, but there was nothing!

She sighed and closed the window. Someone was watching her! But she can't figure out who the person was and why he/ she was watching her?

Is it a sign of danger?

Meenakshi was lost in her thoughts when she found another letter lying on the floor. It looked similar to the previous ones she got.

What if the person who was watching her left it here? Was he/ she A?

She immediately picked up the letter and hastily tore the envelope. She was curious about what it might be this time!

"Dear Meenakshi,

The Universe gifts the people who believe they're worthy of it.

The one who's own mind strikes a battle against her, can never embrace the gifts life has to offer.

Why waste your precious tears on things that you've no control over? We can't make people love or hate us! It's their decision.

But it's our choice to embrace ourselves.

Love yourself, Meenakshi! Because it's the only person that stays with you till the end.

And remember.

I'll Always Love You. No matter what decisions you make."


Meenakshi felt her breath calming with the words scripted on the letter. She didn't know why, but they had a vast effect on her They filled her with new hope and positivity.

Meenakshi recorded it in her head to thank the person when she meets him/her. Someday.

But still, how was she supposed to love herself? The person she hated the most in her life was her self. Then how is it possible that she loves the person whom she despises the most in this world!

Her self!

It was even more difficult than loving Dhruv!

"Wait? Not Dhruv! He's even more difficult! Eww!"

"You bet he is." her mind said.

Then the thought struck dropped in Meenakshi's head like an atom bomb.

If she needs to love her self then she needs to know why people hate her?

And she knew whom to start with...


The maid silently handed the bowl of soup to her master who was drenched in his chain of thoughts.

He hated the predicament he was in. It made him feel weak and powerless. The thought of the ACP doing it boiled his blood.

"He has a few days of solace to keep on planet earth."

He mumbled to himself, forbidding it from the ears of the maid who bowed down and left the room.

But there was one question still ringing in his mind.

Who would've given ACP the tip about his location? Except for his gang members, nobody knew about it! And he had kept a strong surveillance on his gang members from the beginning! Even at Iqbaal.

Then who could be the biting snake?

The thought of Meenakshi being involved in it crossed his mind. But he had collected every detail about her! That scared mice can't even speak her name properly, then how would she even contact the police? And even if she did, he'll would've know it even before that bitch stepped her foot in his bloody mansion!

The thought of her being in his life made him tighten his fist in anger.

She's doesn't even match the level of his dirt!

He sipped the hot chicken soup, it's warmth calming his mind. His taste buds melted at the taste of celery, corn, and some pepper. It was his all-time favorite!

But there was something different about it!

The moment he gulped in the soup, his throat started to burn. He cupped his throat with his left arm to ease the pain, but it was increasing with each passing second.

Dhruv crawled towards the glass of water and gulped in the liquid in a go! The pain didn't go at all! In reverse, it increased!

He tried to find his phone, but it was not in the bed. He scanned around desperately, his eyelids feeling heavy like metal.

He knew he won't be able to make it for long! Was this going to be his end?

He groaned painfully, trying to scream but nothing was coming out of his mouth.

Soon, he felt something warm filling his mouth. It tasted salty and metallic. He felt like vomiting it out.

He touched his mouth with his left hand and saw red liquid staining his fingers.

It was blood!

With whatever energy left of him, he tried to crawl out of his bed and reach the door. He needs to get out of his room!

His right arm afflicted unbearably and he squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't take the pain anymore!

The bandages on his arm scraped out from the friction created, oozing out blood and opening the wound.

He won't be able to make it. Maybe this was going to be his last day.

He closed his eyes to accept his demise.

But as if, fate hasn't given up on him yet, the door immediately opened and Dhruv found a ray of light hitting his eyes.

Was he already in hell?

A tall black silhouette approached him and immediately pulled him in his arms.

Dhruv found a pair of chocolate brown eyes staring back at him. They bore so much concern in them. He was astounded to find someone who'll show that much affection towards him!

Meenakshi: Follow my voice! You've to co-operate with me! Sit straight and don't stop the vomit!

He followed her instructions, but the pain wasn't going away.

Meenakshi pulled his back straight, trying to keep him awake.

"Stay With Me!"

Her voice was very soft and soothing.

She rubbed his back while her fingers dialed Iqbaal's number. She was thankful for her idea of saving all the numbers!

"Iqbaal! Call the doctor immediately!"

"What happened?" A confused Iqbaal asked.


She shouted at him with all her energy. She wasn't prepared to take any shits right now.


Meenakshi turned her attention back to who was already drooling blood and his eyes closed.

