
"Listen to me. Breathe. In and out."

Meenakshi patted his face, while sprinkling some water on his eyelids.

"You're strong. Don't loose it! The doctor is coming. Keep breathing. Stay with Me."

"Stay With Me."

The words echoed around the darkness within which Dhruv found himself standing. He tried to look around for some. But all he received was black.

"You're a fighter. Don't let it spread! Stay Awake!"

He hears the voice instructing him.

"Listen to my voice."

He tried to open his eye lids but they were too heavy. He internally followed the voice and inhaled deeply. He sensed a warm hand rubbing his back. It felt soothing, but the pain wasn't going away.

"Good. Keep breathing."

Dhruv visiualised a small source of light flashing through the darkness. He ran towards it , while hearing the voice.

Everything looked so bright that he had to squeeze his eyes shut. A deep slumber hit his eyes and gradually his senses faded into the oblivion.


"Don't worry. He's out of danger." the doctor assured.

"Thanks, Doc." Iqbaal replied.

"Don't thank me. It's the lady kept him concious for so long. Its the only reason due to which the poison didn't spread that much and I could treat Dhruv out of it. Else, there was no chance."

Iqbaal turned towards Meenakshi who was standing behind him with a concerned look.

"Thanks Meenakshi. I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there." His gratitude was genuine and Meenakshi felt a sudden wave of elation warming her heart.

She replied with a meek smile.

The doctor took his leave while Meenakshi internally thanked her decision of talking to Dhruv.

But, what if she got late? What would've happened then?

A gang of questions crowded her mind, exclusively the idea of who being the person daring to poison Dhruv.

"Poison is a woman's weapon."

She remembered the dialogue from Game Of Thrones which she secretly used to binge with Ryan at late nights!

She repented every moment of watching the episodes as half of them were engaged with naked people and sex!

Meenakshi shook her head, reminiscing the terrible experience she had watching it. It was horrifying to the extent that she was forced to abandon it at Season 4!

And speaking of terrible, Meenakshi noticed Veronica running towards them. She completely ignored Meenakshi and approached Iqbaal.

"Is he alright?" she asked

Meenakshi couldn't guess why, but the concern in Veronica's face wasn't very convincing. It seemed as if she was trying very hard to nail the look of extreme concern towards her subject!

"He's safe now." Iqbaal assured her.

Veronica released her breath and relaxed her shoulders. Though, it did seem like she was not satisfied with the news.

"But, what happened?"

Her hazel eyes stared at Iqbaal questioningly.

"Doc said he was poisoned."

Hearing the news, Veronica immediately snapped her head towards Meenakshi direction. Meenakshi frowned at the red eyes that shot glares directed at her per second.

And within a few minutes she felt her throat being squeezed like a sponge by a pair of hands.

"YOU! I know what you did, bitch! I won't let you survive after this!"

Iqbaal grabbed Veronica by her arms and pulled her away. Making her release the grip on Meenakshi who was coughing profusely.

She coughed a few times suffering for some air to reach her windpipe.

"Leave me! I'll kill her today!"

Veronica tried to loose free from Iqbaal's hold.

"No Veronica! You're getting her wrong.She saved Dhruv from the poison."

Veronica ceased throwing her arms midway and widened her eyes in utter stock. Her face appeared as if someone died!

"O-Oh." was the only response she could manage.

Iqbaal released her.

Vijay joined them, utterly confused.

"What's the matter? Why so much noise here?"he asked.

"Nothing. You take Meenakshi to her room. I'll handle things here." Iqbaal commanded

Vijay nodded in agreement, but a voice stopped him.

"No need. I'll go myself."

Meenakshi spared a last glance at Veronica and walked away from the hall.  She was still angry at Vijay.


Someone knocked on her door while Meenakshi was cleaning her room. The room was almost inhabitable.

She walked towards the door and opened it to find Vijay standing in front of her.

Meenakshi narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you doing here?"

" I came to apologise for that day. I'm really sorry. Trust me. I didn't mean it." Vijay apologised.

Meenakshi sighed.

" It's ok."

Hearing her response, his face immediately lighted up.

"Thank You, Meenakshi. I feel like a huge burden lifted off my shoulder."

Meenakshi frowned.

"But why would it matter to you? I mean, I'm quite used to people not giving a damn about what I feel about them." she added.

"Haha It's because I feel for you."

Meenakshi widened her eyes,as if he had grown horns. What did he mean?

Vijay as if understanding the expression immediately added up.

"Hey! Not like that! I meant like a small sister. I had one like you." he smiled with a sad expression.

She felt compelled towards his emotion and told him to come inside.

"Whoa! What's happening here?" he looked at the things scattered in the room.

"Cleaning the room." Meenakshi replied.

"Ohoo. Do you need help?"

"No, it's fine. I just like to stay busy. Sitting jobless makes me frustrated.

Btw , if you don't mind me asking. What happened to your sister? Where is she?"

A sad atmosphere replaced Vijay's jolly demeanour. Meenakshi immediately felt guilty for asking. Damn her curiosity.

"My sister was raped and murdered at the age of 10. She was abducted by our Master ,who regularly used to take girls from our colony. I heard about it when I was working in the mine fields with Dhruv under our fucking Master's tyranny! I found her naked dead body in the garbage dump. Can't explain what it felt to find my sister's body covered with blood and dirt.

There was no one to stay beside me except Dhruv. He told me to take revenge and the next day came the news of Master's demise. From that day, I started to follow his footstep.! I knew that I once my hands were stained by blood, they can't be wiped away. And I didn't try anyway."

Vijay wiped his tears while Meenakshi tried to control her own. She walked towards him and held his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel right now." she squeezed his shoulder.

Vijay silently nodded his head.

"My sister was just like you. Sweet, kind and helpful. If she would've been alive,she would've been just like you.

This is the reason I feel protective towards you. Because I see my little sister Tara in you."

Meenakshi smiled at him, her emotions scrambled.

I'm glad you do. I am your small sister."

"Meenakshi? Would you listen to me as a big brother advicing you?" he asked.


"Stay away from Dhruv. He's dangerous and you don't know what he's capable of! I can't bear him harming you."

Meenakshi didn't know what to say. She knew that Vijay was right.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Meenakshi opened it to find Iqbaal standing.

He noticed Vijay in her room, but didn't care to make a buzz about it. He stared back at Meenakshi and spoke.

"Dhruv is awake. He wants to see you, Meenakshi.
