
"Are you sure Vijay?" The old man scrutinized Meenakshi skeptically.

"Please, chacha. She's my small sister and currently, she needs your help. You're the only guy I could think of. Please help us!"

Meenakshi stared at the two engaged in conversation.

One week passed, Meenakshi concluded that she needs a job. Her emergency money was running out and the food she was eating was insufficient. She was getting weaker each day. And for the challenge, she needed to stay healthy and fit!

But getting a job was tough, as she had no such qualification. So Vijay suggested her to go for something that needs less qualification, but more labor. Then it came to Meenakshi, that she had the gift of cooking.

"Ok, fine. I'll give her a chance." Suleman chacha smiled at Meenakshi, whose eyes were sparkling with hope.

Finally, she got a job.


Meenakshi watched out for the letters that arrived regularly to her in mysterious ways. She always waited for them as they filled her with new hope.

Today was her first day of work, so she was excited and nervous. She re-read the old letters to give herself some air of confidence.

Dear Meenakshi,

"Do you know how the Universe works? It gifts us what we believe we're capable of getting.

If you believe you're capable of getting hatred, it'll give you hatred. If you believe you are capable of getting love, it'll give you love.

Believe Meenakshi. Believe that you're worthy enough.

Nobody in this can measure your worth because you're precious in your way.

Let yourself know that."

Meenakshi folded the letter back. She got herself ready in a blue Salwar kameez ( traditional Indian dress). The colors were off and some stitches were open, so Meenakshi had to take time in getting the dress together to make it apt for wearing. 

The mansion was as usual silent with all the maids and servants scattered to their daily errands. Dhruv and his whole gang including Vijay was gone to Dubai for three days, to make a deal. So, Meenakshi was all on her own.

She walked out of the gates and walked on the road. She thought of booking a cab, but her money was running out and she wasn't sure whether she would sustain her new job.

"You're going to make some blunder today." her mind protested.

Meenakshi felt her body trembling as she stood in front of the huge building.

The hoarding on the top of the door read...

'Shahi Nawab'

It was one of the best Indian restaurants in Malaysia. Meenakshi heard about it a lot of times from Ryan, before coming here. And now she was going to work here.

For a moment, Meenakshi felt like running away from her.

"I can't do this!" Her mind screamed.

With slow steps, she walked towards the door and opened it. A short, stout woman in her 50s greeted her.

"Hi! I'm Neelima. You can call me Neelu."The lady smiled at her, showing her a set of white teeth.

Meenakshi smiled back.

"You're a new girl, na? I heard about you from Suleman. Welcome!"Neelu introduced Meenakshi to all the other staff in the kitchen. The restaurant was yet to open, so everyone was getting ready. They all greeted Meenakshi, except a guy named Dravid.

His eyes spat pure venom at her and he didn't care to speak with her. Meenakshi felt bad, but she thought to let it go.

Everyone was busy preparing the dishes, while Suleman walked in. He looked stern like a rod and his face showed no light of sympathy.

"Everybody!! I want the dishes to be perfect! I'll be tasting them myself before letting them reach the tables! And if I find a small mistake, I'll be cutting your salary!"

Everyone in the room nodded and scurried back to their work. Meenakshi clutched her bag tightly, looking around for some hint.

What was she supposed to do?

"Hey You! New Girl! Come here."The man's voice startled her and she walked towards him with trembling steps.

"Today, your work will be to take the orders and serve the tables. I don't want any mistake to happen.Is that clear?"

Meenakshi nodded her head in positive.

"Now, go and change into the service uniform."Suleman pointed his finger towards the door on his left.

"You've 5 mins!"

Meenakshi rushed towards the door and found many dresses stacked on a steel rod. She picked one, which she guessed was her size, and wore it in haste.

She turned towards the mirror that was placed in the center of the room and observed a lady in a white blouse and red trousers. A long slim red apron draped the blouse and half of the trouser tightened on the waist with a black belt. Her head owned a beautiful, statement chef hat in the colors of red, white, and black. It bore the logo of the restaurant.

All in all, she looked like a fancy waitress.

After shoving her old clothes in her bag, she stepped out of the dressing room and walked towards Neelima who was busy managing a few stuffs.

She noticed Meenakshi and immediately grabbed her by the shoulder.

"You look so cute in this dress, Meenakshi! Now, Suleman wants you to start with serving the order on Table.No. 5."Neelima handed her a huge tray with three dishes on it. It was quite heavy for Meenakshi.

"Don't drop it, Ok? Now go! Don't make the customers wait. Else Suleman will get angry. Go! Go!"

Meenakshi slowly stepped out of the kitchen, balancing the tray on her right hand. She had to be careful with her path as many people were walking past her.

"One blow and you're dead!" Her mind sang.

"Don't drop it, Meenakshi! Don't drop it!"

She looked around for Table 5 and found it at the end of the hall. Shit.

She took careful steps, her flats hitting the cold marble. Her breath was hitching. What if she can't make it?

Suddenly, her foot tripped into something and she felt her whole weight being dragged down. Her face kissed the ground, while the tray fell on the table in front of her, the contents in it sprang out on its respected consumers.

"What the heck!!"

The couple on the table started to shout.

Meenakshi stood from the ground, finding her apron adorned with chicken curry, prawn pieces, and some rice. And rest of the pieces decorated the suit and saree of the husband and wife, who glared at her.

Suleman managed the situation and the storm was silenced for the moment. But Meenakshi knew that the real storm was coming for her.


"First day! You ruined my reputation in front of my customers in just your first day!!! Great job!"Meenakshi listened to his scolding with her head downcast. She couldn't comprehend on what she tripped. She was walking very cautiously.

"You're Fired!"

Meenakshi didn't say a word and walked out of the empty kitchen. On her way, she overheard one of the guys named Dravid speaking to another man.

"This was meant to happen. In a restaurant like this, we worked so hard so to get ourselves a chance for working here! And her?

She simply got selected due to good contacts. I bet she seduces influential men to get such jobs! And poor us. We work hard to get jobs."

Meenakshi felt hot tears swelling her orbs. Why was this world so cruel? Why did nobody understand her?

She walked towards a small bench and sat on it, letting her tears flow.

She opened her back to grab some tissue when her eyes fell on a paper inside it.

Another letter.

Meenakshi picked it up and opened it hastily. Whoever sends her these, just knows when she's in dire need of them.

The letter read...

"Everyone makes a mistake.

Boldness is when you are strong enough to accept your flaws and mold them into your weapon.

Make your flaws as your biggest strength.

Learn to fight for yourself.

It's now or never..."


Meenakshi felt a sudden wave of motivation and inspiration hit her.

"You can't let it go! You can't let that Dravid talk bullshit about you! Show them that you're more than just a damsel in distress."Her mind screamed at her.

Meenakshi tightened her fist in resolution and was about to walk back when suddenly, she saw a lady walking out of the restaurant. Meenakshi didn't know why, but she hid behind the wall to sneak on that lady.

The lady looked oddly familiar. She waited there to check on her and as if somebody has punched her hard on the belly, she noticed a pair of hazel eyes scanning the area around.

Meenakshi felt the puzzle pieces joining together.

It infuriated her even more.

"I'm getting my job back!" she said with determination.


"Why are you here?"

The grumpy man sat on his chair, enjoying his evening tea.

"Sir, I know I made a big mistake.And I'm wholeheartedly apologizing for it. But can you give me a second chance?"

Suleman scoffed.

"Why should I? Your mere apologies won't fix the downfall in my restaurant's reputation!"

Meenakshi contemplated something in her mind.

"I can fix it."

Suleman stared at her with a skeptical look.



Meenakshi tapped her foot impatiently on the floor, making a sound in the empty room.

She was quite nervous about her trick to fix the issue. She planned to cook a huge meal for the couple and parcel them. It included fried rice, honey chicken curry, some fresh salad, a sweet chocolate desert, and a huge white chocolate cake.

She came to know from the staff that it was their anniversary. So she especially thought of baking a special cake for them.

Meenakshi sighed at the relevance of the idea and compared it to her current unromantic marriage, where her husband had set a contract to get rid of her. Just great!

The door opened, breaking her thoughts. Suleman walked in with a stoic expression.

"Did the idea flop?" Her mind sighed in defeat.

Suleman walked towards her and looked at her blandly. There was no such expression on his face.

"Did the couple die out of eating your food? Why is he not saying anything?"


Meenakshi's face turned dry as the Autumn leaves. Did she lose her chance?

"Go to the dressing room. And get yourself a chef's hat. Don't you want to cook?"

Meenakshi looked up at him, perplexed.

Suleman smiled at her.

"The couple went mad with your food. They loved it so much that they promised to be our regular customer."

Meenakshi's lips curved into a huge. Happy tears brimmed her glistening brown universes.

Is it happening? Did she succeed in impressing them?

She hugged Suleman.

"Thank You so much! I can't tell you how much it means to me."

Suleman chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"It should be me thanking you! I never expected such a good response from our customer. Your food made it's magic!

And most importantly, you didn't run away from your mistake. You accepted it and fixed the situation.

Fewer people have such strength in them to stand back.

You're a strong woman, Meenakshi."

Meenakshi felt her heart rejoicing at the words.
