
"Come here, Jumbo."

The puppy amble towards her with a wagging tail and a dripping tongue. Meenakshi caressed his head with care and placed a bowl of rice for him. The little one ate to the content of his heart and barked in gratitude.

Meenakshi giggled at his response and pulled him in her arms. The other dogs also ran towards her to get their share.

Some stuck their heads on her lap to get more attention while others grabbed the foot. She caressed all of them with an equal amount of love and compassion.

It's been a week since she got her job and things were already changing for her. She felt more confident with each passing day and due to interacting with a lot of customers and tolerating their moods, she learned to not care about the grumpy-natured people in the mansion, and heated comments passed on her.

Though it would be wrong to say that she didn't feel terrible at days and wept like a baby, but there was Vijay, Neelima, Suleman Chacha, and the letters that always motivated her.

Suleman Chacha was a bit conserved but he taught her a lot of things. Her work there was as a chef, but he forced her to wait tables and serve people. In the process, she had to face many foul-mouthed customers who broke her building confidence.

As a result, she would cry like a baby in the dressing room, where no one could notice her. But that day, Suleman Chacha came to her.


"I saw what happened. Tell me, was it your fault?" Suleman chacha asked.

Meenakshi nodded her head sideways, while tears streamed through her eyes like a waterfall. She sat beside the mirror, her legs wrapped close to her body.

"Then, why are you crying?"

"H-he said that-that I-I..."Meenakshi wept again, her cheeks turning red.

Suleman crouched to her level.

"Look at the mirror."He gestured Meenakshi to turn towards the huge mirror in front of her. Meenakshi obeyed with flowing tears.

"What do you see?"


"That's the point. Consider your mind being a mirror like this. It shows exactly what you think you look like. But it can't show how others see you. It's just you see it.

And thoughts shape reality. The true form of yourself is the way you see yourself through the mirror of your mind.

What the man said to you doesn't change anything until you believe what he says."

Meenakshi stared at the mirror, listening to his words.

"I hope you have seen a few people in your life who are very successful and happy. A common trait in them is that they don't care what others say about them. Because they know the secret.

It's you who decides how you look."

Meenakshi blinked her eyes thoughtfully, staring at her reflection. Her eyes were swollen red and cheeks soak with a  stream of tears. Her hair was all disheveled.

"Why do you think I ask you to all the other tasks in the restaurant when you can peacefully just cook and get appreciated? Not because I hate you. It's because I want you to learn to handle people.

Cooking is an art, but managing people and learning to live through the confidence within is enlightenment.Now, wipe your tears and get back to work." Suleman stood up from the ground and was about to walk back when he remembered something.

"And remember one thing. Kill them with kindness."Suleman smiled warmly and walked out of the room.

Flashback off

Meenakshi beamed at her memory and the lesson she learned from Suleman.

The place was getting dark and cold, so Meenakshi thought to retire back to the mansion. She shivered with the wind blowing a few tresses of her hair.

She opened her bag and picked out a heap of scarfs. Whistling at her four-legged companions to approach her, she pulled them in her lap and draped a scarf in each one's body. They would all fall prey to the cold outside, so she thought to make them feel warm with the scarfs draped on their body as a dress.

She thought of making woolen clothes for them, but since there were too many, she needed some time.

Getting them all dressed in a variety of colorful scarfs, she patted their heads and walked back to the gates.

They followed her trail but were shooed away by the guards on the gate.

She amble towards the door and was quite shocked to find Dhruv standing there. He was leaning against the wall, smoking. This time, he didn't wear his shades, allowing his bare eyes to be a treat to the spectator.

Meenakshi was confused about his current location. Why out of all places on earth, he was smoking at the entrance?

Realising that she was staring at him, she shifted her attention back and walked towards the door.

"Why did you wrap a scarf on them?"

Meenakshi stopped in her tracks and turned back at Dhruv.

"It's cold outside. So they needed something to keep themselves warm." she replied with monotone.

"And what benefit do you get from that?"Dhruv glanced at her, making straight eye contact. His dark black eyes stared right through her as if trying to read her.

Meenakshi felt her breath hitching at her throat. The pair of dark orbs he owned pulled her like a black hole. She feared they'll consume her and she'll like that. Like to be consumed.

Wait! What?

She shook her head, trying to get out of the trance she was in.

"What were you asking? Uhh- Benefit."

Meenakshi cleared her throat.

"Why would I do it for any benefit?"

Dhruv narrowed his eyes at her. He arched his head sideways, twisting his lips in anticipation. It made him look even more handsome.

"Every person does something to gain benefit from it. Don't make me throw out my stomach by saying that you didn't ask for any benefit from it."

Meenakshi arched her left eyebrow. This man was seriously difficult!

"Yes, I got benefited from it. Ensuring the safety of the stray dogs made me feel happy."

Dhruv scoffed.

"Happy? So you did all of this feel happy?"

Meenakshi shrugged.

"Every person in this world seeks only one thing. Happiness. Don't you seek for it?"

Her subconscious internally clapped at the dialogue she threw.

She noticed a myriad of emotions passing through his eyes at a blink. As if what she said deeply affected him.

"Power brings me happiness."

Meenakshi rolled her eyes. Very much expected of him.

But she couldn't think of anything else as suddenly she was pinned against the wall by someone. Her brown orbs stared back at the raging black ones.

"Don't ever roll your eyes in front of me. Else the consequences won't be good!"

Meenakshi trembled in fear, not because of the threat. But because of the situation, they were in. His face was so close to her, that his warm breath fanned her nose. The whole atmosphere was electrifying and Meenakshi didn't know why, but her body burnt at the areas he touched. Her eyes unconsciously shifted to his lips.

"No! No! Control your emotions, Meena! What the heck are you thinking?" her inner mind shouted.

Meenakshi realised what she was thinking and the brutal reality hit her.

He'll never like her. Even if he did, they had a lot of differences. In short, she had no future with him.

Meenakshi glanced back at his eyes, digesting her emotions.

"What will you do?"

Dhruv was quite taken aback by the bold inquisition. And this time, she wasn't hesitating like before. Her brown eyes were challenging him.

He smirked.

"You don't know anything, little kitten! Don't challenge my strength. Even if I hold your small neck, you'll choke and die."

Meenakshi growled.

"And if I thrash my lips into yours, then you'll die out of breath!"She immediately cupped her lips with her palms after realising what she spilled out.

"What?"Dhruv's face lighted up into a cocky smirk.

"You want to kiss me, little kitten?"

"N-no...That was by mistake. I didn't mean it."

"What's happening here?"

The voice of Veronica caught their attention. Meenakshi noticed Veronica gawk at the way they were standing with each other. Dhruv released her arms and walked away from the place.

"You're crossing your limits!" Veronica shouted at Meenakshi.

Meenakshi narrowed her eyes. How dare she speak to her with such audacity, after trying to ruin her first day at job?

"If someone is crossing her limit here, then it's you! So just shut your mouth and get lost."

Veronica was quite shocked by Meenakshi's ferocious reply.

"How dare you talk to me like that!"

Meenakshi smirked at her.

"I've every right to! Don't take my silence as a green signal to say anything to me! I won't tolerate your heinous acts every time!"

"Heinous!!!! I'll make sure that your petty mouth is sealed!!! Such an audacity you've! Did you forget who I am? I'm Dhruv's fucking queen! If I tell this to him, you'll be dead before you even blink!"

"Yes, sure! Go, tell him! Also, add the point that how you mixed poison in his soup!"

Veronica was startled at what Meenakshi said.

"W-what did you say?"

"What you heard. Don't think of me as a fool. I can see through your acting. Experiences have taught me well to analyse what's out of place.

I know that it was you. You were the only one except me, present in the mansion that day."

Veronica fumbled nervously.

"Y-you are lying!"

"If I am, then why are you sweating? You look scared. You shouldn't be scared if you are not at fault."

Veronica didn't say a word and walked away from the place. She needs to get things done fast.


Shahi Nawab reached the rank of one of the best Indian restaurants with Meenakshi as the cook in no time.

Customers crowded the place like a flock of sheep. They all wanted to get a taste of Chef Meenakshi's creation. Meenakshi was promoted to one of the head chefs because of this.

Suleman chacha was more than elated to have Meenakshi as his head chef. She never complained about the load of orders and treated every customer with care. She also advised the staff to record the special dates of their customers, so that they can organize special delicacies for them. She sometimes served them herself, her sweet and compassionate behavior stealing the heart of some.

Drabur wasn't happy with her success, so he tried to mess up Meenakshi's food many a time. But Meenakshi always kept a backup due to which she won every situation.

And just like in the mansion, she won hearts in the mansion too. Irrespective of the cold behavior and distancing, she always tended to their welfare.


Iqbaal roamed around the room impatiently, worried about his wife's current condition. She was sick and needed some attention, but Iqbaal couldn't leave Dhruv's side.

He knew that Dhruv would grant him a leave, but he knew that if he left now, hell would break down on Dhruv. The other members were difficult to trust, especially when they were not under his surveillance.

Meenakshi noticed it while walking out of the room for her daily routine of feeding her little friends.

She approached Iqbaal, confused about his anxious look.

"What happened? Everything all right?"

"My wife is sick. She needs some attention right now! But I can't leave Billa's side." Iqbaal said.

Meenakshi blinked her eyes in thought.

"I can help."

Iqbaal frowned at her.


"Let me take care of her."

"No, it's ok Meenakshi. You've your job to do."

"No worries. I can work at home and take care of her simultaneously." Meenakshi smiled.

"But what about your challenge, Meenakshi? You've only one week left."

Meenakshi sighed. He had a point.

"It's fine! I'm quite financially stable now, so if Dhruv throws me out, I'll manage a place to live. Your wife's health is more than a stupid challenge now."

"Thanks, Meenakshi." Iqbaal said in pure gratitude.

The next day, Meenakshi packed her bag to Iqbaal's house and took care of his wife Shyamala for the whole week, while doing her work at home.

Shyamala already started to love Meenakshi and her food. They gossiped for long hours and Shyamala told her about how she married Iqbaal.

Dhruv on the other side heard from Iqbaal about Meenakshi's decision and internally he was quite impressed. So, he thought to extend the date.

Not to mention, all the week he thought about what she said that day.

Did she wanted to kiss him?
