
Days passed and not a shadow of him... 

Or maybe it was weeks since Meenakshi last saw Dhruv. Did Dhruv really walk out of her life for real? 

So maybe,he didn't love her afterall. 

But why did it make her feel bad was a mystery. 

Was she expecting something else? 

Was she expecting him to try and hold back? 

But that was stupid to expect. She said to him what she had to and it was the bitter truth. 

Yet she felt alone and empty. Empty without him.


How weird her life and emotions were! Everything complicated to the extent of daze and all Meenakshi could do was think about her misery.

Loving a personal wasn't wrong. But expecting something was. And she did expect things from him.

Maybe she should stop expecting. 

Other than that,her father acted weird too. He was out of town and wasn't talking to her on a regular basis. It's as if he was hiding something or going through something she had no idea of.