Mending Bonds( Part-1)

Meenakshi opened her eyes to the surroundings and found a familiar figure sitting beside her, watching her closely. 

"Meenakshi."The voice soothed her ears and she replied in her weak tone. 


The man moved closer to her bed and cupped her face with his hands, pecking her forehead softly. 

"How do you feel, beta?"

Concern flashed clearly in those teary eyes that cried a lot after watching his daughter lying unconscious in the hospital bed. 

 "Completely fine." She managed to give a weak smile

Meenakshi turned her head sideways to look around the whole room. Anirudh noticed that.

"Searching for him?" Anirudh didn't approve of Dhruv. But being a father,he couldn't deny his daughter's emotions towards that man. And there were many things Meenakshi needed to know.

Meenakshi gulped in nothing particular and nodded her head in negation. 

'N-no... Why would I?" Meenakshi faked it.