Don't Loose Hope

Sakshi stood leaning on the wall,tears spilling from her eyes. She heard Anirudh and Meenakshi's conversation and she felt guilty for not realising that something was wrong with her best friend. She was indeed worried about Meenakshi. But Sakshi had her own set of troubles she couldn't shove away. Dimitri still had a fractured leg and she couldn't do anything about the fact that the guy Mirzya challenged him in this state. She wanted to console him and talk him out of it. She even tried. But…


Sakshi walked inside Dimitri's mansion,of course without letting him know that she was coming. She knew that he wouldn't let her come or throw some excuse that he is busy. But she had to try. So she walked in herself and the guards recognised her. 

"Ma'am, Sir is busy right now. Please come later." One guard told her. 

She snorted. "What is he doing? Tell him that I won't go until he comes and meets me. I need to talk to him." 

"Ma'am but—"