Wands Are For The Weak

Kingdom of the Plains


Daniel and Ceres turned around. Assuming the room to be vacant, they were wrong. Hovering in midair was Nightmare. She was silently staring at Daniel and Ceres. Her arms were crossed.

Nightmare was very angry and frustrated. She knew what she wanted, but did they? The three of them stood silently. No one talked to each other. Without thinking properly, Daniel threw his sword at Nightmare. The sword flew right through her, flying directly into the cobblestone wall.

Upon impact, the sword made a loud shing sound. It then fell to the floor. Once it hit the floor, a noticeable crack appeared on the blade. That was trouble-some.

"That was awkward," Nightmare said, "what'd you think that would do? I'm a demon, remember?"

Nightmare uncrossed her arms. Her hands began glowing yellow. She held her arm out straight, aiming her hand right at Daniel. When she did that, a bright yellow haze began glowing all around his body.

She lifted her arm up. Daniel began squirming, trying to break free from Nightmare's evil magic. Her power was too strong for him. Ceres tried to help Daniel by grabbing his hand. But before he could begin pulling Daniel back down, Nightmare blasted him with a powerful yellow orb.

The orb hit Ceres on his chest. The impact made him go flying backwards and into the cobblestone wall. The wall cracked upon Ceres' impact. He fell to the floor. He had the wind knocked right out of him.

"I knew you'd be a problem," Nightmare said, "I should've dealt with you sooner!"

Daniel's body slowly began floating over the broken window. He was still squirming. He glanced over at Ceres to see if he was okay. Thankfully, he was.

"Why are you doing this?" Daniel said, "we did nothing to you!"

Nightmare scoffed and shook her head. "You see...that's the thing. What I'm doing is not revenge, but something far more important," she mentioned, "but hey would I tell you that?"

She then pushed her arm out even further. Daniel's body quickly flew backwards and through the window. Once he was gone, Nightmare began approaching Ceres.

He was laying up against the wall. He had dropped his wand onto the floor when he hit the wall. As she approached him, he opened his eyes. But because he was hurt, he couldn't move all too well.

Nightmare looked down at his wand on the floor. She leaned over to pick it. When she did that, Ceres tried to pick his arm up, but couldn't.

"You know there's a saying about wands," Nightmare said as she closely examined it. "It's said that wands are made for the weak. For a blockhead like yourself, I expected more. It's too bad you don't know what you're truly capable of. It's sad really."

Ceres moaned and groaned. Nightmare chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Where are my manners?" She said, "allow me."

Nightmare's hand was glowing yellow. She slowly lifted her arm up. Ceres was being lifted up off of the floor by her. Nightmare then retracted her arm, making Ceres float closer to her.

"Now where were we?" Nightmare asked as she began thinking for a moment. "That's right. Your magic."

As Ceres and Nightmare talked up in the tower, Daniel was laying flat on his back. Falling from the height of the tower really hurt him. But he's a fighter. Never gives up and never backs down.

He slowly hoisted himself back up onto his feet. He brushed off both of his arms. Looking back up at the tower, he could faintly hear Nightmare and Ceres. Daniel turned around in a complete circle to get a good look at the Kingdom. Luckily everyone was still asleep.

But how could no one hear the commotion Nightmare was causing? Someone surely must've heard something, right? It was still dark outside. The stars twinkled, and the crescent moon shined.

Bats could be seen flying all around in the air above him. But as he looked back up at the tower, he saw Ceres come flying out of the window. Daniel gasped. He watched Ceres faking towards the ground.

Daniel tried running over to try and catch him, but he wasn't fast enough. Ceres slammed into the ground, causing a small crater to appear where he impacted the ground. Daniel got down onto his knees and grabbed Ceres' hand.

Out of nowhere, Nightmare suddenly appeared. She saw Daniel sitting right next to Ceres.

"Awe, how nice of you Daniel," Nightmare said, "but you're kind of in my way."

Without turning his head to look back at Nightmare, Daniel responded to her.

"Well I'm not moving!" Daniel replied, "you can't make me."

"I can't huh?" Nightmare questioned, "watch me!"

Nightmare raised her hand that was glowing. But before she could even make her move, a fast flying blockhead flew right through her. The blockhead quickly turned around to look down at Nightmare.

"Well, well, well," Nightmare said, "if it isn't the demi-god himself."

"Nice to see you again too Nightmare," HeroBrine said.

"I see you're playing the hero now," Nightmare said, "what ever happened to being evil?"

"I had a change of heart," HeroBrine said, "and I believe you have something of Ceres's. Now be kind and give it back," he continued on to say.

"Or what?" Nightmare asked, "you'll electrocute me?"

HeroBrine shook his head. "No. Even worse!"

"I'll feed you to my dragon," another familiar voice said from behind Nightmare. He too was floating in midair. Nightmare turned around to see this blockhead.

When she looked up into the air, she saw the blockhead behind the familiar voice. Nightmare scoffed again and chuckled.

"Is that a threat...EnderBrine?" Nightmare asked.

EnderBrine shook his head. "That's a promise."

Daniel had managed to help Ceres back up onto his feet. Although, because Ceres was badly hurt, it was hard for him to maintain his balance.

Nightmare rolled her eyes, vanishing into thin air. She didn't reappear anywhere nearby. Once she was gone, EnderBrine and HeroBrine descended down to the ground. They both quickly approached Daniel and Ceres.

"Why are you here EnderBrine?" Daniel asked in an irritated tone, "you're not welcome here. Not now. Not ever. Leave now!"

"I too have a reason to be here," EnderBrine said, "not because I want to help you, but because I want Nightmare gone for good. Who am I if this world is destroyed? A nobody!"

HeroBrine looked over at EnderBrine, but didn't say anything to him. EnderBrine looked back at HeroBrine.

"Hi," EnderBrine said.

HeroBrine rolled his eyes and sighed. "Don't talk to me! I still don't like you!"

EnderBrine shook his head. "I'm not here to hurt any of you. I'm here to help you guys stop Nightmare. You and Ceres don't stand a chance against her. She's wicked, evil, and unforgiving."

"Speaking of which," Daniel said, "you two were in this story I had read. You helped Nightmare almost succeed with her plan."

"That was 235 years ago," HeroBrine argued, "we aren't the same demi-gods we once were."

"The both of you have a-lot of explaining to do," Daniel said, "follow us."

As Daniel, Ceres, HeroBrine and EnderBrine began making their way back to the Castle, Nightmare had appeared just outside of a cave in the Mesa biome. She remained in her true form.

She flew towards the entrance of the cave and entered it. Inside the cave, it was dark and cold. Dripping water sounds echoed throughout the cave. Zombies moaning, and Creepers hissing could also be heard. But none of that scared Nightmare.

As she went deeper into the cave, she came upon a small room. The room was brightly lit. Faint male blockhead voices whispered. Once she was at the door, the two male blockheads who were inside of the room turned around.

"Boss?" Peter questioned.

"Is that you?" David asked.

Nightmare hovered right outside of the room. The only thing Peter and David could see was a black figure. They could also see her yellow eyes.

"Yes," she answered as she walked through the doorway and into the room. Daniel and Peter both froze as they finally got to see what their boss actually looked like.

"Your voice has changed," David said.

"Indeed it has," Nightmare said, "allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nightmare. I'm a demon from the Eternal Darkness dimension."

Peter slightly tilted his head. He quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together. "It was you the whole time, wasn't it?"

"It was," Nightmare said, "just in disguise. Anyways, we need to move forward with phase three of our plan."

"Already?" David questioned, "but you don't have enough magic to do so."

Nightmare grabbed the wand she had stolen from Ceres out and held it in her hand. She smiled evilly at David and Peter.

"We have all the magic we need," Nightmare said, "right here in my hand. This will be enough to awaken him."

"How did you acquire that wand?" David asked.

"That doesn't matter," Nightmare said, "what does matter is that by tomorrow morning our friend will begin wreaking havoc all over the OverWorld. And there'll be no way to stop him."