Just In The Nick Of Time

Woodlands Biome, OverWorld


The night sky was as clear as it could be. The moon's light shined down upon the OverWorld. Shadows of trees, plants, and other objects obstructed the light from the moon. The trees swayed, creaking and moaning. Their leaves rustled as the gentle breeze blew.

Two blockheads were walking cautiously through the forest, accompanied by their two Llama's. Traveling through this biome was dangerous and risky for two reasons. One was because evil entities such as Zombies, Creepers, and Skeleton's roamed these parts at night. And two, was because this biome was home to the notoriously selfish Ogre's.

"The Kingdom isn't too much further away," the blockhead who was holding a map in his hand said. "The plains biome is just up ahead."

As they continued to make their way to the Kingdom of the Plains, a loud snapping sound was heard. Both of the blockheads suddenly froze. They began looking all around them to try and see what caused that sound.

"What was that?" Otto, the blockhead holding the lead's to the Llama's, asked Tommy. Tommy was Otto's friend.

"I—I don't know," Tommy replied.

The ground suddenly began to shake in a rhythmic pattern. Otto and Tommy turned around, and when they did, they saw the likely culprit behind the snapping sound—an Ogre!

The tall and fat ogre wasn't wearing any clothing. He was, however, wearing ripped and worn out black shorts. He had a large wooden bat resting on his right shoulder. Otto and Tommy gulped as they slowly lifted their heads to look up at the ogre.


"Hey Tommy?" Otto said.

"Yeah Otto?" Tommy replied.

"I think we should run!" Otto said as he began backing away from the ogre dry slowly. Tommy followed what Otto was doing. They both then turned around and began running for their lives.

The ogre grabbed his large, wooden bat with both hands. He lifted his arms up over his head, then lowering them. His wooden bat slammed into the ground. Otto and Tommy had almost lost their balance when he did that.


As Otto and Tommy were running, a sudden flash of light shined bright. The light was shining a bright purple. It was so sudden that if you blinked, you'd miss it.

"What was that?" Otto asked.

"Doesn't matter!" Tommy said, "just keep running!"

The ogre was now chasing after them, swinging his bat back and forth. Doing that, cleared the trees that stood in the ogres way. As Otto and Tommy were running, a blockhead came walking out into the open.

The blockhead was wearing a dark blue coat, with brown pants and black leather shoes. He was wearing a blue on his head. The hat had a small, yellow dotted pattern on it. Otto and Tommy turned around to see the blockhead.

As the Ogre fast approached the blockhead, he didn't move a single inch. He stood his ground. As Otto and Tommy watched, a dark green haze began glowing all around his body.

"Who is that?" Tommy asked.

"I don't know," Otto replied.

The blockhead turned his head around to look back at Otto and Tommy. His eyes were the same color as the haze glowing around his body. The blockhead smiled as he raised his arms up into the air.

Once he raised his arms up into the air above his head, three powerful bolts of lightning struck the ground. One of the lightning bolts struck him, but didn't hurt or phase him. The grass where the lightning struck turned black as it burned.

The ogre stopped running. It watched the blockhead closely. The blockhead held his arms out straight in front of him. The lightning he had absorbed came blasting out of his hands, hitting the ogre right in the stomach area.

The ogre began roaring as its entire body began shaking violently. He dropped his heavy wooden bat onto the ground. It made a clunking sound when it hit the ground.


Once the blockhead stopped electrocuting the ogre, the ogre was phased. It began rocking back and forth briefly before falling over onto his back. The ground shook when the ogre did fall over. Otto and Tommy were starstruck. Who was this mysterious and magical blockhead?

"How'd you do that?" Otto asked.

The blockhead turned around. The blue haze that glowed all around his body disappeared. His eyes turned back to normal. He began walking towards Otto and Tommy.

"Practice," he answered as he held his hand out. He had a smile on his face. "The name's Merlin."

"It's nice to meet you Merlin," Otto said as he shook Merlin's hand. After he did that he looked over at Tommy, "and this is my friend Tommy."

"Hello Tommy," Merlin said. The two of them shook hands.

"Are you like a wizard or something Merlin?" Otto asked.

Merlin nodded his head slightly. "I was once, yes."

Otto and Tommy tilted their heads slightly. What did Merlin mean by he once was a wizard? What is he now? Where'd he come from anyways?

"You were a wizard once, is that right?" Tommy questioned.

"Yes," Merlin said as he nodded his head again. "But nowadays I don't know what to call myself. A wizard? A sorcerer? I'm not so sure anymore."

"What happened?" Tommy asked.

"That demented demon Nightmare," Merlin said, "that's what happened. I was forcefully banished to another realm. Somewhere in the BlockVerse. After I was banished, I became trapped in the Eternal Darkness realm."

"Why would she banish you?" Otto said, "she must've had a motive or something."

"She wanted to rid the OverWorld of any heroes. The last I remember was her welcoming her evil friends to the OverWorld. After that, she forced me through the portal leading back to her home," Merlin said, "speaking of which, where are we exactly? How far are we from the Snowy Tundra biome?"

Tommy grabbed the map out of his inventory. He unfolded the map and glanced down at it to examine it. "Looks like a three day journey from here. Why do you need to go there?"

"To confront Nightmare," Merlin said, "she took everything from me. My spellbook, my only painting of my significant other, and 235 years of my life away."

Tommy and Otto glanced at each other. They made perfect eye contact. Tommy nodded his head once as he folded the map back up. After he finished folding the map, he put it back into his inventory.

"I hate being the one to burst your bubbles, but the OverWorld has been at peace for quite some time now," Otto explained. Tommy hit Otto's arm with his hand.

"Well not quite as peaceful," Otto said as he corrected his verbal mistake.

"What do you mean?" Merlin asked, "the OverWorld was never safe to begin with. Even when the first settlers arrived."

"Well first there was Mineaggedon. Then the Brine Family wreaked havoc all over the OverWorld. So, yeah, you're right. This world was never safe after all. Even just thinking about what could've happened if we didn't defeat the Brine Family and Mineaggedon," Otto explained.

Merlin turned around in a full circle so that he could get a feeling for what's changed since he was banished. By the looks of it, not much has evolved. Merlin looked back over at Otto and Tommy.

"Speaking of which," he said, "do you two happen to know a Leona by any chance?"

Otto and Tommy both shook their heads. "I'm afraid we don't. We're sorry."

Merlin sighed. He massaged his forehead with his hand. He reached into his inventory to grab a small piece of paper out. When he did that, he stared down at the letter. The letter was written by him and was addressed to Leona.

Dear Leona,

I'm not quite certain on how I should begin the letter. There's so much to talk about, but I just don't know where to start. So I guess I'll try.

We've been through thick and thin. From the moment we stopped King Miraz's army to the moment we marched into battle during the second Great War. From the time we sailed the mighty sea to the time we finally settled down in the jungle biome.

I will be honest with you. You were right. I knew I should've taken your advice into consideration before acting. I shouldn't have followed that strange feeling I had. I'm the reason this happened. I truly am ashamed of myself. Some days I wish I could go back in time.

To my lovely significant other, may our legends never be forgotten.



This was one of many letters written by him. Every letter he wrote was all for Leona. That is, however, if he could find her. She has to be out there somewhere, right? He needed to find her if he wanted to give her the letters. This is going to be a difficult task to complete.

"Do you think you guys could help me find Leona?" Merlin asked Otto and Tommy. The Llama's began humming as they stood by their handlers.

Otto and Tommy nodded their heads, agreeing to help Merlin find Leona. Merlin was still unfamiliar with this new world and it's biomes.

"We'll help you," Otto said, "but we need to make a quick pit-stop at the Kingdom of the Plains."