I Must Find Him

Kingdom of the Plains

Plains Biome, OverWorld

A female blockhead was walking down the hallway. Her hands were in shackles behind her back. Walking close behind her were two guardsmen. The two guards were wearing a full set of iron armor. One of them was holding the chain that was connected to the blockheads shackles, while the other was holding his iron sword in his hand.

The female blockhead had long dark brown hair, brown eyes. She was wearing a ripped and worn out red shirt and brown pants. She didn't have any shoes on. She was barefoot. The shackles rattled as she continued to walk. They came upon a single oakwood door. There was a sign above the door that read Daniel's Throne Room.

The guard holding the sword walked up to the door as the other guard waited with the female blockhead. He knocked on the wooden door three times. A faint voice shouted.

"Come in," Daniel shouted.

The guard then opened the door. The other guard yanked on the chain to make the female blockhead start walking into the room. Once everyone was in the room, the door shut behind them.

Daniel was sitting at the throne. HeroBrine, EnderBrine, Victoria and Franklin were all present too. Everyone looked at the guards as they began walking down the aisle towards Daniel and the others. Once the two guards were close enough, they both kneeled down and bowed to Daniel.

"My apologies for intruding my King," one guard said, "but this blockhead thought she could get away with stealing food from the farmers. Luckily we caught her before she could flee from the Kingdom."

Daniel squinted his eyes. He examined the female blockhead from head to toe. For some odd reason, Daniel felt as though he knew this blockhead. She looked so familiar. Who was she anyways?

"Who are you?" Daniel asked.

The female blockhead slowly raised her head and looked over at Daniel and the others. Her heart began beating faster as she became more nervous. So many eyes were on her, that she was becoming really shy. Because of that, she didn't want to talk to anyone, muchless say a single word. But if she didn't respond, this situation could escalate and get even worse for her. So she did the right thing and answered Daniel's question.

"I--I don't know who I am," she said, "I don't know my name or where I came from. Do you, perhaps, know who I am?"

Daniel was rubbing his chin with his hand. He knew this blockhead. He was sure of it. Although, he couldn't quite identify who she was. He glanced over to his right at HeroBrine. HeroBrine leaned in so that Daniel could whisper something into his ear. Daniel covered his mouth so that the mysterious and suspicious blockhead couldn't hear what he had to say. HeroBrine nodded his head as he leaned away from Daniel.

Daniel then stared back over at the female blockhead. HeroBrine disappeared into thin air and then reappeared again. Only this time, he was holding a book in his hand. He turned to face Daniel. Daniel held his hand out so that HeroBrine could give him the book.

Once Daniel was in possession of the book, he opened it and began flipping through the pages of the book. The cover was brown and worn out. It was clearly a very, very old book. The female blockhead watched him as he continued to scan through the pages. The guards watched too. He then suddenly stopped flipping through the pages, landing on the page he was looking for.

There was a moment of silence as he read the page, occasionally looking down at the female blockhead. After he was done reading the page, he raised his eyebrows and closed the book. He then handed the book back to HeroBrine.

"I knew I recognized you from somewhere," he said, "you were in that story about Steve and Alex weren't you?" Daniel asked.

The female blockhead seemed very confused as to what he meant. How could she have been in a story? After all, she couldn't remember anything. Maybe she was in the story?

"I was?" she questioned.

Daniel nodded his head as he leaped up out of his seat. He walked over to the female blockhead, making eye contact with the two guards who were accompanying her.

"Get these shackles off of her," Daniel said, "that's not how you treat a hero, now is it?"

"My apologies, your majesty," the guard said as he grabbed a key out of his inventory to unlock the shackles. After that, the female blockhead was free from being held against her will. She rubbed her wrists with her hands. Daniel held his hand out so that he could shake her hand. He had a bright smile on his face.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Daniel said, "Leona."

She hesitantly shook Daniel's hand. "Is that my name?"

"That's the name I read in the book," Daniel said, "You're the one that helped Steve and Alex win the fight against Nightmare, are you not?"

"I helped win a fight? Is my name really Leona? I'm so confused."

Victoria made eye contact with Leona. Victoria then approached her and Daniel. If this female blockhead truly was the real Leona, Victoria had so many questions to ask her. But in order to do so, Leona's memory needed to be restored. She needed to remember her past in order to understand the present.

"Maybe I could be of some assistance," Victoria said as she held her hand out. Leona took a step backwards so that Victoria couldn't touch her. "May I?"

She knew that Victoria didn't mean any harm. She only meant good. So she let Victoria put her hand on her forehead. Right when she did that, Leona's eyes turned an all black. As Victoria had her hand resting on her forehead, Leona began seeing glimpses of her past.

A treehouse in the jungle biome, a male blockhead wearing a blue hat with yellow dots on it, an all black entity with yellow eyes, and two blockheads wearing all netherite armor with netherite swords. She then saw herself flying around in the air, chasing after another flying blockhead. The final glimpse into her past was blurry to the point where she couldn't quite make out what it was.

Victoria then took her hand off of her forehead. Leona's eyes turned back to normal. She then blinked her eyes a couple of times before looking around at everyone.

"Where is he?" Leona asked.

"Where's who?" Daniel questioned.

Leona looked at Daniel. He could tell she was panicking a little bit.

"Merlin," Leona said, "where's Merlin?"

Victoria and Daniel made eye contact with each other. Victoria shrugged her shoulders at Daniel. Daniel looked back over at Leona.

"I need to find him and warn him about Nightmare," Leona said, "He needs to know he's in grave danger."

After she had said that, she turned into a hawk and quickly flew away. Daniel and everyone else were left with so many questions, especially Daniel. The last he knew, the real Merlin was banished to the Eternal Darkness Realm, somewhere far away across the BlockVerse.

"Well that was strange," HeroBrine said, "she didn't even bother to listen to our questions."

"If she knows where the real Merlin is, than that must only mean one thing," Daniel said.

"What's that?" Victoria asked.

"The real Merlin somehow found a way to get out of the Eternal Darkness Realm and return to the OverWorld. The only question I have now is how did he do that when magic doesn't work in that realm?"