The Awakening

It was dark and cold. The only thing giving off enough light to see was from the torch Peter was holding in his hand. Nightmare was standing in front of David and Peter. She was holding an open book in her hand. While trying to read the words that were on the page, she looked back over her right shoulder at Peter.

"Give me some light, would you?" Nightmare said.

Peter took two steps forward. He was now standing right next to Nightmare. The light from the torch he was carrying was just enough light to allow Nightmare to see the text on the page.

All around them eerie sounds echoed throughout the cave. Zombies groaned, Creepers hissed, and spiders screeched. Nightmare, David and Peter were all standing by the head of what will soon be awakened. Once Nightmare had memorized the text on the page, she closed the spellbook and put it back into her inventory. She then grabbed the wooden wand she stole from Ceres out of her inventory.

The very tip of the wand began glowing a dark green color. It's like the wand had a mind of its own. Almost as if it knew what Nightmare was going to do. Strange, but kind of fascinating. Nightmare stared at the tip of the wand for a second before returning her focus back to the matter at hand. She raised her arms up into the air and closed her eyes.

Peter and Daniel both took a few steps back to give Nightmare enough room to cast the spell. They watched as she began casting the spell.

"By the power within me combined with the dark magic from the UnderWorld, I hereby awaken the Golem Monster," Nightmare said as she then aimed the wand directly at the Golem Monster's head.

The Golem Monster was broken up into many different pieces. It's body was dismantled. Piles of cobblestone made up what remained of the Golem Monster. Suddenly, a bright green beam of light shot out of the wand. The beam hit the Golem Monster's head.

A dark green haze began to glow around the head of the Golem Monster. The ground began to shake and rumble. Once the ground began to shake and rumble, David and Peter started to have second thoughts about this plan. The Golem Monster's head lifted up off of the cold, stone ground. One by one, cobblestone blocks began flying over to begin to reconstruct the Golem Monster's body.

As more cobblestone formed the body, the Golem Monster began to grow in height. As more sections of his body were being rebuilt, it suddenly opened its eyes. Nightmare, David and Peter all looked up and into the eyes of the beast. Nightmare put the wand back into her inventory. At last, after being dormant for hundreds of years, the Golem Monster has awakened.

The last few blocks of cobblestone finished flying into place. And when they did, the body of the Golem Monster was finished being reconstructed. Nightmare smiled brightly as she continued to think about her plan finally coming into play. The monster was so tall, Nightmare and David and Peter seemed like small insects to it. Nightmare flew up into the air until she was at eye level with the monster. It stared directly into her eyes as she floated in midair right in front of it.

"Welcome back," Nightmare said, "you must be hungry for devastation huh?"

The Golem Monster slightly nodded it's head at her. He could understand what she was saying to him. The only problem though, was that he couldn't say anything back to her.

"Good," Nightmare said, "here's your first task. Consider this a warm-up task. The real fun will begin after you destroy an entire Kingdom for me. Do you think you can do that?"

The Golem Monster nodded its head again at her. Nightmare, in response, smiled evilly at the Golem Monster. She rubbed her hands together a couple of times. After she did that, she turned around and looked back down at David and Peter.

"David. Peter. Meet our new friend," Nightmare said, "let's see if these heroes can defeat him. What do you think the odds are that they'll win?"

David and Peter both looked at one another. They both shrugged their shoulders. Even though they had no idea what the odds were, that doesn't mean they can't guess. So that's what they did.

"The odds of the heroes winning?" Peter questioned, "Not very good odds at all. I have a feeling that he's too powerful and too strong to defeat."

"Exactly!" Nightmare said as her voice echoed throughout the cave. "They're never going to see this one coming. It'll be an unexpected turn of events."

Nightmare then turned around to look back at the Golem Monster. A black cloud floated right under Nightmare as she floated in midair. She nodded her head at him, followed by a bright and evil smile on her face.

"Go show our friends who the real heroes are," Nightmare said.

The Golem Monster nodded it's head once more at her. He then began taking his first steps. David and Peter quickly moved out of the way so that the Golem Monster could pass by them. As he walked by them and began making his way towards the entrance of the cave, Nightmare descende back down to the floor and over to David and Peter.

"Are you sure about this boss?" Peter questioned Nightmare, "I have a strange feeling he's going to do more than just destroy Kingdoms and Villages."

Nightmare looked over to her right at Peter. She gave him a blank and quiet stare. She honestly didnt care how much damage and destruction the Golem Monster causes, as long as he rids the OverWorld of heroes, wizards, and witches. Anything that stood in her way, she wanted eradicated for good. But why stop there when there's so much more that could be done?

Kingdom of the Plains


Daniel, EnderBrine and HeroBrine were all walking together down a long and narrow hallway. The three of them were on a mission to find the suspected missing pages from the story Daniel had been reading. He had seen this as a backup plan to getting the answers he desperately wanted.

Because Leona left in a hurry after her memories were restored, she left Daniel and the others with so many questions. Questions that needed answers. The first location Daniel thought the missing pages would be at was the room where Nightmare was staying while undercover as Merlin. Where else would they be? If it were Daniel in that position, he would've hid the papers in a spot to where he could remember to look.

Maybe Nightmare had put the pages into a chest somewhere? Or maybe she stuck them into many other books on a bookshelf in the library? Wherever she hid those papers, Daniel and everyone else weren't going to give up on trying to find them.

As they walked down the hallway, they all came across an oakwood door. Above the door was a sign. The text on the sign simply read Library. Daniel walked up to the door, grabbed the handle, and pulled the door open. The door squeaked as it was opened. Before he walked in, he turned around to look at EnderBrine and HeroBrine.

"I want you to go search the room Nightmare had stayed in. There's only two places where she could've hid them at. And I have a good feeling that they're somewhere in this Castle. Can you do that for me HeroBrine?" Daniel asked.

HeroBrine nodded his head back at Daniel, proceeding to walk away from EnderBrine and Daniel. As he began making his way down the hallway and towards the room where Nightmare stayed in, EnderBrine and Daniel looked at each other.

"You're staying with me," Daniel said as he turned around and walked through the doorway and into the library.

There were no lights on inside the library. It was extremely dark. As EnderBrine and Daniel walked further into the dark library, the oakwood door closed right behind them. Daniel reached into his inventory to grab a single torch out. He also grabbed some flint and steel so that he could light the torch.

Daniel rubbed the flint and steel together to create sparks. It took him a few tries to get the torch to ignite, but he eventually managed to light it. There was now enough light to see just a few blocks all around him and EnderBrine.

"Why don't you trust me Daniel?" EnderBrine asked, "I'm not going to cause any trouble anymore. Those days are over for me."

"The reason I don't trust you is because of all the trouble you once did cause. You narrowly succeeded in destroying the entire OverWorld, helped Nightmare way back then. You're history is why I still judge you. Until you can prove yourself to me, and show me that you really have changed, you're still on my list as a villain. You were never a good demigod. You will always be an evil demigod, always trying to overthrow the Kings and Queens of the OverWorld."

"Why can't you just take my word for it?" EnderBrine asked Daniel emotionally.

"I've fallen for your tricks before. I'm not going to let myself do that again," Daniel said, "and speaking of which, didn't I banish you to the NetherWorld? How did you get out anyways?"

"I'm--I'm not sure," EnderBrine said, "I don't remember how I got out."

"Well why don't you try and remember while we attempt to find these pages," Daniel responded.