We Must Act Now!

The Lone Rangers Village

Desert Biome, OverWorld

Night had turned into day. Evening into the morning. The sun was still rising slowly on the horizon. Zombies, Skeletons, and Creepers were all on fire thanks to the bright daylight. As the Zombies burned, they groaned and moaned. The Skeletons' bones clattered as they moved around. The Creepers hissed repeatedly.

As For Daniel, Elena, EnderBrine, and Notch, they were all walking together. The others stayed behind. Elderon was laying flat on his stomach. He must've been extremely exhausted from last night. He too tried his best to help stop the Golem Monster from destroying the Kingdom. But we all know how that went, right?

Daniel and Elena were walking side-by-side, while EnderBrine and Notch followed close behind them. Notch glanced over to his right at EnderBrine very frequently. EnderBrine noticed his weird behavior after a couple of times.

"Is something wrong, Notch?" EnderBrine asked as he looked over at Notch.

Notch looked away and shook his head at EnderBrine. It's like he was trying to be intimidating towards EnderBrine. For starters, Notch and EnderBrine have had a long, not-so-friendly friendship. They fought numerous times in the past. Their history, let's say, wasn't very good.

"You gave up being evil," Notch said, "why?"

EnderBrine scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatcically at Notch. He laughed a couple of times. "Is that what this is about? Are you seriously still holding a grudge for what I did to you?" EnderBrine questioned.

"What you did to me back then doesn't matter," Notch said, "what does matter, though, is that you answer my question."

EnderBrine sighed heavily once. He slapped his forehead and shook his head. He then looked over to his left at Notch.

"I had a change of heart I guess," EnderBrine answered, hoping the answer he gave Notch was good enough. He didn't want to have to answer anymore questions. That's the last thing he wanted to do. Wasn't just helping Daniel save the OverWorld enough?

"Really?" Notch questioned, "there has to be a reason. What's that reason?" Notch continued on to ask EnderBrine.

"Who would I be if there was no OverWorld anymore?" EnderBrine responded to Notch with that question.

"You'd still be the evil blockhead you are now," Notch said, "nothing about you would ever change, even if the entirety of this world was destroyed. You will always be evil, no matter what!"

EnderBrine rolled his eyes and sighed again. He shook his head once more. His patience was being tested by Notch for sure. As Notch and EnderBrine continued to banter, Elena and Daniel were also talking to one another. Daniel was trying his best to explain what had happened leading up to this very moment to Elena. His hope was that she would understand him.

"I'm telling you," Daniel said, "our Kingdom was destroyed. The only choice we had was to escape. Luckily Notch showed up at the right time. Because if he didn't I don't think we'd all be here now."

Elena raised one eyebrow as she looked over at Daniel. She was still somewhat confused with what Daniel was trying to explain to her. In fact, the entire situation was confusing. Clarity was needed, and she was going to get it.

"Who destroyed your Kingdom again?" Elena asked, trying her best to remember what Daniel had told her moment ago. But to no avail. She couldn't quite remember what he had said to her. So that is why she was asking so many questions. The more she knew about the situation, the more likely she would be able to assist Daniel.

"The Golem Monster," Daniel answered, "and his master Nightmare. They're the ones who destroyed our home. There's nothing left to go back to. It's all gone. We're practically homeless now."

Elena was beginning to feel bad for Daniel. She wished there was something she could do to help calm him down. He was still worked up about what had happened. But once Elena heard the name "Golem Monster", she immediately understood what was happening. It wasn't a good thing either.

"You're saying that someone awoke the Golem Monster?" Elena asked, "who awakened him anyways?"

"It was that stupid demon Nightmare," daniel said, "she stole Ceres' wand and used it's magic to awaken the sleeping giant. Before she stole the wand, she was masking her real identity. She took on the identity of an ancient and legendary warlock. That warlocks name was Merlin."

"So this Nightmare stole Ceres' wand an used it to awaken the Golem Monster?" Elena asked, "first off, how'd she find the book containing the Awakening spell?"

Daniel shrugged his shoulders as he glanced over at Elena. He had not the slightest knowledge of where or how Nightmare came into possession of that book. That was a question still to be answered.

"I don't have the slightest clue as to where she found that book," Daniel said, "heck I didn't even know there was a book like that."

Elena nodded as she looked back over her right shoulder at everyone else. EnderBrine and Notch were still following them. The other blockheads were still standing around by Elderon. Villagers from Elena's village were assisting those who needed help, while others were making sure that everyone was alright and not injured. She then looked back over at Daniel.

"Follow me," Elena said, "I need to tell you something in private."

Elena began walking and leading the way. Daniel wondered where she was headed. Elena then approached a large cobblestone building. She walked up the single flight of stairs and opened the two oak wood doors. After that, she walked into the building. Daniel, EnderBrine and Notch all followed her into the building.

Once everyone was inside, Elena closed the doors and locked them. There was bookshelves everywhere. There was two lecterns. They were crafted out of dark oak wood. Two open books rested on the lecterns. Someone was here recently. If no one was here before them, those books wouldn't be left open on the lecterns. Elena began walking down a narrow aisle, looking left and right, up and down. She was searching for a specific book. The book that would somewhat help Daniel understand the current situation he was in.

After searching through the many bookshelves, she came upon the book she was looking for. The book she pulled off of the shelf had a red cover with golden wording on the cover of it. The title of this book read The Dangers That Lurk.

She grabbed the book off of the shelf. Elena walked back over to one of the lecterns, removing the open book from it. After she had done that, she set her book down and opened it. After grazing through the pages of the book, she came across some writing that she thought was necessary to point out to Daniel, EnderBrine and Notch.

"Take a look at this," she said, "this should answer some of the questions you have."

Daniel looked back over his left shoulder at EnderBrine and Notch. They looked back at him. Daniel then walked over to the lectern. Elena stepped out of his way so that he could read the page she had pointed out to him. The page read:

The Golem Monster. A destruction-hungry creature once wreaked havoc around the OverWorld. Anywhere it went, and any Kingdom he came upon, he destroyed entirely. The beginning of it's existence is still a mystery. No blockhead knew how the Golem Monster came to be. But one thing was certain though. It needed to be stopped.

A band of brave magical blockheads came together. Their only objective was to stop the Golem Monster from wreaking anymore havoc across the OverWorld. The plan they had come up with was dangerous and very risky. None of them knew if their plan would work or not. The only thing they could hope for, was that the plan would work.

Daniel then finished reading the page. Once he was done, Elena approached him. He stepped out of the way as she closed the book and picked it back up. Daniel still had many questions that neede answers. Reading that page wasn't much help at all.

"So all we have to do is somehow steal the book back from Nightmare and cast the same spell they did back then, am I right?" Daniel questioned.

"Precisely yes," Elena responded, "but how are we going to get the book back from Nightmare anyhow?"

Notch walked over to Elena and Daniel. EnderBrine did too.

"If the spell they cast put him back to sleep permanently, than how did Nightmare awaken him in the first place?" Daniel asked Notch.

Notch looked over at Daniel. "I was one of those heroes," he said, "the spell we ended up casting was cast by mistake. We didn't cast the right one is what I'm trying to say. We didn't know that the spell we cast was only temporary. It's been 241 years since we forced the Golem Monster back into a deep sleep."

"But how did Nightmare manage to awaken him? How did the book come into her possession anyhow?" Daniel asked.

"Sometime after the Golem Monster went dormant, everyone agreed that we needed to hide the book so that no one would be able to find it. Not only does the book contain the sleeping spell, but it also contains the awakening spell. My only guess is that Nightmare must've found where we hid the book. I guess I didn't hide it well enough."

Daniel frowned. He suddenly became irritated with Notch.

"We need to act now before they cause anymore harm to the OverWorld," Daniel stated, "we can't let them win."

"Where do we even begin looking for them?" EnderBrine asked, "they could be anywhere for all we know."

Daniel began tapping his chin with his hand as he was thinking. As he was doing that, Elena walked back down the aisle where she had found the book in. She walked over to the shelf where she had found the book at and put it away. After that, she then walked back over to Daniel, EnderBrine and Notch.

"I think I know where we should look first," Daniel mentioned as he reached into his inventory to pull out his small map. He looked down at it and began examining it. He was clearly trying to locate a specific biome. A biome he remembered from the story that he had read. About a minute later, he had found the biome.

"What do you have in mind about where to go?" EnderBrine asked.

Daniel put the map back into his inventory. He turned around to look at EnderBrine.

"The Snowy Tundra biome," Daniel answered, "or more specifically Nightmare's Castle."

"Her castle still stands?" EnderBrine questioned, "after all this time it still exists? What? How?"

"That doesn't matter," Daniel said, "but I have a strong feeling we'll find the book there."

Elena clapped her hands together once. "Well why are we standing around then? Let's get a move on, shall we?"

All together, they all exited the library and walked back outside. The sun's bright light was beginning to shine down on the OverWorld. Elena closed the two doors behind her. Daniel, EnderBrine, Notch and Elena were now all walking back over to Elderon and everyone else. Merlin and Leona were amongst everyone else. The both of them were walking around to check on everyone, making sure no one was hurto or injured.

Daniel approached Elderon. He was still lying down.

"Elderon," Daniel said, "you think you could fly us to the Snowy Tundra biome?" Daniel asked.

Elderon slowly lifted his head up off of the ground. He turned his head to look over at Daniel.

"I don't see why I can't," Elderon said as he slowly hoisted himself back up onto his feet. Daniel looked back at Elena, Notch, and EnderBrine. He waved his arm at them, signalling them to come over to him. As they were walking over to him, Daniel began climbing up Elderon's back. EnderBrine didn't need to climb like everyone else.

All he had to do was teleport. And that's exactly what he did. He teleported himself up onto Elderon's back. Notch looked over at Elena, extending his hand to her. She grabbed his hand. When she did that, Notch lifted up off of the ground and flew up onto Elderon's back. He gently set Elena down. He landed right next to her. Once everyone was on Elderon's back, everyone else below began wondering where they were going. Merlin and Leona were curious as well.

"Where are you guys going now?" Merlin asked.

"To get the key to stopping the Golem Monster, we hope," Daniel said, "we won't be long. We'll be back before nightfall."

"Robert," Elena shouted.

Robert stopped what he was doing and looked up at Elena.

"Yeah?" he said.

"You're in charge until I get back," Elena said, "okay?"

Robert nodded his head and looked away from Elena. He understood what he needed to do. The task that was handed to him wouldn't be very hard to carry out. The good thing was that Merlin and Leona were staying behind. If Robert truly needed help, they could be of his assistance.

"Everyone ready?" Elderon asked in his normal, deep-sounding voice.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Daniel answered as he glanced at EnderBrine, Notch, and Elena.

Elderon spread his wings. He began flapping them with all his might. And before anyone knew it, he was flying in the air, leaving everyone else behind in good hands. As long as they were safe, Daniel had no reason to worry about them. He trusted Robert, Merlin, and Leona to keep his people safe from anymore threats or bad guys. As Elderon flew further and further away from the village, the farther away the village got. They were now on their way to the Snowy Tundra biome.

After flying through many different biomes, Elderon began flying back down towards the ground. They had officially arrived at the Snowy Tundra. As Elderon descended downward, Nightmare's castle slowly came into everyone's view.

Once Elderon landed on the snow-covered ground, everyone got off of his back. Once everyone was off, they all stood close to each other staring directly at Nightmare's castle.

"Are you guys ready?" Daniel asked, "there's no turning back now. We have to get that book back. If we don't succeed, our very World will be obliterated. I'm not about to let that happen. This is our home, not theirs. I'm going to do whatever it takes to rid the OverWorld of evil...starting with Nightmare and the Golem Monster."