Give It Back!

Snowy Tundra Biome, OverWorld

Nightmare's Castle

Daniel, EnderBrine, Notch and Elena stood by each other. They were all staring at the castle. Nightmare's castle was built into the mountainside. It was constructed out of cobblestone. But because the castle was so old, the cobblestone was mossy.

Just a few blocks in front of them, a long and wide ravine was seen. If you listened very closely, you'd be able to hear the lava's gas bubbles popping. The ground was covered in a thin layer of snow. Nightmare's castle had visible damage to it. There were big holes all over the castle. Daniel knew why Nightmare's castle was damaged. He knew exactly why there was a long and wide ravine.

"Why is there so much damage to the castle?" Elena asked, "Why is that ravine here? Whatever battle was fought here, must've been a major one. I mean, just look at everything."

Elena, Notch, Daniel and EnderBrine were all standing in the middle of vast clearing. What Notch and Elena didn't realize was that they were standing on the same battlefield Steve and Alex stood on many years ago. Not much has changed since that battle. The only thing that did change was time. It's been 235 years since that battle was fought.

"This is the very place Steve and Alex fought nobly long ago," Daniel mentioned.

Daniel was getting closer and closer to finally solving the mystery of what happened during the battle. Still itching for answers, he remembered that Herobrine had managed to find more of the missing pages. Four pages to be exact. He reached back into his inventory to grab the four pages out. So now that he had the pages in his hands, he began reading them mentally. Elena, Notch and EnderBrine continued to keep a watchful eye out for Nightmare and the Golem Monster.

As Daniel was skimming through the pages he suddenly heard a familiar female blockhead's voice. He looked up and away from the page he was currently reading. EnderBrine, Notch, and Elena were all looking up into the air. Daniel noticed that and then proceeded to do the same thing.

Once Daniel turned around and looked up into the air, he saw Nightmare floating in midair. A small black cloud was directly underneath her. She was holding something in her hand. It was the book. The book Daniel, Notch, EnderBrine, and Elena were looking for.

"Looking for this?" Nightmare asked as she began waving the book around.

Daniel put the pages back into his inventory. There was no time to read them now. Stopping Nightmare was the main objective as of now. There'll be plenty of time to read them later. Instead of pulling his hand out of his inventory empty-handed, he grabbed his shiny diamond sword out. EnderBrine's eyes turned all purple, his hands were both glowing a bright purple. Elena was holding her bow in her hand. Strapped around her right shoulder was a quiver filled with ready-to-use arrows. Notch's eyes turned all black, his hands glowed a bright yellow. Everyone was readying themselves to fight Nightmare and the Golem Monster.

"It feels just like yesterday Steve and Alex and I fought," Nightmare mentioned, "too bad they didn't put up a good fight. Otherwise, they'd be here today."

When Nightmare had said that, Daniel couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He lifted both of his hands up into the air. He then threw his arms forward, letting go of his diamond sword. The sword flew up towards Nightmare. But she flew out of the way just before the sword could hit her. Why did Daniel assume that'd work? His sword continued flying in the air before falling back down to the ground.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?" Nightmare mentioned, "You surrender to me, and then I'll follow through on my end by putting the Golem Monster back to sleep. Do we have a deal?"

"Not in a million years!" Daniel shouted angrily, "NO!"

Nightmare sighed, put her head down, and shook it from side to side a couple of times. She then raised her head and looked directly down at Daniel, EnderBrine, Notch, and Elena. "Then you'll meet the same fate the last group of heroes did."

EnderBrine then flew up into the air. Nightmare watched him very closely. Once he was high enough off of the ground, he vanished into thin air. Nightmare began looking all around her, wondering where he was going to reappear. For all she knew, he could reappear right behind her and she wouldn't know until it was too late.

Elena and Daniel went running for the castle as fast as they could. Notch flew up into the air, staring at Nightmare the entire time. He, not once, took his eyes off of her. He raised one arm up into the air. As he did that, EnderBrine had reappeared right behind Nightmare, causing her to lose focus on Notch's attack.

"Boo!" EnderBrine said as Nightmare quickly turned around to look at EnderBrine. When she did that, he had managed to punch her right in the face. EnderBrine punched Nightmare so hard, that she went falling down to the ground. She slammed into the ground on her back and went sliding backward on the ground for a few seconds before stopping. Her impact was so strong, that unsettled snow went flying all over the place. When she had slammed into the ground, she had dropped the book. EnderBrine and Notch both noticed that.

The both of them went flying down towards the ground, landing on the ground near the book at the same time. Notch and EnderBrine ran for the book. Whoever got ahold of it first would be the one to cast the Eternal Slumber Curse on the Golem Monster. EnderBrine dove face-first onto the ground, as did Notch. Right before they could get ahold of the book, they bumped into each other's heads.

Nightmare opened her eyes and sat back up. She shook her head a few times before noticing she had dropped the book. She saw Notch and EnderBrine fighting over who should have the book. Nightmare quickly got back up and began flying over towards EnderBrine and Notch.

"Give it to me!" EnderBrine said.

"No!" Notch said as he attempted to pull the book away from EnderBrine's hands.

"Don't make me turn you into a unicorn!" Notch warned EnderBrine.

"Try me!" EnderBrine said as he yanked on the book so hard that Notch lost his grip on it. EnderBrine laughed as he got back up onto his feet. He quickly took off into the air. Notch got back up onto his feet, staring at EnderBrine as he flew away.

"I warned you, EnderBrine!" Notch said as he raised both arms up into the air.

As EnderBrine was flying towards Elena and Daniel, Notch had spawned a gigantic ball of snow right above EnderBrine. It fell down, taking EnderBrine with it. The snowball slammed into the ground. It broke apart. Notch laughed as he flew over to EnderBrine.

When he got over to where EnderBrine was, Notch looked down at the ground. He saw EnderBrine lying on his back. He was still holding the book in his hand. EnderBrine sighed as he raised his right hand.

"Here," EnderBrine said, "take it. You win this time!"

Notch laughed as he snatched the book out of EnderBrine's hand and quickly flew away. EnderBrine remained laying on his back. That snowball really knocked the wind right out of him. As for Nightmare, she was flying as fast as she could towards Daniel, Elena, and Notch. She didn't bother worrying about EnderBrine. Notch took care of him for her.

Just before she could reach out and steal the book back from Notch, a red orb hit her on the right side of her face. She went flying through the air, only this time she slammed into a spruce tree. The tree shook, causing a flock of birds to fly out of it.

"Go!" Leona shouted, "Merlin and I will hold her off!"

Daniel nodded his head. Notch and Elena did too. They all then turned around and proceeded on running towards the castle. Once they arrived at the entrance of the castle, Notch landed back down on the ground. He approached Daniel, with the book still tightly in his grip.

"I'm the only one powerful enough to cast the curse," Notch mentioned, "I have to be the one to do it."

Daniel glanced over at Leona, Merlin, and Nightmare. He then looked at Elena and then back at Notch. Daniel nodded his head.

"Go," he said, "we'll buy you some time."

Notch nodded his head once before flying away. Elena and Daniel remained outside so that they could help Leona and Merlin finally defeat Nightmare once and for all. She should've known she wasn't going to win this fight. Not when her powers were dwindling anyways. Deep down she must've known this would've happened.

Daniel and Elena went running over to Leona and Merlin. Nightmare was leaning up against a spruce tree stump. For some reason, this fight felt a little too easy. This whole thing seemed a bit skeptical. Daniel was suspicious.

"Don't even think about moving," Merlin said to Nightmare.

"Wasn't planning on it," Nightmare responded.

Merlin and Leona looked over at Daniel and Elena. They were now standing next to Merlin and Leona. Nightmare looked over at them too, but didn't say anything.

"He's casting the curse as we speak," Daniel mentioned to Merlin and Leona. Nightmare lowered her head, looking down at the ground. She was extremely disappointed with herself. Mainly because she's not used to losing, especially to blockheads like Daniel and Elena. How embarrassing right?

"Do whatever you so please," Nightmare said, "banish me. Entrap me. Whatever it is, just do it already. You've all won fair and square."

"We aren't going to banish you. We aren't going to kill you. What we will do is entrap you. Entrap you in a glass bottle. You'll never escape and terrorize the OverWorld ever again," Merlin mentioned.

Nightmare lifted her head and looked directly into Merlin's eyes. She had a sarcastic smirk on her face. "I wouldn't count on that if I were you," she said.

"Why's that?" Daniel asked.

Nightmare began laughing hysterically and sarcastically at everyone. "You're all fools if you think I was going to let you guys win that easily. Well before you all got here, I cursed the book you guys so desperately wanted back."

Daniel, Elena, and Merlin all frowned. Leona wasn't following what Nightmare was trying to say. She was still very confused. What did Nightmare mean by casting a curse on the book?

"A curse?" Elena questioned, "what kind of curse?"

"The one where good magic is cast as bad magic. So when Notch goes to cast the Eternal Slumber spell on the Golem Monster, it won't go back to sleep like you had all hoped it would. Instead, the spell will only make the Golem Monster more stronger, more powerful, and even more hungry for destruction. You may have stopped me, but you failed to stop the Golem Monster. If I were you, I would leave this place in a hurry. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that Golem Monster once the spell has been cast."

"Someone has to warn Notch," Daniel said as he turned around.

Right when he turned around, he saw Notch come flying out of the castle's entrance. The ground began shaking and rumbling too. Daniel looked over at Elena. Elena looked over at Leona. And Leona looked over at Merlin.

"Run!" Notch shouted, "run as fast as you can!"

After Notch had shouted that to everyone, Daniel and Elena both instantly began running away. Merlin and Leona stayed behind to witness what was happening. Nightmare got back up off of the ground.

"Have fun trying to stop him now," Nightmare said as she suddenly vanished into thin air.

Right after Notch had flown out of the castle, the Golem Monster burst out of the mountain, causing huge chunks of stone and cobblestone to go flying everywhere. Instead of it's eyes being green, they were now red. He's taller now than he was last time Merlin and Leona encountered him. And last but not least, his roar was even louder than before.

"Uh-oh!" Merlin said, "Maybe we should run?"

"Good idea!" Leona responded.