What Happens Now?

The Lone Rangers Village

Desert Biome, OverWorld

As Elderon flew through the crisp, cool air, his shadow moved across the grounds below. When he flew over the village, his shadow managed to capture the attention of the Farmers, Blacksmiths, and two Cartographer's. The Blacksmiths walked out of their forging shops, the farmers stopped harvesting their crops momentarily, and the cartographer's both stopped painting their new maps. Everything around the Village stopped briefly.

One female blockhead pointed into the air and announced the return of Elderon, Daniel, Elena, Notch and EnderBrine.

"Look!" She shouted, "they're back!"

Robert and his horse turned around and looked up into the air. He saw Elderon carefully descending down towards the ground. Robert flicked the ropes in his hands, and gently kicked the horse's belly with his feet. Rudolph, his horse's name, began trotting over to where Elderon was going to land.

Elderon vigorously flapped his wings as he gently touched down onto the ground. He tried his best to soften the landing. Once he was down, he retracted his wings. Robert was curious to know if the plan had worked or not. He had so many questions.

Did they get the book? Did they put the Golem Monster back to sleep for good? Were they able to defeat Nightmare? He did, on the other hand, have his concerns about this plan. It had seemed rushed. The only way he would find out if the plan had worked or not, is if he asked them personally. And that's what he intended to do.

Rudolph stopped trotting. Robert let go of the ropes and carefully jumped off Rudolph's back. He waited for everyone to get off of Elderon before walking over to them. He stood right next to Rudolph, gently petting him on the neck.

Daniel and Elena began climbing down Elderon's back. EnderBrine teleported down to the ground.


He then reappeared on the ground next to a Cactus. He appeared so close to it, that his left arm accidentally hit the pointy thorns on the cactus.

"Ouch!" EnderBrine said as he pulled his arm away from the cactus. He rubbed his arm a couple of times before noticing Robert was laughing at him. Daniel and Elena were looking over at him, but they weren't laughing. Robert, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't you have eyes?" Robert said as he continued to laugh. EnderBrine frowned. He then suddenly got a good idea. He needed to get back at Robert. As Robert leaned over and looked away from him, EnderBrine disappeared once more. Purple particles floated around in the air right where he was standing. And this is how he did it.

He appeared again right behind Robert. Robert didn't hear him or notice that EnderBrine was right behind him either. EnderBrine reached into his inventory to grab something out of it. He then pulled his hand back out. What he was holding would surely scare Robert for sure.

When Robert had looked up, he realized that EnderBrine was gone. He still didn't know that EnderBrine was right behind him. As Robert turned around, EnderBrine quickly held a wither-skeleton's skull in front of his face.

"BOO!" EnderBrine said, scaring the laughter right out of Robert. Robert backed away from EnderBrine, but tripped on his own foot. He fell backwards onto the ground.

"AHH!" Robert screamed as he frowned. He didn't like that one bit. But he did deserve it after all. EnderBrine then put the wither-skull back into his inventory. Now he was laughing at Robert.

"Who's laughing now Robert?" EnderBrine asked, "It's surely not you, now is it?"

Robert gritted his teeth and growled at EnderBrine. Daniel and Elena were laughing in the background; Robert could hear them. He got back up onto his feet and began brushing his clothes off.

"That wasn't very nice!" Robert said.

EnderBrine shrugged his shoulders as he swayed his head from side-to-side. "Well you deserved it. I mean you started this, not me."

"Mmhm," Robert said as he turned his head away from EnderBrine. He glanced back over at Daniel and Elena.

Notch walked over to the right side of Elderon's back. He glanced down at the ground and gulped. If you must know, Notch isn't a fan of heights. Quite the opposite actually. Sure he's flown around in the air in the past, but that was only while he was fighting someone, or fleeing from something. Teleportation was his way of traveling all over the OverWorld. For one, it was safer. Two, it was faster.

After contemplating whether he should jump or not, he finally made up his mind. He took one step back. Daniel, Elena, EnderBrine, and Robert were all waiting on him. Notch sighed and closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he had finally worked up the guts to jump off. Notch ran over to the side of Elderon's back. But instead of jumping off like planned, he had slipped. Tumbling down to the ground he went.

He fell right onto his stomach as his face planted right into the ground. Daniel and Elena couldn't help but burst into laughter. As Notch layed on the ground on his stomach, you could faintly hear him groaning. That fall had knocked the wind right out of him.

"Are you okay Notch?" Daniel asked.

Notch slowly hoisted himself back up onto his feet. He wiped the sand clean off of his face. Once he opened his eyes again, he took a good look around at everybody. In return, they were all staring back at him. Notch nodded his head a couple of times as he began wiping his shirt and pants clean of sand.

"Just nifty alright," Notch responded.

Once Robert had calmed himself down, he then asked his first question. Everyone paid attention to him, wondering what questions he was going to bombard them with. Daniel, EnderBrine, Notch, Elena all prepared themselves to answer any questions he may have.

"Did everything go according to plan?" Robert asked.

"Well kind of," Daniel mentioned.

"Kind of?" Robert questioned, "what do you mean?"

"We managed to steal the book back from Nightmare," Notch said, "however, we weren't able to cast the Eternal Slumber spell on the Golem Monster."

"You didn't cast it?" Robert asked, "why didn't you?"

"Because--well--the book was cursed. When the book was in Nightmare's possession she had somehow cursed the book. Long story short, if someone were to attempt to cast a spell, it would do the opposite."

Robert scratched his head a few times. He was having a hard time trying to understand what Notch was trying to explain. Robert couldn't quite understand what Notch had meant by "doing the opposite."

"Doing the opposite?" Robert questioned, "so instead of casting a good spell, you cast a bad spell? Am I right?"

Daniel and Elena both nodded their heads. Notch and EnderBrine were especially shocked to know how quickly Robert was catching on. Guess he was just a good listener.

"Yes," Notch replied, "you're right."

"If you guys weren't able to defeat Nightmare and the Golem Monster, what's going to happen next?" Robert responded.

Daniel and Elena exchanged eye contact with one another. They then glanced over at Notch and then at EnderBrine. None of them knew what was going to happen next, muchless what to do. Now that the Golem Monster is stronger, there's definitely no chance at stopping him. Or maybe there was.

"Do you think there's a way to remove the curse from the book?" Elena asked, "because if there is, we could use whatever the spell was in the book against the Golem Monster."

Notch scratched his head, thinking about what Elena had just said. He thought mentally to himself for a brief moment.

"I like that idea," Notch said, "if there is a way to reverse the curse, then maybe we could cast the spell once more."

Elena slightly shrugged her shoulders. "It could be possible or impossible. But it's worth giving it a try."

Notch took the suggestion Elena had provided him with. Every spell has a flaw, including curse-casting ones. If everyone could figure out what that flaw is, they'll be able to remove the curse. Maybe there was hope after all.

Notch took the book out of his inventory. He was holding it in his hand. The book was glowing a bright red. He gazed down at the book, brainstorming the best ideas that he thought would possibly work. With time running out, and Nightmare and the Golem Monster roaming freely around the OverWorld, Notch had to hurry. If he didn't, there wouldn't be absolutely no way of defeating the Golem Monster and Nightmare. That worried him quite a bit.

"If this plan doesn't work, we'll need a backup one just in case," Notch mentioned to everyone.

"I think I have a worthy idea," Daniel mentioned.

Everyone looked over at him, waiting for him to elaborate on his comment further.

"We'll leave and then take as much as we can with us," Daniel said, "from there, we'll board a ship big enough to carry everyone in this Village."

"Then what?" Elena asked.

"Glad you asked," Daniel said as he quickly glanced over at Elena, "we'll then set sail to find a new place to call home."

"That's a far fetched plan, don't you think?" Robert questioned.

Daniel shook his head from side-to-side."It's not. It's actually a brilliant backup plan. Do you have any better ideas then?"