Do Not Fear, As For I Am Here

Plains Biome, OverWorld

Kingdom of the Plains Ruins

Fires continued to burn everything in their path to ashes. Houses that were severely damaged, began to collapse. Nothing but ruins remained. Petra's statue was demolished. The castle that Daniel and Petra once called home reduced to rubble. The Kingdom was now unrecognizable. It was abandoned. Nightmare and her pet managed to decimate the entire kingdom, leaving nothing untouched.

Daniel and the rest of the Kingdom had managed to escape to safety, but they forgot about one blockhead. That blockhead was Ceres. When the castle had collapsed he became trapped under all of the heavy cobblestone. He was unable to free himself from the rubble. Alone, he was. There was no one else that could come to the rescue and help him.

Zombies moaning, Creepers hissing, and Spiders screeching were all heard nearby. That could only mean one thing--the wall had been destroyed. Everything was blank to him. He didn't remember what had happened after Nightmare had taken his wand from him. That was the last thing he remembered fully. Anything that happened after that, he couldn't recollect.


As Ceres sat restlessly under the rubble, he heard loud swooshing sounds. There was something flying over him. When he looked up at the night sky, he saw a big creature flying over the Kingdom. The creature was flying so fast, the only thing Ceres could see was its shadow moving across the ground.

"Down there, Luna," a male blockhead's voice shouted, "land there, girl."

Ceres watched as the beast came descending down towards the ground. As it did, Ceres was able to make out what the creature was. It was a dragon. A female one more specifically. She held her back legs out as she flapped her wings. She then landed on her back feet, quickly laying down so that her master could get off of her. She retracted her wings as she lowered her head. Her master then carefully slid down her back, leaping onto the charred ground. He was wearing a red mask over his face, a brown shirt, and ripped blue pants. He was wearing black leather shoes.

"HELP!" Ceres shouted, "I'm over here."

The blockhead looked over in the direction from which he heard Ceres' voice. He took his mask off of his face, putting it into his inventory. The blockhead began carefully making his way over to the large pile of rubble. Once he was near where Ceres was, he began examining the rubble. He was searching for the blockhead who was in distress and needed help.

Luna remained where she was, watching her master find and locate Ceres. She was keeping watch for him, keeping an eye out for any evil mobs like Zombies and Creepers.

"Stay put girl," Luna's master said, "I'm gonna get him out of this rubble."

He reached into his inventory to grab his diamond pickaxe out to mine the cobblestone. He began mining, and before he realized it, he had found Ceres. Ceres was trapped under the rubble. When some cobblestone was moved, Ceres looked up at the blockhead who'd come to his aid.

"Who are you?" Ceres asked the blockhead.

"Toby," he answered, "the son of the noble King Sam."

Ceres stared at Toby, trying to remember where he had heard that name before. Then it hit him. The name Sam was mentioned numerous times in a story Ceres had read a while back. He was a King, and a brave fighter as well. He was the blockhead who assisted Steve and Alex on their journey across this new land.

Toby held his hand out, reaching down into the hole to grab Ceres' hand. Ceres grabbed his hand. After doing that, Toby slowly began pulling Ceres out of the rubble. After a few tugs, Ceres was finally set free. No longer was he trapped. No longer was he in need of help. He was free.

But being freed from the rubble didn't help that he was still in pain from being hurt by Nightmare last night. He was still badly hurt and needed to get his wounds tended to. Toby knew exactly where to take Ceres. Not far from here, there was a desert Village. Ceres' leg was badly injured, making it difficult for him to walk on it. No problem though. Toby wrapped his arm around Ceres' back. Ceres wrapped his arm around Toby's back.

"So you're the son of the once great and noble King Sam, huh?" Ceres asked.

"That's right," Toby responded as they both began making their way back over to Luna. She was still patiently waiting for them to get back over to her. As they approached her, she laid back down and lowered her head. She made eye contact with Toby and Ceres, making a whining sound.

No, she wasn't complaining about anything. She was just happy that Ceres was okay. In a way, she was expressing emotions. Something you wouldn't find often around the OverWorld. Not many animals expressed their feelings. Luna was one in a million. She was special.

"Luna," Toby said as he looked over at her. "This is our friend Ceres. Say hello."

Luna looked over at Ceres and slightly nodded her head at him. Thick, gray smoke rushed out of her nostrils as she exhaled. She was so big that Ceres felt intimidated by her. Dragon's are known to be hostile. Let's just say their reputation isn't very good, especially way back when King Miraz invaded their home. To this day, only a handful of dragons remain. Their population was decimated over the centuries by evil blockheads, witches, and warlocks. Honestly, they almost went extinct almost four hundred years ago. What would the OverWorld be like if that had happened? Would the OverWorld be any different than it is now? Hard to tell. Alternatively blockheads could theorize and hypothesize what it would be like to live without dragons.

As the years went on, the dragons grew more hostile and dangerous creatures. You would not want to come in contact with one of them. If you did, you could kiss your life goodbye. They showed no mercy. No remorse. No guilt. They were just doing what they could to protect themselves.

"Nice to meet you, Luna," Ceres said, "I'm Ceres."

Luna huffed as grey smoke seeped out of her nose. Every breath of air she took, smoke would always come out of her nostrils. Ceres had his left leg slightly elevated off of the ground. He was trying his utmost best to not put any weight on that leg. The only thing he could do in the meantime was hop on his right leg.

"I've read a story about your father a while ago," Ceres said as he groaned. The pain he was in was still getting to him. But it wouldn't be too much longer before he could get help. Being patient was the only thing he needed to do at the moment. Hang in there, Ceres.

"So you knew who my father was then?" Toby responded.

Ceres nodded his head. "Not quite," Ceres responded, "but like I said earlier, I only know him from the stories I've read about him. A king. A brave fighter. He sounds more legendary every time I think about him."

Toby shrugged his shoulders a couple of times. "Well that's better than nothing, right? At least you know some things about my father."

As the two of them continued to talk, Toby began hoisting Ceres up onto Luna's back. Trying to be gentle as possible. Thankfully though, Ceres made it up onto Luna's back without any problems. As Ceres got up, Toby began climbing up. Once he was on, he walked over to Ceres and sat down next to him.

"Whenever you're ready girl," Toby told Luna.

After he had said that, Luna extended her massive wings out and began flapping them vigorously. Ceres glanced over at Toby. Toby could see that something was bothering Ceres.

"You okay there pal?" Toby said as he examined Cere's entire body from head to toe. Ceres and Toby stared at one another.

"I'm fine," Ceres said.

"You don't look fine," Toby said, "what the matter?"

Ceres rolled his head and sighed. Did Ceres want to tell Toby his deepest, darkest secret? Could he trust Toby not to tell anyone else? Let's find out.

"You want the truth?" Ceres stated, "I'll give you the truth. The reason I'm scared is that I'm not a fan of heights. That's why I look like I'm not well. I'm actually just fine. It's just the whole flying thing that scares me the most."

Toby nodded his head as he looked away from Ceres. "Well don't worry Ceres," Toby said, "Luna is careful and gentle. When it comes to having blockheads on her back, she's very careful and cautious."

"So I'm not going to fall off of her, am I?" Ceres questioned.

"Right," Toby said as he looked away from Ceres. He glared over at Luna's head, telling her what to do and where to go. "I want you to take us to that Village we had flown over earlier."

Luna moaned, telling Toby and Ceres that she understood where to go and how to get there quickly. As she continued to fly in the direction of the desert Village, Toby, and Ceres all had to now be patient and wait to arrive back to the Village. It shouldn't take too much longer.

"I have a question," Ceres said.

"And I have an answer," Toby replied. "What's the question?"

"Well, it's more like a couple of questions," Ceres said, "so here they are."

"Okay," Toby said.

"Where were you when we needed help? Why didn't you intervene and do something? The Brine Family and Scarlet almost succeeded in defeating us. Why didn't you help?" Ceres asked, throwing question after question at Toby. He was now waiting for him to answer.

"My father always told me to pick my battles carefully and wisely," Toby said, "so that's what I did. I picked my battles thoughtfully and cautiously."

As they continued to talk, Luna interrupted their conversation by moaning. Ceres and Toby both looked directly in front of them. Grey smoke was seen rising into the air. Houses made of sandstone and cobblestone were visible. The torches that burned outside of the houses, gave off just enough light to see everything. Luna began descending back down towards the ground as she approached the Village. As they got closer, Ceres could see another dragon laying on his stomach on the ground. It was Elderon.

Luna noticed Elderon and began descending down towards him. Right as she landed and fluffed her shook her wings, Elderon awoke from his sleep, glancing over at Luna who was to his right. He turned his head and looked over at her. The two of them stared into each other's eyes, not even blinking once.

Luna laid back down on the ground. Toby slid down her side, landing feet first onto the ground. He turned around and looked up at Ceres.

"Don't be scared," Toby said, "You'll be just fine."

Ceres hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should jump down. To make things more complicated, he was just barely maintaining his balance. Putting all of his weight on one leg wasn't as easy as it had sounded.

"Allow me," a female blockhead's voice said from behind Ceres. He quickly turned around to see who it was that had said that. When he did turn around, he immediately identified who it was. It was the Goddess Victoria. She walked over to him, holding her hand out. Ceres looked down at her hand, and then back up at her. After he did that, he didn't hesitate to grab ahold of her hand.

"Ready Ceres?" Victoria asked. Ceres nodded his head. The both of them looked down at the ground beneath them. "On the count of three, jump."

"Okay," Ceres said.

"Three. Two. One," Victoria said, "now let's jump."

Together, the both of them jumped over the side of Luna. But instead of falling down towards the ground, both Victoria and Ceres gently and carefully descended down. Once they landed, Ceres let go of Victoria's hand.

"Thank you," Ceres told Victoria.

"You're welcome," she responded, "now go get some rest and treat those wounds."

Daniel and Notch were walking over to Victoria and Toby. Daniel and Notch were surprised to see Victoria again. It's been a while since they last spoke. Elena and EnderBrine were still trying to figure out how to get rid of the curse on the book.

"We were just coming to look for you," Daniel said, "we need your help in removing a curse from a spellbook."

"How will I be of any assistance to you guys?" Victoria questioned, "either way though, I'm happy to help out."

"Good," Daniel said, "now follow us. You can come too if you want," Daniel said to Toby.

"Okay," Toby responded.

And altogether, Daniel, Victoria, Notch, and Toby all began making their way back to Elena's house. That's where everyone else was. Hopefully, they'll be able to figure out how to reverse the curse in time. Every minute that passed, was another minute lost. Time was running out. If this plan didn't work, the OverWorld will forever be changed. Let's just hope everything goes according to plan.