Reverse The Curse

Toby was walking; his arm curled around Ceres' shoulders to help him limp into the Village. Merlin, Leona, and Robert noticed Toby and Ceres walking towards them. As Toby and Ceres entered the Village, the Villagers all began staring at them. Everyone was curious to know what had happened to Ceres, while some others wondered who Toby and Ceres were. Wondering who they were, the Villagers began asking questions and mumbling things to themselves.

"Where'd they come from?" One Villager asked.

"Who are they? I've never seen them around the Village before," another Villager said.

Toby and Ceres meant no harm. Villagers saw Luna lying down near Elderon, shocked to see two dragons together. That sight was something that hasn't been seen since the Great OverWorld War hundreds of years ago. Some were frightened, while others were excited to see Luna and Elderon. As far as anyone knew, Elderon was known to many as the last dragon in existence.

Robert, Merlin, and Leona approached Toby and Ceres. Robert was riding his horse, while Merlin and Leona walked next to the horse. As Robert held his horse's rope in one hand, he reached into his inventory to grab his enchanted iron sword out. He was just being cautious. For all he knew, Toby and Ceres could be bad blockheads. Merlin and Leona were cautious as well.

"Stop right there," Robert said in an intimidating tone, "don't take another step."

Toby looked over at Robert. He sighed and shook his head a few times. Didn't they notice that Ceres was injured? Did they make themselves aware of Ceres needing help to get better? Why is Robert being so hostile towards them? There was no need to be hostile.

"Please," Toby said as he glanced to his right at Ceres, "he needs help. He's hurt. Please, he needs help."

"How did he get hurt?" Merlin asked, "what happened?"

Toby faintly smiled. He was glad that Merlin was asking questions about Ceres. That meant that he was willing to help if Toby explained why they were here. Leona stood next to Merlin silently. She wasn't saying anything. She was too preoccupied with figuring out why Ceres had looked so familiar to her. Where did she see him before?

"A Kingdom, not too far from here, was obliterated and reduced to ruins. He was trapped under a big pile of cobblestone. If it weren't for my curiosity, he wouldn't be here now. Just be glad I decided to investigate," Toby lectured Merlin, Leona, and Robert.

After Toby had told them how he rescued Ceres, Leona suddenly remembered who Ceres was. She's never properly met him before, but she's seen him on occasion. Merlin had no idea who Toby and Ceres were. He's never met them, much less heard of them. The one thing name that did intrigue him was Luna. Way back when, he remembered seeing Luna soaring through the air with her master on her back. Luna was the only one Merlin had recognized.

"We're very thankful that you saved Ceres," Robert responded, "but you still haven't told me why you're here."

Toby was growing impatient. He was beginning to get frustrated with all of the questions they were asking him. How many times does he need to remind them that he didn't mean any harm? Toby scoffed and shook his head again. He pointed down at Ceres' injured leg.

"Don't you see that he's hurt?" Toby asked in a frustrated and fed-up tone. "That's why we've come here. Again, he needs help."

"He's right Robert," Victoria said as she walked up behind Toby and Ceres. Robert glanced down at Victoria. "They mean no harm."

Robert lowered his head and shook it a couple of times. He then reached back into his inventory to put his sword away. If Victoria says they mean no harm, then they mean no harm. Robert trusted Victoria. Merlin and Leona stared at Victoria. They were amazed at how angelic she was. A white dress and a golden tiara on her head. She was barefoot, wearing no shoes at all.

"Would one of escort Ceres to Gretta's house?" Victoria asked as she looked to her right and over at Ceres and Toby. "Don't worry Ceres. Gretta will heal you back up in no time. She's good at what she does. You'll be in good hands. I promise."

Leona had decided she would be the one to escort Ceres to Gretta's house. She walked over to them. Toby lowered his arm, letting Ceres go. Leona gently grabbed his hand and faintly smiled. Leona lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders. She put her right arm around his waist area for better support.

"If you need us," Leona said, "you'll know where to find us."

Together, Leona and Ceres began making their way over to Gretta's house. Ceres was limping as they walked away from everyone else. Toby and Victoria were now standing next to each other. Robert got down and off of his horse, still holding onto the rope.

"I was under the impression that Elderon was the last dragon to ever exist," Robert mentioned.

Toby slowly shook his head. "I thought Luna was the last one," Toby said, "guess that makes two of us."

"I guess it does," Robert responded.

Victoria then changed the subject to something different. She was especially curious to know how the plan was going. Good? Bad? Which one was it?

"Is everything going according to plan? Where are the other at with reversing the curse on the book?" Victoria asked. "Are things going okay with the plan?"

Merlin rocked his head from left to right, right to left. He shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure. Leona and I chose not to be present when the reversal spell is cast. And besides, they have enough help as is. Not everyone needed to assist."

"So that's a yes then?" Victoria questioned, "the plan is working okay?"

"Yes," Merlin responded.

The Mountian Kingdom

Mountains Biome, OverWorld

Bodies were scattered all about. Some of them had iron armor on, while others didn't. There was an older male blockhead lying on his back. His iron chest plate had noticeable cracks all over it, as did his iron helmet. His iron sword was on the ground nearby in pieces. It had been shattered in combat.

Nightmare was staring down at him, her head slightly tilted to the right.

"Stay down, Jack," she said, "the fight is over. Now give me what I came here for in the first place."

As the blockhead began talking back, he was taking deep breaths. The fight had really worn him out. He was still catching his breath.

"No!" He said to Nightmare, "do your worst. Either way, I'm not giving it to you!"

Nightmare sighed and lowered her head. She shook it a couple of times. "That's too bad," she said, "I was trying to be nice about it, but I guess that didn't work like I had hoped it would. If killing you is the only way to get that book, then so be it. Your death won't mean anything to me or the rest of the OverWorld."

"You're a monster," he responded, "what did we ever do to you to make you so hostile?"

"Everything!" Nightmare responded, "I was just like you once. A noble fighter, a worthy leader. But after some time, I was banished from my Kingdom. My parents and I were separated. Then a few years later, the Great OverWorld War broke out. Every Kingdom went to war with one another. Where was I during that war you ask? I was on the opposing side, fighting people I used to call my friends. Eventually, when the war ended, I was banished yet again. But this time I was banished to a realm called the Eternal Darkness Realm. That was a place where the sun never shined."

"That wasn't our doing," the male blockhead said, "that was long ago. You shouldn't take your anger out on us. Again, we did nothing to you."

"But your ancestors did," Nightmare mentioned, "and because of that, you're going to pay for their actions."

Nightmare moved away from the male blockhead. Both of her hands began glowing a bright yellow. Her eyes turned all black.

"If you think death is the end of the line, you're wrong. There's a whole other world beneath us," Nightmare mentioned, "that's where you're headed. Just think, if you would've cooperated, this could've all been avoided. But no."

"I'm doing all I can to protect that book," the blockhead said, "anything to spare the OverWorld of yet another Mineaggedon."

The Lone Rangers Village

Desert Biome, Overworld

Daniel, Elena, Notch, and EnderBrine were all crammed inside of Elena's small house. They were standing around a small all wooden table. Floating on top of the table was the cursed spellbook. Notch's right hand had a yellow haze glowing around it.

"Step back," Notch warned, "shield yourself. This could be dangerous."

EnderBrine, Elena, and Daniel all backed away from the small table. Daniel reached into his inventory. He grabbed his wooden, rectangular-shaped shield out. Once it was in his hands, he held the shield in front of him and Elena. EnderBrine formed a protective forcefield around himself. The forcefield was a bright, sky blue color.

"Here goes nothing," Notch said.

"Be careful," Daniel said.

Notch looked over at him and nodded his head once. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

Notch then focused back on the spellbook. He sighed heavily. He then aimed his hand directly at the spellbook. Not even a second later, he began using his powers. A bright yellow beam began shooting out of his hand, hitting the book. As he was blasting the spellbook, loud cracking sounds could be heard. That was the sound of the curse slowly starting to break apart.

Notch raised his left hand, aiming it at the book as well. Another yellow beam shot out of that hand as well, also hitting the book. The cracking sounds got louder and louder. The red haze around the book began to diminish and slowly disappear.

"It's working!" Notch shouted.

Suddenly a loud shattering sound was heard, almost as if a glass window had shattered. But really though, it was the curse finally being reversed. Notch stopped blasting the book, lowering his hands thereafter. The yellow haze that glowed around his hands faded away.

Daniel put his shield back into his inventory. EnderBrine took his forcefield down. Everyone walked back over to the table, staring at the book. Did the spell work? Has the curse been lifted? Let's find out.

"Holy sea pickles!" Elena said, "it actually worked. Now, all we have to do is find Nightmare and the Golem Monster."

Notch reached his arm out to grab the book off of the table. As his hand touched the cover of the book, something wasn't right about this book. Something was off about it. Suddenly, a white light began to grow brighter and brighter. Once it was extremely bright, Notch realized what was happening.

"Get down!" Notch said as he jumped onto the floor on his stomach. Daniel tried to get his shield back out of his inventory but wasn't fast enough. EnderBrine tried to reactivate his forcefield. But for some reason, it wouldn't work.

Then the book exploded, sending everyone flying through the air. Elena's house was completely destroyed. Nothing remained. A large crater was formed in the ground. The ground all around them shook violently. Other buildings near Elena's house were also severely damaged or destroyed entirely. The building next to Elena's house was Gretta's house.

Victoria, Toby, and Robert all ran as fast as they could over to what remained of Elena's house. Once the smoke had cleared, Victoria and Toby climbed down into the crater. The crater was quickly filling back up with loose sand. The two of them had to be quick. If they weren't, Daniel and Elena, EnderBrine, and Notch would all be buried alive under tons of sand. They must act fast. Their friends' lives depend on it.