Nearing The End

Lone Rangers Village

Desert Biome, OverWorld

"Set her down here," Robert said as Toby and Daniel gently laid Elena down on the ground on her back.

The hole the explosion had caused was filled with sand. EnderBrine was standing next to Robert. Robert didn't like him. The trouble he and NetherBrine caused was something Robert would never forget. The entire OverWorld feared them. But now that NetherBrine is truly gone, EnderBrine was all that remained of the trio. As for HeroBrine, he was no longer evil. Unlike NetherBrine and EnderBrine, he went back to being a good blockhead. HeroBrine died so that others could get to somewhere safe, taking NetherBrine with him.

HeroBrine left behind an unforgettable legacy. A legacy that will never be forgotten. His life was a rollercoaster indeed. First living on a farm with his parents, then being kidnapped by NetherBrine and EnderBrine, and officially becoming a feared demigod. But then he changed after being reunited with his mother Carlily. Daniel, HeroBrine's closest friend, will never forget about his friend. He's going to be missed dearly.

The night was still young. The moon and stars still shone in the night sky. Occasional clouds would block the moon's light. Focusing back on Elena, Daniel and Toby had a feeling that she wasn't going to make it much longer. But before anyone could say or do anything, a familiar blockhead reappeared.

"I forgot to give you a heads up," Nightmare said, "did you honestly think I'd let you take it back that easily?"

Daniel, EnderBrine, and Robert all quickly turned around. All three of them looked up into the air at Nightmare and the Golem Monster. She was floating on the Golem Monster's right shoulder. Her and the Golem Monster both were staring down at Daniel, EnderBrine, and Robert.

Daniel grabbed his newly crafted diamond sword out of his inventory, along with his wooden shield as well. He held his sword in his right hand, and his shield in his left hand. Nightmare began laughing sarcastically as she turned her head to her left, smiling evilly.

"Kill them!" Nightmare said to the Golem Monster, "leave nothing behind. Destroy everything."


All of the Villagers that lived in the village began scouring and fleeing. Daniel turned around to look at Toby. Robert hit his horse to make it start running. Robert didn't want to see his horse get hurt or killed by the Golem Monster. EnderBrine's hands began glowing a bright purple as he stared up at Nightmare and the Golem Monster.

"Can Luna get everyone to the beach?" Daniel asked Toby.

Toby shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know how many blockheads Luna could carry. She wasn't as big as Elderon was. She was quite small for a dragon. Daniel turned around and whistled as loud as he could. Elderon turned his head to look over at Daniel.

"Come here boy," Daniel shouted.

Elderon ran over to him, lowering his head so that he could hear what Daniel had to say to him. Daniel walked over to Elderon's right ear and talked into his ear. After he did that, Elderon nodded his head and took a few steps back. He quickly stretched his wings out and began flapping them. But just before he could lift off, the Golem Monster slammed his foot down on top of Elderon's back. Elderon roared out in pain as he was being squished by the Golem Monster's foot.

Luna was flying around in the air. When she had seen that the Golem Monster was hurting her fellow dragon, she began flying towards the Golem Monster's face, taking a deep breath in. As the Golem Monster turned his head to look at Luna, she breathed out fire. The fire coming out of her mouth burned the Golem Monster's eyes. He lifted his foot up off of Elderon, setting him free. But because Elderon was hurt badly, he could barely get back up onto his feet. He was severely injured.

From the looks of it, Daniel knew that Elderon's right wing was broken and his hind leg was sprained. Hasn't he been hurt enough already from previous incidents? The Golem Monster roared as he began swinging his arms around in the air. He was trying to hit Luna so that she would stop breathing fire at him.

EnderBrine looked over at Daniel and Robert. "I know what has to be done," he said to them.

Both Robert and Daniel looked over at him, tilting their heads because they were curious. What did he mean by that? Was he going to do something extreme? As he stared at Daniel and Robert, Daniel suddenly realized what EnderBrine had meant by that.

"No!" Daniel said, "You're not considering that are you?"

"I am," EnderBrine responded, "if this is the only way you'll all be safe, then I must do it. For HeroBrine."

Daniel sighed. Robert didn't express any emotion. He still disliked EnderBrine, no matter what he said or did. The only emotion EnderBrine had received from Robert was a brief handshake and faint smile. That was it. As Luna continued to anger the Golem Monster, Daniel walked over to EnderBrine and stared blankly into his eyes. He stuck his sword into the ground and held his right hand out.

"Do what you must, but come back to us," Daniel said, "I can't afford to lose another friend."

EnderBrine was starstruck at what Daniel had said. He thought he'd never hear those words from him ever. But he did surprisingly enough.

"Enemies in the past, friends in the present," Daniel said, "you've truly changed. I guess banishing you to the Nether Realm was a good thing after all."

EnderBrine held his arms out. Daniel tossed his shield down onto the ground. He walked up to EnderBrine, giving him a heartfelt, meaningful hug. This was probably the last time they'd ever see each other ever again--in this lifetime that is. EnderBrine had whispered something into Daniel's ear as they hugged. Robert saw Daniel giving EnderBrine something that looked like T.N.T. What was it really? When they stopped hugging, Daniel nodded his head slightly.

Robert looked over at Daniel. He was curious to know what EnderBrine had whispered into his ear. If I could describe Robert in one word, I would say that he's just plain nosey. EnderBrine nodded his head slightly as he then looked up at Nightmare and the Golem Monster

"What'd he say to you?" Robert asked, "what'd you give him?"

Daniel looked over at Robert to answer his question. As Daniel picked his shield up off of the ground and grabbed his diamond sword, he answered Robert's questions.

"Life has meaning. Don't waste it by being the hero to everyone else. Do what makes you happy, what satisfies you. You don't always need to be the hero," Daniel answered, "that's what he whispered into my ear. As for your second question, I gave him our only way out of this mess."

"What was that?" Robert asked.

"I had read the remainder of that story I told you about earlier. Once I finished reading through the pages, it dawned upon me that Nightmare could be defeated. But she couldn't be defeated in the way you'd expect. That's why she didn't want us getting our hands on those pages. She was looking out only for herself."

"Well how do we defeat her? That still leaves us with the Golem Monster. How do we defeat that?" Robert asked.

Daniel had enough of the questions and talking. Robert was choosing the worst time to have a conversation. That was making Daniel frustrated.

"Now is not the time to be talking, Robert," Daniel said as he looked over at Toby. Toby was dragging Elena's body across the sandy ground. At the end of the Desert biome was the Woodlands Biome. That's where Toby was hauling Elena off to.

"Why don't you be useful and help him with Elena, hmm?" Daniel suggested, "I'll stall them as long as I can. Now go! Get to safety!"

Robert began backing away from Daniel slowly, glancing up at the Golem Monster and Nightmare every so often. He then turned around and began running away as fast as he could, catching up to Toby to help him with Elena. She was still unconscious. As Daniel stood his ground by himself, Notch popped his head up out of the sand inhaling heavily. He carefully crawled up and out of the sand.

Daniel looked over at him, running over to him to assist him. Once Notch was out of the sand he began brushing off his clothes, He then got back down onto his knees, sticking his hand back into the loose sand. He began pulling someone else out of the sand as best as he could. The blockhead he had pulled out of the sand was none other than Ceres himself. Still injured and exhausted, but still alive thankfully.

Daniel was shocked to see Ceres again. The last time they saw each other was when Nightmare and the Golem Monster had unleashed chaos back at the Kingdom. Daniel had thought Ceres had been killed by Nightmare when she had stolen his wand from him. But no. How terribly mistaken he was. He was happy, however, to see him again.

"Ceres, you magical blockhead, I thought you were killed by Nightmare," Daniel said.

As Ceres was brushing his clothes off free of sand, he looked over at Daniel and shook his head. "She narrowly succeeded, but failed. I was trapped under the ruins of what used to be the Castle for two days. After those two days had passed, that's when Toby and his dragon showed up. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here now."

Ceres then looked up at Nightmare. She noticed that he was still alive and was shocked. How is he still alive after everything she had put him through? Nightmare was beginning to get even more worried. Maybe the good guys were going to win this battle after all. Now that Daniel knew Nightmare's only weakness, she was was the Golem Monster.

What Daniel had given EnderBrine was in fact a T.N.T block. This T.N.T was more powerful than the traditional one. This T.N.T was black, not red. EnderBrine was frantically running towards the Golem Monster. As he was preparing himself for what comes next, Daniel ran over to Elderon to make sure he was okay. He stuck his sword into the ground once more and rested his hand on Elderon's cheek. He began rubbing Elderon's cheek, trying to comfort him.

"You okay buddy? Can you walk?" Daniel said in a soft, calming tone. Elderon looked over at him and groaned. He blinked his eyes twice. Daniel knew what that meant. It wasn't good either. Quite the opposite actually.

"Don't move buddy. Stay put, okay?" Daniel said.

Elderon moaned once more. He continued laying on his stomach on the ground. Daniel turned around and looked up at Nightmare. He shouted as loudly as he could up at Nightmare, managing to capture her attention. She looked down at him.

"Hey Nightmare!" Daniel shouted, "Why don't you come down here and face me. Don't tell me you're afraid to do that."

Nightmare laughed sarcastically as she shook her head a couple of times. She then disappeared into thin air. Daniel quickly grabbed his diamond sword out of the ground. He was waiting for her to reappear so that he could fight her head on.

"Behind you," Nightmare's voice said. Daniel turned around. But when he did, she had punched him as hard as she could in the face. He had almost lost his balance because of her punching him. Thankfully he didn't though. He shook it off and refocused his attention back on Nightmare. He held his diamond sword out while holding his wooden shield in front of him to block any further punches Nightmare might try to throw at him.

"Hiding behind a shield are we?" Nightmare asked, "now where's the fun in that?"

Daniel slowly walked closer to her. When he was close enough, he swung his sword. But instead of hitting Nightmare, she had vanished before the sword could even touch her. Daniel quickly turned around to see Nightmare reappear behind Toby and Robert.

"Look out!" Daniel shouted. Toby and Robert stopped walking, and set Elena's body down onto the ground. When Toby turned around, Nightmare blasted him with a fireball. The fireball hit him in the chest, sending him flying through the air. Toby slammed into the side of the blacksmith's shop back first. After he hit their shop, he fell to the ground. He too had the wind knocked out of him.

As for Robert, he stood his ground. Now was the time to reveal who he really was. No, he wasn't a wizard, or a warrior. Light blue smoke engulfed his entire body. Nightmare watched as Robert transformed from an elderly blockhead into a powerful god. No longer was he wearing a cowboy's hat, or wearing a brown vest with a metal star on it. Now, he was wearing white pants, a white shirt, and white shoes. His entire outfit was white. A golden halo appeared over his head. Once the smoke cleared, Nightmare finally figured out who Robert truly was. She gasped, as did Daniel. Neither of them expected that to happen, but it did. Why didn't he do that earlier? It would've been nice to have an extra pair of magical hands when everyone needed it most. Why did he wait this long to reveal his true self?

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Cerce himself!" Nightmare said in a shocked and surprised tone, "I thought I killed you ages ago."

"Well you didn't," Cerce responded.

"That's impossible. Gods aren't eternal beings," Nightmare said.

"Correction! We are eternal beings. Now where'd we leave off when we last met?" Cerce asked.

As Nightmare and Cerce picked up where they had left off, EnderBrine was preparing to light the long fuse to the T.N.T. After he did that, it would only be minutes until it detonated. Anything and everything everyone called home would be destroyed once the T.N.T exploded. But that wasn't a concern to anyone. As long as the Golem Monster and Nightmare were defeated for good, that's all that mattered.

The only bad thing about placing this TNT was that EnderBrine would need to stay behind to make sure it did what it was supposed to. That's what he had meant earlier when he had told Daniel and Robert what needed to be done. Once EnderBrine was gone, the Brine Family that once wreaked havoc and gave blockheads the chills, wouldn't be a threat any longer. Not that EnderBrine was a threat now. He used to be though.

He looked back at Daniel and the others once more. He was holding the TNT block in his hand, with a flint and steel in his left hand.

"This is for HeroBrine, Carlily, and Petra," EnderBrine said as he looked down at the ground and placed the TNT down. Now that the TNT was placed, all EnderBrine had to do now was light the fuse. He grabbed a long rope out of his inventory, tying it around the TNT. After he did that, he began walking backwards and unraveling the rope. Hopefully everyone else would have time to get to the ship before this thing detonates. If not, it'd be the end of the blockheads existence. EnderBrine prayed that wouldn't happen.

"Hello father," a familiar voice said from nearby, "it's nice to see you're helping the good guys for a change instead of causing chaos."

EnderBrine looked over to his right. Standing nearby him was his son NetherBrine. But it wasn't the NetherBrine he knew and used to adore, no. This NetherBrine was half zombie, half himself. The entire left side of his body was zombie-like, while the right side of his body was his normal self.

"I thought HeroBrine killed you?" EnderBrine asked.

NetherBrine laughed as he briefly looked away from EnderBrine.

"Funny you say that," he said, "but death is only the portal into a new life. I thought I had died for sure. Being killed by another demigod was the only way I'd stay dead for good. But when I awoke, I suspected that something was off about myself."

"Let me guess," EnderBrine said, "you realized that you had partially turned into a zombie?"

"Exactly," NetherBrine responded, "Then I realized that there was some unfinished business I needed to take care of with HeroBrine. But when I found out that he had died, I had to think of another way to get my revenge on you guys for turning your backs on me."

"What? You thought that by thwarting our plan to blow everything up would be your way of getting revenge?" EnderBrine asked.

NetherBrine nodded his head. He put his hands behind his back and began pacing back and forth, continuing to explain himself to EnderBrine. EnderBrine didn't care for what he had to say. So he continued unraveling the rope and walking backwards. It took NetherBrine a moment to notice that EnderBrine wasn't listening.

When he did notice, he turned around and clapped his hands together twice. Doing that, a small cylinder portal opened up on the ground. Out came a Blaze. EnderBrine looked up at the Blaze. Three rods floated around his body. He began shooting fireballs down at EnderBrine.

"Father," NetherBrine said, "meet my friend Blaze. One of the most dangerous entities to ever exist in the Nether Realm, behind the Ghasts."

EnderBrine dropped the rope onto the ground. He put the flint and steel back into his inventory. His hands began glowing a bright purple once more. As he looked up at the Blaze, NetherBrine instructed Blaze on what to do next.

"Kill him!" NetherBrine ordered Blaze to do, "If I can't live, neither can he."