EnderBrine V. NetherBrine

"NetherBrine," EnderBrine said as he grabbed the flint and steel back out of his inventory. He was holding it in his right hand, staring directly at NetherBrine the entire time. "You know how this ends. Nightmare's reign is over. The OverWorld will be peaceful once again."

NetherBrine tilted his head, lifting his right hand. A fireball appeared in his hand. EnderBrine stood his ground, standing near the end of the rope he had dropped before NetherBrine returned from the dead. NetherBrine took a step closer towards EnderBrine.

The two of them were standing directly under the Golem Monster. EnderBrine quickly glanced over at Daniel. He was standing over alongside Elderon, gently petting him. EnderBrine saw the chaos unfolding once more; the memories of Nightmare and the Golem Monster destroying Daniel's Kingdom a few days ago coming back. That was going to happen all over again if he didn't light that fuse.

"I remember when you ruled over these lands with mom by your side," NetherBrine said, "ruthless. Unremorseful. You spread fear everywhere you went. You've changed. Why?" NetherBrine asked, threatening to throw the fireball at EnderBrine if he didn't choose his next words wisely.

He was right about one thing though. EnderBrine has changed. It's been almost 700 years since he ruled these lands. But he's learned his lesson not once, but twice. Firstly, he was defeated by the Resistance some 687 years ago, and again when Daniel and Petra defeated him. He's finally learned his lesson, becoming aware that bad guys will never succeed. The hero always wins in the end.

"I can't imagine how disappointed mother is with you right now. How disgusted she must be with who you've become," NetherBrine mentioned, "what if she was here right now? Would you still be the hero? Or would you still be the villain?"

EnderBrine was beginning to get upset. Those days were long behind him. Sure, he was a bad guy in the past. Who that blockhead was, it wasn't the blockhead he is today. After being banished twice, he's learned his lessons. Never start a War you know you'd lose in the end. That's exactly what he did back then, failing miraculously in the end.

How was EnderBrine going to answer that question? Was NetherBrine expecting an answer? Or was the question he had asked rhetorical? EnderBrine chose to answer it as best as he could, hoping it wouldn't aggravate NetherBrine any further.

"I can see it," NetherBrine said, "you want to do something. So do it. What're you waiting for? I'm waiting, traitor!"

EnderBrine couldn't come up with an answer so he didn't respond. But what NetherBrine had said to him really angered him. He slightly tilted his head, staring back at NetherBrine. How dare he talk to his father like that? After all EnderBrine has done for him over the years, this is how he treats him?

"I think it's time you and I had a little talk," EnderBrine said as his entire body began to glow a bright purple. He quickly reached into his inventory to grab the flint and steel out from it. EnderBrine looked over to his right at Daniel and Cerce. Cerce was occupied with Nightmare, and Daniel was still standing over by Elderon.

"Daniel!" EnderBrine shouted. Daniel looked over at him. EnderBrine then threw the flint and steel as far as he could, "catch!"

After he did that, he looked back over at NetherBrine. He tilted his head once more. NetherBrine stared back into EnderBrine's eyes, preparing himself for what was about to come his way. EnderBrine suddenly teleported, leaving only purple particles behind where he once stood. NetherBrine quickly began looking all around him, waiting for EnderBrine to reappear so he could make his first move.

Then, out of nowhere, EnderBrine wrapped his arm around NetherBrine's neck. He spoke clearly into NetherBrine's ear. "Let's go on an adventure, shall we?" EnderBrine said as he and NetherBrine both vanished into thin air.

Daniel saw them disappear. He ran over to where the flint and steel had landed on the ground. Luna was still flying around the Golem Monster, keeping it distracted and stationary for the most part. He continuously swung his long arms all over the air, trying to hit Luna. But she was too fast. The Golem Monster was getting more and more agitated as Luna continued to make him more and more angry.

The Golem Monster was raising his right leg, turning around to try and hit Luna as she continued to blow hot fire at his back. As his foot came descending back down towards the ground, Daniel quickly dove out of the way. He landed on his stomach, making a grunting sound. The Golem Moster's foot slammed down onto the ground, causing everything to shake violently. Small chunks of cobblestone broke free from the mountain side, tumbling down the side of it. The big and heavy chunks of cobblestone hit the ground, breaking up into even small chunks.

Daniel quickly got back up onto his feet and ran over to the flint and steel. He reached his left hand out to grab it, running as fast as he could over to the rope and block of T.N.T he had given EnderBrine earlier. Daniel threw his wooden shield onto the ground, holding the flint in one hand and steel in his other hand. As he desperately rubbed the flint and steel together, sparks flew down at the ground. After rubbing the flint and steel together a couple of times, the rope laying on the ground suddenly caught on fire. It was now burning. That meant that the countdown to the explosion began. Now time was really against them.

"Cerce!" Daniel shouted, "we need to leave now. The fuse has been lit."

As Cerce and Nightmare continued to fight, Nightmare overheard what Daniel had said. She growled and screamed at Cerce. Now she really had to get past Cerce in order to stop that T.N.T from detonating. Everything she had worked hard for would all be for nothing if she failed to stop it.

"Get out of my way!" Nightmare shouted at Cerce. She tried to fly around him, but he wouldn't let her pass. Not that easily of course.

"I don't think so," Cerce responded, "you're not going anywhere!"

He grabbed her arm and held it as tightly as he could. Now that he had her in his grasp, he swung his arm in a forward motion. With all of his might, he threw Nightmare through the air. She went flying backwards, slamming into the side of the mountain. Her impact with the mountain was so strong, that she became buried by chunks of cobblestone and dirt.

She moved the chunks of cobblestone out of the way, standing back up straight after doing so. She brushed each of her arms clean of dirt. After that, she glared back over at Cerce, faintly smiling at him.

"Is that all you got?" Nightmare asked, "from a blockhead like yourself, I would expect more."

Cerce scoffed and slowly shook his head back at her. "Did you think I'd make it that easy for you?" he asked. "Oh, I'm just getting started. You're not going anywhere near that fuse and T.N.T. Just face it, your defeat is imminent. You won't win this fight."

"Then I guess we'll both die here then, won't we?" Nightmare questioned.

Cerce shrugged his shoulders, quickly glancing over to his left at Daniel. He was picking his shield back up off of the ground, carrying it again in his left hand. What Cerce didn't notice was that Nightmare was flying through the air towards him. As he turned his head to refocus his attention on Nightmare, it was too late to react. With her arms out straight in front of her, Cerce shielded his face. She then grabbed ahold of him and began flying up into the air.

Daniel watched at Cerce and Nightmare flew upwards. Once they were too far up in the night sky, Daniel ran back over to Elderon. Elderon was still laying on the ground, still unable to stay awake nonetheless. He was getting weaker and weaker. Daniel knew that his life was coming to a tragic end. So he chose to stay by Elderon's side, wishing his life wouldn't end.

For a dragon his size, Daniel ahd thought it'd take more than just being crushed by the Golem Monster's foot to take him down. But then again, the Golem Monster was taller and more powerful than he was. Take Luna for example. She's not engaging in the fight, but she was still doing her part. And oh boy was she doing an outstanding job at that.

As the fuse continued to burn, inching closer and closer to the T.N.T, Daniel patiently waited for that time to come. He was prepared to die. If and when he dies, he'll once again be reunited with his friends once again, not including his parents. If he did perish, he wondered if Petra and HeroBrine would be waiting for him, as well as his parents.

"Hang in there buddy," Daniel said as he glanced over at Elderon. Elderon's head was flat on the ground. His eyes were about halfway open. Seeing his eyes like that made Daniel extremely sad and upset. None of this would be happening right now if Nightmare wasn't around.

Is this how Elderon's story ends? A feared dragon in the past, a friendly one in the present. Daniel knew there was nothing he could do to heal Elderon's wounds. The only thing he can do is comfort him as best as he could. He sat down on the ground next to Elderon's head. Daniel looked over at him and faintly smiled, beginning to gently pet him.

"Everything will be okay buddy," Daniel said, "whenever you're ready, you can go."

Elderon groaned, looking over to his right at Daniel. He moaned and groaned once more. Even though Daniel didn't know how Elderon was really feeling, he could tell Elderon was growing weaker by the minute. Soon, if nothing was done to try and save him, he'd be the third friend Daniel would lose.

As Luna continued to soar through the air and around the Golem Monster, EnderBrine and NetherBrine were fighting as well. But the two of them weren't fighting in the same place as everyone else. Instead, they were teleporting through different dimensions and realms. Their first stop, you ask? The End Dimension.

As EnderBrine and NetherBrine appeared in the End, EnderBrine's dragon began roaring as loudly as he could. The dragon was all black. It's eyes were purple. The scary and most destructive thing about the end dragon was that he could shoot things out of his mouth.

EnderBrine was holding onto NetherBrine as they continued to fly through the air. Once they were flying close to an obsidian tower, EnderBrine suddenly let go of NetherBrine. He began falling down towards the ground. Seconds before he hit the ground, EnderBrine flew straight down towards NetherBrine. He held his arms straight out in front of him.

After EnderBrine grabbed hold of him once more, they both slammed into the ground very violently. A loud boom sound was heard as they hit the ground. Holding NetherBrine down with one arm, EnderBrine punched NetherBrine right in the face. Doing that knocked the wind right out of him.

"It doesn't matter if you're my father or not," NetherBrine said, "you'll always be a coward in my mind, you traitor!"

EnderBrine grunted as he grabbed NetherBrine's arms once again, he glanced up into the purple sky. The dragon was still flying around in circles, regaining health from the obsidian towers. Down below, on the ground, Enderman were roaming freely throughout the End World. Some were holding blocks in their hands, while others teleported rapidly all over the place.

As EnderBrine and NetherBrine were flying upwards and into the air, they teleported again. Only this time, they appeared once again. They were now in the Nether World, also known as NetherBrine's home. He smirked at EnderBrine as he looked all around.

"You do realize this is my home right?" NetherBrine asked.

"Don't care," EnderBrine responded as a loud screeching sound was heard, followed by a crying out sound. NetherBrine and EnderBrine both looked over to the left. What they saw was not a weak and simple piglin. Flying out from where it was hiding, was a Ghast. It was huge and had six tentacles swaying freely below it. Once the Ghast spotted EnderBrine and NetherBrine, it began to fly towards them. NetherBrine quickly sneaked a peek up at EnderBrine. He scoffed at him.

"What is it?" NetherBrine asked, "are you afraid of a Ghast?"

EnderBrine glanced back down at NetherBrine. He shook his head a couple of times, not saying a single word to NetherBrine. He then suddenly came up with an idea. And of course he wasn't going to share what he had on his mind to NetherBrine. That would ruin all of the fun.

EnderBrine began twirling around in a circle. As he was doing that, he began loosening his grip on NetherBrine. He purposely did that. Before he stopped twirling, he threw NetherBrine through the air and over to the Ghast. He watched as NetherBrine struck the Ghast. It squealed as it locked its focus on EnderBrine. It then shot a fireball out of its mouth. The fireball traveled fast through the air, hitting EnderBrine in the stomach. He went tumbling down towards the Piglin's infested netherrack ground.

After NetherBrine had hit the Ghast, we went falling through the air once more. At ground level, instead of netherrack, there was an ocean of lava. As he fell down towards the ocean of lava, a flying Piglin scooped him up just before he was due to land in the lava. The Piglin was using Elytra wings to fly through the air. Once NetherBrine was saved from falling, the Piglin flew over to where EnderBrine had fallen. He was seen laying on his back. NetherBrine and the Piglin landed safely back on the ground. NetherBrine turned around to look at the Piglin, slightly nodding his head.

"Thanks buddy," NetherBrine said.

The Piglin oinked, taking the Elytra wings off of it's back. He handed the wings over to NetherBrine. NetherBrine took the wings and put them on, turning around to look over at EnderBrine. He was still laying on his back on the ground. NetherBrine chuckled sarcastically as he made his way over to EnderBrine.

"Who would've thought that a fireball from a Ghast would take you down so easily," NetherBrine said, "now it's my turn."

NetherBrine rubbed his hands together a couple of times. Once EnderBrine woke up from being unconscious, he quickly sat up. NetherBrine was now standing over him, looking down at him.

"I liked you better as a King," NetherBrine mentioned as he then took a few steps back. He raised his hands up into the air. The ground beneath them began shaking and rumbling. Loud cracking sounds could be heard as something began coming through the netherrack ground. As EnderBrine got back up onto his feet, large cracks had formed in the ground. But that wasn't all that had happened. NetherBrine had summoned creatures in which EnderBrine had never seen before.

But as the creatures began climbing up out of the ground, the Piglin's that roamed around freely began closing in on EnderBrine. They were still seeking revenge for their King that EnderBrine had killed last time he was in the Nether. They, along with the creatures coming up out of the ground, began forming a circle around EnderBrine.

EnderBrine knew he was in trouble. The only thing he could think of doing was something he's never tried before. Something he never thought he'd be able to do in his entire life. He closed his eyes. When he did that, his entire body began glowing a bright purple once more. When he opened his eyes, he looked back over at NetherBrine and smirked at him.

The smile NetherBrine had on his face quickly faded away. He lowered his arms. The creatures he was summoning stopped coming through the ground. The Piglin's stopped closing in on EnderBrine. EnderBrine's eyes were all purple, just like the End Dragon's eyes were.

"Have you forgotten who the more powerful one is?" EnderBrine asked as he suddenly vanished into thin air.

The Piglins and NetherBrine all began looking around them, trying to find the location of where EnderBrine would reappear again. But they failed at accomplishing that. From behind NetherBrine, EnderBrine reappeared. NetherBrine turned around and quickly summoned fireballs in his hands. He began throwing them at EnderBrine. But every fireball he threw, EnderBrine dodged them. He either flew around them, or above them.

The Ghast on the other hand was still shooting fireballs out of its mouth. The fireballs he was shooting were hitting the ground, sending the Piglin's flying through the air once the fireballs exploded. The remaining Piglin's quickly scurried and fled the area, escaping the chaos EnderBrine and NetherBrine were causing.

EnderBrine held his arms out straight in front of him, managing to grab ahold of NetherBrine once more. Once he had him in his grasp, he began flying upwards. As they were flying through the air, NetherBrine was trying to break free from EnderBrine's hold on him.

Every punch he threw at EnderBrine, every kick he kicked him with, all resulted in failure. EnderBrine wasn't budging that easily. Just before they were due to fly into the ceiling of netherrack, EnderBrine had teleported them to an all new location. This location wasn't anywhere on the OverWorld, or in the End Dimension, no.

EnderBrine had teleported them into Outer BlockSpace. The two of them had landed on the moon. EnderBrine let go of NetherBrine. He began floating freely through the endless night of outer BlockSpace. As he floated freely, NetherBrine looked down at his feet and hands. He noticed that his body was slowly starting to freeze. He then looked up and over at EnderBrine.

The purple haze glowing around EnderBrine's body was protecting him from the harsh temperatures of BlockSpace. EnderBrine smiled enthusiastically as he then charged forward towards NetherBrine.

"Looks like your time is running out," EnderBrine said, "do you have any last words?"

NetherBrine smiled faintly as he tilted his head. "Actually, I do."

He raised his right hand, which was still being eaten up by forming ice. He had summoned a fireball, but once he did the fireball had frozen entirely. It instantly turned into an iceball.

"Your powers don't work out here," EnderBrine said, "no matter how desperate you are, your very existence is finished."

NetherBrine growled at EnderBrine. He then threw the ice ball with all of his might. The ice ball traveled through the air and over towards EnderBrine. But because the ice ball was so heavy, it traveled slowly through the air slowly. EnderBrine easily dodged it.

"Just give up," EnderBrine said, "accept your defeat. I'm too powerful to defeat."

As the ice continued to travel upwards on NetherBrine's body, his legs and arms were now completely frozen over, making him immobile. He couldn't move his arms and legs anymore. The only thing he could do was turn his head.

"You can't do this to me!" NetherBrine said, "I'm your son!"

EnderBrine faintly smiled and slowly shook his head. He crossed his arms. "Not anymore you aren't," EnderBrine said, "as far as I know, I never had a son. The son I once had died when we lost the War. HeroBrine was more of a son to me than you'll ever be."

"Please father," NetherBrine begged, "don't do this. Please!"

EnderBrine refused to listen to NetherBrine. He then unfolded his arms and extended them straight out to the sides of him. He raised his head to look in an upwards direction. When he had done that, he began transforming into a tall and big Enderman. The only thing NetherBrine could do was watch. The ice was slowly creeping up his neck. Any minute now and he would be completely swallowed up by ice. He continued to beg for mercy from his father.

EnderBrine's legs grew longer and skinnier, as did his arms. His head turned completely black. The clothes he was wearing transformed into an all black body. Once the transformation was done, EnderBrine lowered his head to look down at NetherBrine. NetherBrine looked up at the towering Enderman before him. He gulped as stared into his father's eyes.

EnderBrine extended his arm to grab ahold of NetherBrine. There was nothing he could do to stop him from doing whatever it was he was going to do. In a deep, demonic sounding voice, EnderBrine responded to NetherBrine.

"Never pick a fight you know you won't win," EnderBrine had told NetherBrine as he grabbed NetherBrine once more. Once Enderbrine had NetherBrine in his grasp once again, he turned his head over to his left. He was looking over in the direction of where the Sun was. The entire OverWorld was seen. One side was dark, while the other was lit up by the shining Sun. Netherbrine looked over at the Sun as well, suddenly realizing what EnderBrine was planning on doing to him.

EnderBrine glanced down at NetherBrine and smiled at him. Then he teleported them closer to the Sun. Once they were in close proximity of where the Sun was, the two of them could feel the heat being released from the burning star.

The ice that had almost consumed NetherBrine was now beginning to melt away quickly. EnderBrine didn't notice, but the ice had melted off of his arms and stomach. NetherBrine was now able to move his arms and hands once more. He looked up at EnderBrine and smirked. Maybe he'll now have a chance. A chance to save his own life and avoid being defeated by his demented father.

But before he could even make a move on EnderBrine, he was suddenly thrown at the sun. He went floating towards the sun, looking back over his left shoulder. Before he hit the sun, he said one last thing to EnderBrine.

"If you think you've defeated me, you're gravely mistaken," NetherBrine said, "I'll be back again. You haven't seen the--," he said as he hit the surface of the sun. He had run out of time to finish what he was saying. It wasn't like EnderBrine cared to know what he had meant to say anyways. Now that NetherBrine was out of the way, EnderBrine transformed back into his normal self. No longer was he a large and tall Enderman.

He then turned around, looking back towards the OverWorld. From the location he was at, he was able to make out multiple different biomes. He could see the desert biome, the jungle biome, and sahara biome as well. Without stalling any longer, he teleported himself back down to the OverWorld. He had appeared right where he disappeared earlier.

Once he arrived back at the scene of the fight, he saw Luna and the Golem Monster still fighting with one another. Daniel was sitting over by Elderon. Why wasn't he fighting anybody, muchless helping the others escape to the boat? A loud hissing sound was heard nearby him. Turns out, the hissing sounds he heard was the fuse still burning. The fuse was almost extinguished as it neared the block of T.N.T. When he had seen that, he knew that the fight was nearing its end.

"Why aren't you evacuating?" EnderBrine said as he ran over to Daniel. Once he was over by Elderon and Daniel, he quickly realized why Daniel wasn't leaving. It was because of Elderon. He had thought that by sitting by Elderon's side, would comfort him until he passed. There was nothing anyone could do to save him. All anyone could do was try and comfort him.

Elderon was starting to get even more tired and weak. He was trying his best to keep his eyes open, but that was proving difficult for him. Daniel was gently petting him, trying his best to hide his feelings. Even though he was upset, he was grateful to have called Elderon his friend. The things they've been through together, he'll never forget. Where he was going, there was no evil. No threats. Just nothing but peaceful. Daniel hoped that Elderon would be happy yet again.

"You need to leave," EnderBrine said as he walked over Daniel. He set his hand down on Daniel's shoulder and looked down at him. He felt Daniel's pain. He's lost so many friends over the years. Petra was first, Carlily was second, and now him.

"I'm not leaving his side," Daniel responded, "if I have to die with him, then so be it. I'm not going anywhere. He needs someone to comfort him and I'm the one to do so."

EnderBrine was growing impatient with Daniel. He wasn't getting angry or anything. It was just that EnderBrine didn't want him to be present once the T.N.T does detonate. He still had a full life ahead of him. As for EnderBrine, he's already lived his life. Someone has to stay behind to make sure the T.N.T goes off. He would be the one to do so.

The only way EnderBrine could get Daniel to move, was if he picked him up himself. So, that's what he did. He grabbed Daniels arms to hoist him back up onto his feet. Daniel turned around to look at EnderBrine. When he did that, EnderBrine saw the emotion and sadness in his eyes.

"I'm going to stay behind," EnderBrine said, "it must be me."

Daniel shook his head. If EnderBrine was staying behind, so was he. However, if he did stay back with EnderBrine, who would lead the blockheads? Not only would he be leaving them behind, he would also be leaving the OverWorld behind as well.

"I'm staying!" Daniel said, "you can't force me to move."

"I can't, huh?" EnderBrine responded as he grabbed hold of Daniel. His grip on Daniel was tight and firm. Daniel tried to squirm and twist and turn. His hope was that he would be able to break free. But to no avail.

"Don't resist," EnderBrine said, "I'm just trying to save you. Now common! Let's go find the others.