
Cerce was chasing after Nightmare as the two of them continued to fly through the air. Cerce had both of his arms out in front of him as he flew, as did Nightmare herself. Nightmare turned around to face Cerce. When she did that, she raised her right hand. Her hand was glowing a bright yellow. She then threw her arm in a forward motion, a bright yellow orb flying directly at Cerce. He flew out of the way of the orb. After he did that, he stared directly over at Nightmare as his eyes went all white. His eyes began glowing. He made a grudging sound as two bright white beams shot out of his eyes. Nightmare was too slow to react. The beams hit her right in her chest. She screamed loudly as she began falling from the sky and down towards the ground.

Cerce blinked his eyes once. They stopped glowing and turned back to normal. Nightmare was unconscious as she continued to fall down towards the ground. Cerce began flying down, managing to catch up to her. When he did, he grabbed onto her arms and held them tightly within his grasp.

Nightmare fluttered her eyes as she awoke from being knocked out. She stared directly into Cerce's eyes. She growled at him as she tried to break free from his hold. First, she tried biting his arms, but that proved unsuccessful. When she realized that she wasn't going to free herself, she turned her head to look down over her left shoulder. The ground was getting closer and closer.

The Golem Monster was still swinging his arms through the air, trying to hit Luna and knock her out of the sky. But because he was so big and tall, he wasn't fast enough. Luna had the upper hand in this case. Elderon was still laying on his stomach on the ground. Cerce and Nightmare both checked the rope to see how much time was left before the fuse ran out.

"You're really becoming a pain in my butt!" Nightmare shouted as she looked back up at Cerce.

He didn't respond verbally. But he did smile and scoff. Suddenly, Nightmare and Cerce both slammed into the ground, sending a shockwave across the ground from their impact. Cerce wasn't stopping anytime soon. The deeper they got into the ground, the bigger the hole they created.

Somehow, Cerce had managed to lose his grasp on Nightmare. Her right arm was now free and able to be used. She utilized the first chance she had. She punched Cerce a couple of times in the face. But that didn't stop him or daze him in any way. It's as if no matter how hard she tried to inflict damage to Cerce, she was unsuccessful in doing so.

As they continued to get deeper into the ground, Daniel and EnderBrine were still standing over Elderon. Daniel was refusing to leave Elderon's side. Daniel couldn't keep his feelings at bay any longer. EnderBrine had his hand resting on Daniel's shoulder. He looked over at the T.N.T. The fuse was almost entirely used up. If they didn't go now, they wouldn't see the light of day tomorrow morning.

Daniel was gently running his hand up and down Elderon's side. As Daniel began talking to him in a somber and shaky voice, Elderon began groaning. Daniel looked over Elderon's head. His eyes were closed. He couldn't keep them open any longer. His time among the OverWorld was nearing a sad and tragic end. Nobody wanted him to die, but there was nothing anyone could do to prevent that.

Sure the Gods and Goddesses of the OverWorld were eternal and possessed magical abilities, healing someone or something that was injured wasn't one of them. That's the only thing none of them could do. As far as anyone knew, healing those who were sick or dying was a myth that was forged by book authors. Oh how Daniel wished something like that existed. If it did, Elderon wouldn't be where he was now. He'd still be living his life among the OverWorld.

"Daniel," EnderBrine said in a soft and somber tone. He could feel the pain that Daniel was in. No one should have to experience what he's experienced throughout his life. "We should leave. The T.N.T is going to detonate any minute now. When it does, we mustn't be anywhere near here."

Daniel slightly turned his head and looked over his shoulder and back at EnderBrine. If one thing was certain, it was that EnderBrine was right about escaping the area. He nodded his head once, acknowledging that it was time to go. Leaving Elderon behind was the last thing Daniel had wanted to do. But knowing that Elderon was going to a better place, somewhat eased Daniel's feelings. But this doesn't mean Daniel's still upset about everything.

"How could I have let this happen?" Daniel questioned.

"This," EnderBrine said as he looked all around him and back at Daniel, "this isn't your fault. None of us saw this coming. No one thought something this dangerous would ever occur."

"If only I had found out sooner that Nightmare was posing as Merlin," Daniel said, "this could have all been avoided."

EnderBrine sighed heavily as he began scratching his head a couple of times. He understood why Daniel was questioning his actions. He was blaming himself for what had happened. HeroBrine and Petra would still be alive. All would've been good around the OverWorld. Peaceful and evil-free besides the Zombies, Skeleton's and the occasional Creepers.

"You've gotta stop blaming yourself for all of this," EnderBrine stated, "you did nothing wrong."

Daniel scoffed and began shaking his head slowly. That's when he suddenly realized something. Maybe EnderBrine was right afterall. This wasn't his fault. But this doesn't mean he's going to forget about what had happened here tonight. Moving forward, he would try his best to try and forget about what happened. These memories were to be with him for the rest of his life.

Then, suddenly, Daniel realized that Elderon was no longer breathing. He looked over at Elderon's head, hoping and praying that he was still somewhat conscious.

"Elderon?" Daniel questioned as he walked over to Elderon's head. He got down on his knees, dropping his shield and diamond sword onto the ground. He lowered his head, not knowing how to react to Elderon's death.And so, he began to cry. No longer could he hide his emotions. Enough was enough. Nightmare and the Golem Monster are going to pay for what they did to Elderon. Such a formidable dragon he was. Yet he was taken down so quickly. He sniffled and continuously rubbed his eyes. Tears slid down his cheeks, dripping onto the ground. When the tears landed on the ground, they were instantly absorbed into the sand.

"Daniel," Enderbrine said as he took one step closer towards Daniel. Daniel quickly lifted his head and looked back at EnderBrine.

"What!" Daniel shouted at EnderBrine, "can't I just say my goodbyes without you interrupting? Sheesh!"

EnderBrine raised his hands up into the air, taking a couple of steps backwards away from Daniel. The way Daniel had responded to him, somewhat spooked him. As far as Enderbrine knew, Daniel never acted out like this in the past. But he also understood why Daniel was acting out now.

When Daniel turned his head back around to look back at Elderon, a bright blue light was seen. Both EnderBrine and Daniel looked up at the blue light. When they did, they both noticed a male blockhead exiting Elderon's body. Daniel tilted his head slightly as he stared up at the blockhead.

"At last, I can finally reunite with my family," the blockhead said with a faint smile on his face, "after all these years, I'm finally able to go home to them."

EnderBrine raised one of his eyebrows. He crossed his arms. "Who are you?" EnderBrine asked, "you're not Elderon's spirit."

"My name is Jack," he answered, "I've been trapped in the form of a dragon for hundreds of years now," Jack responded.

Daniel and EnderBrine both were bewildered. What Jack was telling them didn't quite make any sense. The two of them were having a hard time understanding Jack. They were only confused with the fact that Jack had been stuck in a dragon's form for many, many years.

"I'm confused," Daniel said, "so does this mean you weren't always a dragon?"

Jack nodded his head once. "That's right," Jack responded, "I was like you once. Happy. Adventurous. Heroic. But after King Miraz slaughtered my family and my entire Village, I was emotionally broken. I wanted revenge for what he did. I wanted him to pay for what he did to my family and Village. The only way I could do that was if I turned into a formidable dragon."

Daniel got back up off of his knees. He leaned over to grab his diamond sword and wooden shield. But when he finished picking those things up, he looked back up into the sky. But when he did that, Jack was gone. Nowhere to be seen.

"Where'd he go?" Daniel asked as he turned around to look at EnderBrine, "where is he?"

EnderBrine unfolded his arms, pointing straight up into the night sky. Daniel looked up, realizing what EnderBrine was telling him. Daniel sighed heavily once more. And just like that, Jack was gone. Then, from behind Daniel, a loud poof sound was heard. When he turned around, Elderon's body was gone. Small white particles were floating up into the air, eventually disappearing into thin air.

Daniel now realized that he was all alone. The three most important blockheads in his life were gone. He had felt like there was nothing left for him in the OverWorld. A sudden rage began building up inside of him. How was he going to proceed moving forward without his friends?

"Come on," EnderBrine said in a soft and almost quiet voice as he looked over to his left at the T.N.T block. The fuse was about to be extinguished. Time was just about to run out. If they didn't leave now, they would be victims of the explosion as well.

Daniel approached EnderBrine, putting his sword and shield back into his inventory. After he had done that, he grabbed EnderBrine's hand. After that, EnderBrine and Daniel vanished into thin air. As the Golem Monster and Luna continued to fight, Nightmare and Cerce were still fighting as well. Because they were so busy, no one noticed that the T.N.T was about to explode.

When the two of them reappeared, they were now at a beach with a wooden pier on it. Docked and moored to the pier was the massive ship Daniel and the others would get on to escape before it's too late. Almost everyone was on the ship. The last remaining blockheads were walking up the ramp. EnderBrine let go of Daniel's hand and began backing away from him slowly.

When Daniel realized that EnderBrine was trying to get away silently, he looked back at him. "Where are you going?"

EnderBrine stopped taking steps backwards. Guess he wasn't that good at trying to sneak away from anyone. He knew exactly why he was leaving Daniel. Should he remind Daniel as to why he can't leave?

"Someone has to stay behind," EnderBrine said, "it's the only way make sure the T.N.T blows up,"

Daniel frowned after EnderBrine had said that to him. Was EnderBrine's name going to be added to the list of friends Daniel had lost? Was he going to come back and escape along with everyone else? Why did he choose to stay behind? He didn't have to.

"Please stay," Daniel begged EnderBrine, "please don't leave me. Come with us. But don't just abandon us. We need you, I need you. You're the only friend I have left."

EnderBrine was slowly shaking his head, being very adamant on staying behind. Like he had said before, someone must stay behind to witness the explosion happen. He knew Daniel wasn't going to like his decision. But it was final. He wasn't going to budge or give-in on changing his decision.

"I'm sorry Daniel," EnderBrine said, "but it must be me who stays behind."

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"I've lived my life," EnderBrine responded, "I have nothing more to offer to the OverWorld. Besides, this is a way of redeeming myself, showing the others that I can be a good blockhead. You still have much to explore yet. You still have a full life ahead of you. Like I said, I've lived my life. I'm willing to sacrifice myself so that you all can escape."

Daniel frowned. He walked on over to EnderBrine and held his arms out front of him. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around EnderBrine. In return, EnderBrine wrapped his arms around Daniel. Together, they hugged one another. Saying goodbye wasn't easy or fun. It was sad and upsetting. Once they stopped hugging, Daniel took one step back from EnderBrine. They stared into each other's eyes, hesitating on saying their final goodbyes.

"You surely have changed," Daniel said, "I'm going to miss you so much. You know that right?"

EnderBrine scoffed as he rubbed his head. When he stopped rubbing his head, he looked back over at Daniel. He pointed at him.

"I'll always be with you," EnderBrine said as he pointed at Daniel's heart, "in there."

Daniel looked down at his beating heart. He set his left hand over his heart, feeling it beat continuously.

"You're someone who I can now call my friend," Daniel said, "surely it wasn't like that back then, but you've changed dramatically. From bad guy to good guy. From foe to friends."

EnderBrine scoffed as he began rubbing his chin. "I guess I have, haven't I?"

Daniel nodded. "You've done a complete 360 transformation," he said, "I'm proud of you. Even when you were a bad guy back then, I had a feeling there was some goodness in you somewhere."

"I guess so, huh?" EnderBrine said, "I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you. You helped me transition into someone who blockheads could now call a hero."

"You were always a hero," Daniel said, "but you kept the goodness inside of you, letting your evil intentions get the upper hand."

"Come on Daniel!" Notch shouted from the ship.

Daniel turned and looked over his left shoulder. When he looked back at EnderBrine, he made direct eye contact with him once more. EnderBrine faintly smiled as his entire body began glowing a bright purple. Even his eyes were purple. He smiled as he looked back over at Daniel.

"You take good care of everyone, you hear?" EnderBrine said, "lead them, guide them, and show them the way when they need it. They're going to need a fighter like yourself to protect them."

Daniel shrugged his shoulders as he lowered his head to look down at the sandy ground. "Be strong," he said, "not only for me but for HeroBrine, Petra, and Elderon. That's the least you could do for us. Think you can do that?"

Daniel nodded.

"Good," EnderBrine responded, "take care friend."

And just like that, EnderBrine vanished into thin air with purple particles floating upwards into the air. Daniel sighed as he turned around to begin walking towards the ship. He walked down the long and narrow wooden pier and over to the ramp that would allow him to board the ship.

Once he was onboard, two other blockheads pulled the ramp up and onto the main deck. Some other blockheads were tossing the ropes overboard, freeing the ship from the pier. The sails were opened up. Once the sails caught the wind, the ship slowly began moving away from the pier.

Daniel walked up a small flight of stairs and over to the helm of the ship. Notch approached him. He wanted to make sure Daniel was okay. Even though they didn't know each other that well, Notch still cared for him. He's been through a lot recently. Notch understood that.

"Where to now?" Notch asked as Daniel grabbed a hold of the large wooden wheel. After that, Daniel glanced over at Notch.

"The open ocean," Daniel responded.