
"You were in a constant seizure. Shaking like there was no tomorrow. I thought something would happen to your head. That's why we are now holding you." Marcus explained while slowly losing his grip together with Matthew.

"That imperial...His power. It makes everyone weak get into his 'domain'. It then says everything you would never want to hear. Your fears… Hate… Or wrath. It always shows you something that resembles your negative emotions. And those that are really weak… They end up like you. Seizure, small speaking problems, bleeds, and some… Even die." His hand made a fist and tightened really hard.

"Your… Friend?" I questioned Estel still looking through the Iron bars.

"Yes… When I first came here… The very first person to introduce me to thinking that there will be always a small chance to leave this place. A person that gave me hope… He was killed by one of the imperials… He wasn't a friend of mine he was more like… I don't even know myself… He wasn't a friend but also wasn't someone really unknown to me… He showed me a way to survive in this hole. He showed me the way to fight. How to use a sword and all other things I know. He wasn't weak but old. And the imperial's power just killed him… The things you saw? Something like this killed him."

"I'm… So sorry…" I implemented a note of dark sorrow in my voice. It was a true emotion…

"Don't worry." His hand then loosened up and he turned away from the Iron bars. Then I saw that his ears were damaged. His long elven ears were both with small cuts on them. His face was dirty like the earth outside. And yellow eyes that looked almost golden... "It was a long time ago… A pretty distant past that I hope I can forget. And the only thing that still makes me throttle is again… Revenge. For my mother and this man. His name was Oscar. When I first met him. He was already fifty and he was an Orc that was a little short even if he was an old man. Sorry that it may be a little confusing…" He looked into his palm.

"I hope you can get your revenge…" I said and at the same time, Matthew and Marcus went back to their beds. "Are we going to do anything today?"

"Absolutely nothing." Quickly answered Matthew.

"I will do the spying. Recently I've learned that they don't use any kind of code, they just know each other's names. They really trust each other in that fact so we don't have to worry about it. There are also specific people assigned to each floor. A lot of them. I know that for this floor there are assigned six people that change every day. I know the names of two of them. The ones that are here right now. It's Sam and Seph. Both of them are human. Like most of the soldiers, which is pretty weird actually… From the books I've read in the libraries, facilities like this are always full of other races." Marcus explained with a small hesitation residing in his voice.

"That's great Marcus��� If you learn the names of the other two… We can maybe try to start the plan! And… Escape this fucking place!" I then enthusiastically almost jumped from the ground but then the pain reminded me that I shouldn't do it.

"It would be too good to be true. Well, there is a high chance… But if we don't have any codes or anything. But we need more men." The dwarf's voice was a little odd when he laid on his back. A little pitched.

"We should ask Lupo if anything unfolded while I was asleep…" If Lupo got more men… And we got some more powers that can help us… In a week's time? Maybe earlier! We can try to take this plan into motion. "Marcus! Can you contact Lupo?"

"Well… I could but right now there is a chance to learn more names. I see them right now talking with someone… And I still haven't heard the names. But I think it's really close…" As he finished saying it he licked his lips.

My entire body is still in pain… I would do some exercises but it's… Impossible. And ever since I came here there was no chance to do it… I went through… So much… I gasped loudly and laid on my bed as the other two did. It's also really hard to keep my head straight… What do I do? What is going on? Where am I? Why am I asking those questions? What do I do! What can I do!

God… Please… Stop… I feel like I'm going insane… Too many questions bothering my mind… I don't know anything anymore… God. If you exist, please. Stop making my life real hell…

This thought once again was unsuccessful. No answer from the one from above. It pains me so much…

"Lupo said he got three rooms further down. And one of them apparently is a communicator of a high level! A… 80 Meters range! He can do a lot more than me. I can spy and he can ask more people and I think that it doesn't matter who he asks… If he says that we are so many they will agree!" Marcus explained the situation from Lupo's side.

"That's… A lot. We have chances guys!" Estel rose from his bed and enthusiastically whispered. It was… Weird. His energy completely erupted. Really weird for him actually.

It was maybe those five days but since that time I started… Liking them actually. But overall the time flow here seems off… "It's weird…" He added.

"What is?" Matthew asked.

"For the last two years, I've never heard anyone planning anything of this sort… Is Hayden that lucky in being unlucky? Like it's very weird that for two years that I'm here no one planned anything and now… Hayden is there. Escape plan out of nowhere. He went through a lot too… More than us actually. But fate has given him a chance I think…" Estel explained. It makes sense… Or does it? I… What is going on around me… This fucking place… What is it actually? I hate this…

Marcus was still spying a little Estel stood up and started training a little. I think he is preparing for the big escape if it will be possible. And Matthew of course was still laying on the bed minding his own business, maybe he is trying to recreate the mana crystals… And I… Turned to the wall and tried to get some rest… Not actually sleep but think a little bit…

What will I do when I escape? And where will I go?

Good questions Hayden but you know there are no answers. The first thing I should consider is escaping the valley. Getting through the "Hall of memories" maybe a little problematic… It's a straight passageway so if they will follow us… They will catch us for sure… We will need to… Kill.

That thought made me scared… Killing people. The innocent blood of those who just work their job… Will need to do it for our salvation?

It's just that, I don't want innocent people to die because of us. We will see later. It's hard to think about it now because we don't know much. I just hope we can reduce the amount of death…

What am I even thinking about? My goal… Requires sacrifice��� And a path like this will have a trail of blood leading from here to… Anywhere I go.

"Who is this?" A thought came to my mind in another voice.

"You." Another voice answered. It was mine but a little… Distorted.

"We are two here?" I asked about the empty void in the wall I was looking at.

"No. It's just you." What? It was… Me? "Yes. It is you. The entire time. You just try something to make yourself feel better." The very same voice… My own voice… Echoing through the emptiness of my mind.

"Stop… My head hurts…" This voice was repeating the same word over and over again. 'You'. "Stop! It's not me! Who are you even! Why are you!" Then the voice stopped. The repetitive 'you' has stopped.

"I'm you. And we are the same. You are only not sure yourself." The voice said in a clear way with no distortion. And it indeed was that of my own. Then I saw myself… Staring at me and again opening… My? His? Mouth. "We. Are. Same." The image of myself slowly hovered to me. And merged. We became me… But it was always just me…

I then screamed while laying on the bed. From anger. And everyone in the room and even outside looked in this direction… The scream was incredibly loud. To the point that Lucas looked through the metal bars. I saw it all because I wasn't even on the bed. I was staring outside of the cell with bloodshot eyes… His hand tried to reach me from afar…