Even faithful fall

The guards looked in my way hearing the scream. Lucas's hand trying to reach out to me… Who am I anymore? Where… Questions! Stop asking them! What are you doing!

I held my hair with my hands and then simultaneously scratched it with all of my strength. I felt as if my eyes were about to pop out of its socket. A smile could be felt on my face but there was no way of doing something else. I then felt a droplet of something flowing down my eye and when it fell on the ground it became red. I then started hitting my head on the iron bars in the cell hoping to stop my thoughts. The pain in my stomach disappeared. Again… And in a short time, it will come back because of a lack of adrenaline…

My hands felt incredibly heavy. I turned around and saw all of them looking at me with fear… Terror… But one of them… Came to me. Estel swallowed all the saliva he had in his throat and hugged me. An elf… A man of a different race came to me and hugged me. He knew my pain… I felt warmth again… Filling my body from the outside slowly sinking through. I hugged him back but… My fingers. Now full of strength started going deep inside his back. I felt something slowly going down my fingers as I did that. And him… Shivering from pain. I then saw blood on the ground and…

"Everything is fine…" As he said that his hug became more gentle and full of a different emotion... "Don't worry… We will escape this asylum… Together." He nodded and patted my head. "I promise." Another person has promised to help me… I… Have someone. "I want to help you change this world, Hayden… I know you for only five days but ever since I like you… I feel something… Different about you… Like a void… A one that has to be filled. I don't know how you see me… But I hope that you will remember me as… A person that even at these times will come and help… Hug or talk. Be there. I don't want you to become a merciless… 'count' or anyone of that sort. So, please… Endure it, Hayden… We are not far away from our goal." He finished the sentence and I loosened my grip…

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…" I wiped myself with the sleeve and looked around… All of those things that have happened… Made me forget what is going on around me… And only now I've realized how my own cellmates look like. I feel so bad…

I see a demon with wings full of holes… With no horns. Purple skin and ears also almost shredded. A small build and small but strong muscles. A very tired posture with much energy in the person itself. Black hair. Like the ash from a volcano.

The dwarf. Of course small but with very tough muscles. I looked at him and his beard was almost getting to his chest even if he is just 14 years old. And his hair was red. A typical color for a dwarf. His eyes looked pretty tired actually… Very sad eyes...

The colors around me also changed… It feels very different now… They all look more… Human. I went to the iron bars once again and looked up to the sky. And it was… Blue. Clear blue with some clouds. I smiled like a little child. But then again looked at my palms and saw that they were dirty. This day… Is a good one in a sense. I found compassion in this place. In a hole with dead men and no one else…

They gave me a family I always wanted. They care about me… Try their best to help me out even if they don't know me… Everything is happening so fast… It's hard to gather thoughts… I'm like… Just standing here. And all of those things just suddenly collapsed on me like a building. I really want to run away… Anywhere… Just not here anymore. It's so painful to walk anymore. But they gave me new ground to walk on. And I like them as my own…

Tears of joy appeared in my eyes. Slowly flowing down almost like a waterfall.

"Again? Why are you crying?" Asked Marcus.

"I… Those are tears of joy… I really… Thank you all for everything. You are very important to me… I hope we can escape this place. And that you all will be able to get what you want…" They all just smiled. Their faces resonated with a different energy than before. Like brothers… They all then did what they did before, beside Estel. He looked through the iron bars once again I think the fifth time this day...

"Estel… Are you… Okay?" I sobbed those words out of myself.

"Well… I'm just looking at this place. All of this… It's something so bad… But in a week it will only be a memory… For some a long term one and others not. And some will… probably just lose themselves in their own pain. This memory may kill them…" Estel explained while holding his chin with his hands. Somewhat looked a little as if he was sad…

"Estel don't think about it now. We will just do it and others will go on with their lives or well… Not.

We should think about ourselves and not the others. We already got our own problems and we shouldn't think too much. Just focus. On. The mission." Said Matthew in a pretty serious tone. I think he is already a little scared. The thought of suicides or people who lost their sanity here… It is just… Sad. Clearly sad. And I don't want to think about it much as well because it will once again take me by the hand and cut it off at the same time.

Then the day went on… And it was almost the end of it.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked since I really want to know. It's very important… I need to be prepared for anything.

"Well… Tomorrow we are probably going to the mountains. We mined but we won't get food for free. The one from the city is only for them. And what we hunt or gather will be our food. So tomorrow we are going to the mountains behind the whole place. And of course… In the handcuffs. So the only way we can gather food is really risky. We can't use our powers and only improvise… However. We are left there for the whole two days." Matthew explained while gasping. He is really irritated.

"There is no way to escape. If there was I'm sure we would know. They probably have a barrier here…" Marcus looked into the ceiling and seems like he was thinking hard right now.

"Is it far from here?"

"No, it's literally behind the tree from yesterday." Matthew quickly answered.

"How are we going to survive?" I feel cooled down… I'm back to reality with something else… My thoughts disappeared… For now at least.

"That's… The hard part. It's going to be like a survival scenario. We would need to make spears or some basic stuff. There is also a chance to find something that belonged to others that were there. If we will have that much luck we are set to get ourselves a good two days and try to get in touch with other men on these floors." Matthew nodded.

"God… You know that I'm pretty weak… I don't want to slow you down…" I don't even know what to do anymore… I just don't want them to die because of me.

"Don't worry. It slightly gets annoying that you think like that the entire time… Just let us help you. Don't think that you are a dead weight or anything… We already lost a real goal." Marcus is right. It even annoys me a little that I think like this. But why am I doing it the entire time it's so god damn confusing. Already for a while, Estel has been staring through the bars looking around. More exactly he was looking at the sky. As if any droplet of sun out of this place would make him feel alive again.

"A story of my life being the soil of now.

Afraid of the dark but we don't know how.

We like dogs in an unending growl

then at night to the moon, we howl.

Like hounds in the infinite night

we howl to the end of time.

But when we see a small drop of light

we just go at the end of the line.

The line trying to kill us and split,

the veins in our hands, weak.

It's then dagger that fits.

And we only look as they shriek.

A small painful light in the woods

infinite on first sight… hidden under hoods.

I'm scared of what is before me…

But now let's enjoy the agony!"

He shouted the last line and turned back to us. A drop of sweat flowed down his forehead. And then as it fell it sank through it. His hair reflected creating a luminous view. Tired… That's what I feel when I see his hands with no strength. Both eyes differently opened. His hair was completely destroyed. He looked as if he went insane at first but in a second he changed his appearance again. He corrected the hair he just completely destroyed. His hands left like that just hanging but instead of bowing, he stood straight.

"I'm sorry… If I scared you. I feel like I'm actually going insane." We all were looking at him with a pale face and eyes wide open. As we saw a friend falling into this kind of state. He is two years here and it seems as if they saw him doing this for the very first time.

"I… It's alright." Marcus said, very uncertain. His voice shivered a little bit while saying it.

"..." Matthew didn't say a word. He only stared at him. But his expression changed back to normal. He only looked at him. With no emotion behind…

And I… My eyes… They felt as if they went completely black.