Grand finale

Walking for several minutes with the meat in my hands started to take its toll upon my body. Slowly my legs started spasming and trying to go down and rest for some time. But we didn't have time for things like that, we need to go on only once we reach the entrance may we rest. The monsters and animals won't attack us therefore we can just sit there and watch if they will really attack, or will they really be able to kill prisoners. Maybe if Lupo and Lambert will be alive we will somehow try to help them survive. And it will be great if we will be the first ones to arrive at the very entrance, maybe we will be able to leave without blood on us. The people around me, helped me a lot already, made me who I am, and helped me survive in this place. Saved my life several times, even if there are real people that deserve being here. If they leave this place, divine judgment will also surely reach them. Even at the very end…

We slowly started emerging from the deep forest, the woods became even darker as the day was about to end and enter the last part of the human life cycle of a day. The evening, the night, the morning then the rest and it all repeating itself for an infinite amount of time. I looked around and noticed that there are not many people there yet, or, there are not many people overall still alive. I actually wonder… The time is surely at its end but well, it makes sense because it's almost the end of the day and that's when we are supposed to be. Exactly at the entrance to the high mountain. We are already there, standing right at the front of the entrance and the great pit with the tree right in the middle of itself.

Now we could rest a little bit, say down in the grass with all of our stuff also on the ground. Estel and Marcus both were prepared to stand up and fight whenever they can and just looked around the entire time. A thought then came to my mind, the people down that abyss… If the lower levels will kill them, all the guards and wizards… What will happen with the people down there? They aren't some rich imperials or anyone like that, they are just commoners and they won't be able to leave this prison. Their own homes would become their coffins, unable to leave, if they were powerful they would protect themselves on their own instead of some wizards protecting them. That's a great difference that means something, they can't be powerful because of that… I don't want them to die. They didn't do anything wrong; they aren't probably aware of stuff on the outside. But at the same time… Why not use that for our advantage later? Or rather… For me. I could use them later when I come here to finish some stuff… Then I can use them somehow but first, they would need to survive. They surely would figure something outright? I can't think about doing something for them while escaping and to come back to that mountain… It would take me a lot of time to reach the level of power I need to actually do what I have to do. The people down there need to be ignored for now.

I heard rumbling all around us, in the bushes from all sides. People started emerging, small group after small group. Everyone talking with each other, people with spears, scarred, burnt, some had crushed limbs. They all went through a lot of stuff and it all looked as if they came back from a war. But no one was fighting once they reached this place. Just casually talking at this point, not even struggling to do so. But did no one besides me encounter that shrine? The animals covered such a large area that a lot of people must have seen that. Maybe they forgot about it or something like that. Or something entirely else happened. The people all started also sitting down and resting on the grass but unbeknownst to them, an attack will occur. Many people will die and many will be injured immensely. I still haven't seen Lucas and the others yet… There are a lot of people here but the three most important still aren't there. I hope they are fine.

I stood up and looked at the number of people around. Several groups of four people, I counted them and there were around 10 groups and another 8 coming from the forest around. I heard something coming from down the tree, a sound of something metallic hitting another metallic thing. I stared down but the vision of the ground was covered by the milky clouds that slowly started going blue. And after 10 seconds the dark stairs started emerging from down the tree. While the stairs were setting up there was another sound, a very strong wind coming from down to me and not like normal winds from left to right just blowing through my ears. I felt it, a very strong wind almost like a blow hitting my chin. Someone is coming there, I know who is coming from down there. The general… I looked behind a commotion around all of the people around us, a lot of people almost dead. Blood on the frosty grass, mist coming from their mouths. A bad omen… I don't know how a crow survived here, but I heard a sound of it. A 'kra' coming out from the beak. Something real will happen… A very bad omen.

The rest of my group also stood up, I saw the man himself. I saw Lucas finally emerging from the forest almost unscathed, Lupo and Lambert right at his side. They are also a little higher than a normal human, their fur is white but now completely red because of blood probably. But is it their blood or someone else's blood? Maybe one of the animals… I hope it's not. My brother is alright… At last, he is fine, I wonder what he will think about my change. I'm almost sure he will also be the same as Bog and Marcus… Scared of me, despise me as the others… Even though I don't know him that much, he is still a part of my family, a real family, that cared about me much more than my own family. I want him to survive and live a normal life of a normal human. That is what I want for him.

Lupo and Lambert, I don't know what they did to get here but I sure don't want the people making all of this operation real dead before we can even try to leave and even after. Maybe sometime later… Who knows, just leave this crazy hell. I hate it so much… I am at the edge of crying every day ever since we came here and the old man did what he did. He isn't even there anymore… Did he die? Did something else happen to him? Or was he even there in the first place, maybe what I experienced was just a myth… I can't confirm anything anymore. I have forgotten so many things already, I want to forget those bad memories as well. Even those that occurred here and gave me the goal I set for myself. I don't want to think nor do I have a real want of living. I don't want to live really… I just want to do what gods want for the sake of the revival of humans. Change them to whatever is best for humans. Remake humanity… We can't do anything otherwise. People became too full of themselves.

Therefore the only thing that can make us human again is by destroying the people we've become and remaking humanity from scratch. That's what kind of people we've become… Places like this have been here for a long time, but something very weird is about this one. Why are good people here as well? Just the weak ones, why are we here? It doesn't make any sense. I only had my power weakly evaluated, why am I here? That's so unfair, really, really unfair. I shouldn't be here at all from the very beginning.

I Gasped very loudly, even to the point of my own confusion. But then I started hearing loud stomps and I knew what was going to happen.

"Lucas! Lupo, Lambert! Come here!" I screamed from the large distance between us. They started running in my direction with Lucas being especially happy. He seemed a little bluer because of the cold. They finally came to me right in my face and right at the moment when Lucas wanted to hug me. I stopped him. "Lambert, Lupo, quick. Come behind our backs, Lucas stands there. Something is about to happen. Something real bad." They didn't ask, they just followed what I said. A vision in front of me as scary as the nightmares I get. The animals started running wild from there right when all the prisoners were there, a one more look behind me at the stairs, and a small dot started coming from the stairs. The general is coming… 20 groups of people about to be slaughtered. The general will be here in a second. What will all of this become...