I was a step away from the middle. The heart of it all, the black heart that was pulsing in an odd fashion. One, two. One, two. One, two. Each of the numbers was a consecutive death. How many of them have I counted? Around a hundred or so? I was already in the middle, however, what do I do from there? Is someone else going to come here? Even the trees started collapsing and were eaten by the vines. The heart grew bigger, the corrosive power became stronger. The vines got thicker. And yet, I had to do something. I made the sword out of the strongest and most resistant material in the world. Zistrael, I started cutting through the vines. With the number of things here, even the sword was useless. I didn't have hands. I could only swing it as much as my mana allowed me to. I wonder if there is any of my blood anywhere here… The trees, the ground. I can't see it. It's all covered in flowers of poison, in vines of deadly spikes. Almost like blades…