Peaceful night

After another few seconds did finally jerked back her lips, looking at Marc in much shock. "I think, we should stop."

Marc opened his eyes and looked at the girl, smiling a bit. "I want you Anna."

With another swift move, he carried the girl in his arms, towards the bed, where she was lying down earlier. He made the girl lie down on the bed, and looked at her face carefully making her blush again.

Anna did not say a word but nodded her head in approval. Marc instantly climbed the hed and hovered on top of her, removing the dress she was wearing, with one swift move.

The girl blushed heavily, hidding herself with a white colored sheet. Marc was now constantly gazing at her from head to toe, as he started to unbutton himself. "You are simply too beautiful my dear."

Soon he unzipped his pants and hovered on top of the girl. He lifted the sheet with which the girl was covering herself and planted himself on top of her, covering both of them with the sheet.

The boy instantly started kissing her all over, while the girl closed her eyes feeling his loving and soft kisses. Soon, she also had started to kiss him on his neck, while her hands and legs were wrapped around his back.

Amidst the powerful storm outside, the two made love to each other for a very long time, trying to calm the storm inside them.

"I want to sleep peacefully Anna. I am having several nightmares." Marc had hugged the girl tightly, while he had planted his head on her arm.

"You wilk not have any nightmares now." Anna smiled as she kissed the boy lightly on his forehead. She then started to caress his hair lightly, trying to relax the boy.

Soon, they bith dozzed off to sleep, while snuggled with each other. The heavy rain storm also fell weak to wake them up.

The next morning several chirpy birds, danced near the tiny wooden house. While some wild birds bathed happily in the pond, singing a happy song. The fresh sunlight beamed everywhere, while the green leaves were now sgining bright after being washed by the last nights heavy rain shower.

Marc was sleeping on the bed, draped in a white colored long sheet. He had a slight smile on his face, as this was probably the most peacful he had ever slept in these past seventeen years.

"BAMMMM!!" Suddenly a loud banging noise echoed in the entire house, making Marc to frown. He opened his eyes a bit and noticed a girl in an olive green dress, holding several cotton bags, standing near the room's door in much shock. She had several bags overloaded with food, in her hands and as soon as she looked at Marc, the bags instantly dropped from her hands. "Marc!!!??"

Marc opened his eyes wide and rubbed them a bit. "Good morning beautiful."

"What the hell are you doing here on my bed and that too naked?" Lisa shouted at the top of her lungs, looking angrily at the boy.

"Huh? Anna.... ohh... it is you Lisa." Marc rubbed his eyes and noticed the girl carefully. The difference in nose had appeared again and Marc had now clearly understood the only difference between the two sisters.

"This is my house. Who else do you expect!!??" Lisa again shouted at the boy, taking a defensive stance as if ready to counter attack him any time.

"I was with your sister all night. Can you please call her and give me some privacy to wear my clothes." Marc rolled her eyes as if Lisa had commited a crime, by entering her own room.

"Privacy!?? You enter my house like a thief and then you want privacy too...!!???" Lisa spoke in much sarcasm and took out a giant pumpkin from the bag she was holding and threw it on Marc.

"Arghhhh!!" Marc jumped to the other corner of the bed, narrowly escaping the imapct of the pumpkin. "Are you insane? Can you please call Anna or atleast give me a chance to wear my clothes." Marc had yet clutched the sheet close to his body, trying his best to not leave the sheet.

"What!!? Are you mad! Did you hit your head too hard or you are just trying to irritate me for scaring you away." Lisa picked up a large loaf of bread and threw it on Marc's head, this time hitting right on his face.

"Arghhh!!! Annnaaa!!! Help me!!! Helpp me!!! Annnnnaa!! Your sister has gone crazy again." Marc shouted at the top of his lungs, calling out for help.

Lisa who was about to throw another bread loaf, halted and looked at Marc. "Who the hell is Anna?"

"Huh? Are you mad!? I am talking about your twin sister Anna. I was with her all night." Marc rolled his eyes looking at the girl as if she was a maniac.

"Have you conpletely lost it Marc? I do not have any twin sister. I am the only child of my parents." Lisa threw another bread loaf, hitting Marc straight on his face again.