"Ufffff!" The bread loaf his Marc's nose, causing a sharp pain. "This is not funny Lisa. Yesterday you tried to scare me, now you are saying that you do not have any sister? Are you saying I spent a night with a ghost?" Marc spoke in much disgust. "This time, you are crossing your limits." He pointed his finger at her, trying to warn her.
"Are you an idiot? Do you know about my family more than me? I do not have any sister and you stop barging in people's house when they are out of there house." Lisa shouted back at him, feeling extremely frustrated. "First you barge in my house and now you are giving me this lame attitude. Too much!"
Marc was a little taken aback as Lisa looked much serious about not having a sister. "Then who was she? She looked just like you, except for the nose."
Lisa frowned hard in confusion. " She had a sharper nose? And maybe a bit more longer hair?"
"Ummm... I don't know about hair, but yes a sharp nose and much more manners and softness." Marc looked at the girl in much seriouseness.
"You seem to be talking about my dead mom." Lisa gasped in shock.
"Your mom is dead Lisa. Stop fooling around." Marc slapped his head in disgust. "I am stunned that you can even joke about your mother!!"
"Are you mad!!? I have no sister and my mother is dead but... but.. she is a powerful witch... her ghost still haunts me and now you too." Lisa's face had now turnef absolutely pale. "You... what did you do with her!? Did.. you...?"
Marc gulped in nervouseness. "I slept with your mom's ghost!?" He was unable to believe what the girl was saying.
"Oh dear! Oh! The curse is broken! She managed to break the curse. A vampire blood and witch have combined." Lisa took deep breaths, looking like a scared calf.
"Curse?" Marc looked at the girl with questioning eyes.
"You dress up quickly. We need to talk." Lisa turned away in much seriouseness, as if still in a big shock. She banged the door behind her, leaving several questions in Marc's mind, unanswered.
Marc looked at the door for several seconds. He could feel a giant headache coming through. "What is all this!? I am not able to understand anything!!! Urghhhhh!!!" He pullef his hair a bit in frustration and threw away the sheet, picking up his clothes from the floor.
He started to dress himself, while yet thinking about the amazing night he had spent with Anna. "I still cannot stop thinking about her. That skin, that delicacy...." Marc was now constantly thinking about her, yet not able to take her out of his head.
He quickly jerked his head, trying to evade the lucid thoughts about yesterday night. "Stop it Marc! You have probably slept with a ghost that too a mother's ghost! Hah! What hard luck. My first time had to be with a ghost of a mother!" Marc sighed, as he started to button up his shirt. "But... but what a night... what a feeling... it was amazing!"
Yet again the boy could not help but think about Anna, as if he had been captured by a certain charm of the girl, making him fall for her even more. The boy could feel his errupting feelings and hormones and he quickly tried to snap out of his thoughts In another few seconds, the boy was now completely dressed and he walked out of the room and noticed Lisa standing outside her house near a pond. She had two cups in her hands, and was sitting on a rock, at the edge of the pond, soaking the fresh sunlight.
"What is it with these girls. They are so enchanting. Each time I see any of them, I cannot help but fall for them!" The boy sighed looking at Lisa, as her glowy skin looked absolutely breath- taking under the sun rays.