Snow, Cold Like Her Heart

It'd been about a month since Amora had been out of her room. Eating what was brought to her, but soon feel sick.

An intense cold caused by the snowfall in recent days. Amora was too weak to stand and eventually barely ate. A blizzard was on its way and someone had to do something to get Amora medicine, to which Cole volunteered, bring up the fact that she saved him first.


Stepping outside, Cole could tell the wind was already intense. He had to hold onto the railing as he moved down the stairs and to the driveway. The pharmacy hadn't been too far away, making it an easy walk there and back.

Cole tried to use his fire element, but it had been too windy and cold to activate, so he just continued walking, braving the wind and pushing through the (now) thick snow.

"Hey! Are you alright?" A small voice yells from behind Cole, causing him to turn and stare behind him.

Through the blur of snow and hail, Cole could see a short girl, walking closer and closer.

"My name is Kori! Do you know where the pharmacy is?" She asked kindly, stopping next to Cole and waited for his response.

"Yeah, I'm also going there, it's just straight ahead," Cole said, continuing forward. Kori seemed to follow behind him slowly.

"So, how are you today?" Kori asked, trying to make small talk.

"Good I suppose. Someone is sick and I need to get the medicine quickly." Cole said, not even turning toward her or stopping.

"I see. I need to get meds for my parents, they aren't doing too well mentally." Kori said, not even seeming sad about it.

"What's this girl's problem? She doesn't even seem sad about her parent's conditions." Cole thought, trying not to look in her direction at all.

The rest of the walk was quiet, they both reached the pharmacy, and they walked different ways to find the medicine they need.

Cole had collected what he needed, and Kori had peeked her head around the aisle and asked a strange question.

"Are you an Elemental?"

"Uh... yeah, why?" He asked, not understand what she could be getting from this answer.

"Can you make me into one?" She asked calmly.

"Are you crazy? You can't just turn someone into an Elemental!" Cole said, feeling a bit suspicious of the girl.

"Well... actually, you can. I just need an Elemental Crystal." Kori said, with a smile.

"That would require me to remove mine... I could die." Cole said as he began to walk away, avoiding wet spots on the shiny floor.

Kori left him alone and he paid for the medicine. He left and began walking home.

He opened the door and headed inside. Leon thanked him and took the medicine to the room Amora was in. She was now awake and began taking the medicine.

Cole checked out the upstairs room since he hadn't had the chance to since he'd gotten here last month.

On the first day he arrived there after bringing Amora from the forest, Leon and Reyon had interrogated him for hours about his plans and background.

Being honest, he told the truth. That he had no memory of his past, only remembering that he was kidnapped by the Old Man.

They kept asking questions and eventually decided to let him stay at their home, just as long as he kept himself useful. Aya got to stay as well. Leon and Reyon went through a legal process of temporarily adopting her until her soon 18th birthday.

Cole himself had no clue how old he actually was, but by seeing the missing poster, he knew he was over the age of 18. Maybe being even 18. He really couldn't remember much, other than being kidnapped.


Leon soon returned from Amora's room and declared that the medicine is already taking effect, bringing relief to Reyon, Aya, and Cole. They all calmed down and Cole sat down on a couch. Aya soon came over and introduced herself for the first time.

"It's been a month, I know who you are, don't worry," Cole said, smiling.

"Yeah, sorry. Anyway, Andrew wasn't as bad with us as he was with you. He was our friend, and I know he did bad things, but Amora didn't mean to kill him... I'm sure he'd have apologized to you."

"I bet he would. I didn't wish for him or his grandfather to die, I just wanted to go home." Cole said sadly, actually seeming regretful.

"What's stopping you from going now?" Aya asked.

"Well... I cannot remember where "home" is." Cole said, his head lowering.

"I see, sorry. I hope they come back eventually." Aya said while she began walking away. Soon calling someone and asking, "Hey, how is Jackson doing?" to which she seemed to get a good answer as she smiled.

Cole decided not to ask who Jackson was, mainly because it didn't matter to him. All he cared for right now, was to try to remember something, anything about himself.

It was calm and quiet, but he wasn't getting anything. Eventually having to eat a small snack and continue sitting quietly. Leon and Reyon are nowhere to be seen.

"In Amora's room now?" Cole believed. He finally gave up and picked up a book from a nearby bookshelf next to the TV. He reads the book and finds it very calming. Until something happens.

Skipping to a random page, he reads about a house fire. Suddenly images begin popping into his head of a young him and another young boy, walking away from a burning house. Inside are his dead parents and the boy next to him seems to be his... older brother?

"Well... at least I... know." He says, feeling tears coming from his eyes, knowing his "home" was burned down and his family was mainly dead. He knew he had to find his older brother. The only thing he could think of as he stood up was...

"I need to find him."

He then sat back down, realizing that he couldn't search right now, especially in this blizzard. Plus he doesn't know what his brother would look like now, or where he would be.


Aya continued to watch over Amora for a couple of hours. After she started getting better, Aya brought her water and food. Amora began crying and whispered quietly.

"Thank you... I'm so sorry for what I did... to A-Andrew." She said, her voice still a bit raspy.

"You had no choice. What he did was wrong. He... tried to steal your elements... that could kill you." Aya said, trying to help Amora feel better about the situation.

"But... I killed him, he's dead. He won't come back and it's all my fault. Why... why did it have to summon right there?" Amora said, covering her eyes and continuing to cry.

"Huh? What summoned?" Aya asked, thinking that Amora had just shot fire through Andrew's chest.

Amora lifted her arm and suddenly fire formed, it stretched out and formed a blade, Amora held it with no damage to herself and it radiated heat softly. She let go and the blade vanished into the air, becoming extinguished.

"A... sword?" Aya asked, feeling confused.

"Yeah, I'm just as confused as you. Nobody told me you could make weapons out of your elements... I only knew of elements like Ice being able to make armor." Amora explained, seeming a bit calmer.

"I'm staying here with you now okay? I'm not going to leave until you go to bed for a little bit. So just rest. Don't worry about anything anymore." Aya said with a smile, no matter how fake it had to be, she knew Amora needed to sleep and be happy again.