
Amora had been training all morning, knowing she had to try her hardest during the competition. Tasaku kept checking in on her, until he suddenly told her to follow her. She was hesitant at first, but followed.

They walked to the competition, which was actually quite close, taking only twelve minutes to get to. Amora walked into the stadium where there were people waiting to watch.

"I registered you last night, don't worry, you don't need to sign up now. Just walk past the people at the front, they may look at your face to verify." Tasaku said, smiling cheerfully as he began to walk past the guards.

They didn't stop them, and Tasaku brought Amora into a small room, where the opponents were, including Shirley.

Amora looked away, feeling awkward, but Shirley ran over, grabbing Amora's hands and smiling. "Amora! I lost my phone a while back! I'm so sorry I couldn't contact you!" She said, begging for forgiveness, not questioning why Amora was at the competition.

"It's fine... I just thought you were mad... I'm sorr-" A bell rang and the doors opened, and everyone began going to a different side of the arena, with Tasaku staying with Amora. The dome above them held hundreds of lights, which seemed to start going out, everyone began to scream as a blast came from somewhere and Shirley screamed.

Amora began searching slowly, wobbling through the darkness. Finally, she found Shirley, who was bleeding from her shoulder.

"Shirley! A-are you alright? What's happening?!" Amora panicked.

"Someone turned off the lights... and used their elements! It was forbidden for this competition! Something is going to happen if we don't pay attention!" Shirley yelled, guarding Amora.

"Where is that boy you were with?!" Shirley asked, which prompted Amora to begin searching around quickly.

"I have no clue! He's gone!" Amora yelled.

A blade was flying at Amora, but Shirley kicked Amora, sending her downward. Amora heard a quick splatting sound and something warm flew onto her face.


Tavan, who was in the crowd, had jumped down and began searching for his daughter through the people running around in the dark. He could see a blade fly past him. Tavan chased the blade, thinking he could find where it was going, hoping it wasn't going near his daughter.

He lost the blade and kept running around, trying to find where it could have gone, only to hear a whimpering sound.


Leon received a call, he knew about Amora going the competition, and had a Hexcorp member monitor the place. The call began with the person explaining the attack, that didn't take Leon long to rush to his car and begin driving to the place.

Reyon had been in the cities and had no knowledge of this occurrence.


Amora crawled around to find where Shirley had gone, only to find her, laying on the ground, the blade through her chest. She lay there whimpering.

"Shirley!" Amora screamed, crying as she crawled up to her and began pulling on the blade. Until someone was hovering over her.

She looked up to ask them for help, but it was Tasaku, his purple eyes glowing, smiling. He pulled the blade out of Shirley's chest, where she lay there, no longer moving.

Amora lay her head on Shirley's chest, crying and begging her to come back. Tasaku aimed his blade at Amora's head, smiling and laughing. Amora suddenly stopped crying and he just watched her.

Her head suddenly jolted up, her eyes glowing bright blue, she grabbed the edge of his blade and broke it off. She held her hand out and wind began shooting out, throwing Tasaku back. Tavan had found Shirley and was holding her dead body, crying as well.

Amora had begun to float, having achieved Awakening 1. She was no longer in control. Flames and electricity was shooting all over, air occasionally shooting in bursts.

She continued, destroying many things and harming Tasaku. He retreated back behind something and when Amora burned it, he seemed to have been gone. Amora turned her head to Shirley and picked her up out of Tavan's hands. She was floating with air, and she held Shirley, crying and still awakened, out of control.

She dropped Shirley, who Tasaku quickly jumped out from a random location, taking her away.

Amora's vision became blurry and there was an intense pain in her head. She stopped floating and landed on the ground, falling to her knees, her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the ground.


Amora opened her eyes and the light was blinding. She was in some strange building, with Leon and Reyon hovering over her, crying.

"Amora..." Reyon managed to get out before holding her mouth shut.

"Shirley was... taken by that man... was she..." Leon stopped.

"She... was... dead." Amora managed, holding her head, she had begun crying, feeling anger for her weakness and how Shirley had saved her in her last moments.

They both kept crying for Tavan and Amora's loss. To lose Shirley and Andrew...

Leon and Reyon began to think that Amora would sit in her room for more than a month like she had when Andrew died, but instead Amora sat up. She was clenching her fists, the darkness on her arm leading to her elbow began to grow up to her neck. Her response was different from what they expected.

"I'll kill him. He'll die for what he did to Cody, Jackson and Shirley." Amora said, her eyes wide and staring at the bed she was on, her hatred was rising.

"I'll fucking kill him with my hands if need be! I'll kill him and tear him apart!" She began screaming. She was now broken because of Shirley's death. It was too much for her sanity, and she passed out once again.

Tavan had refused to return home, he knew his wife wouldn't be able to take the news. He was devastated and began blaming Leon and Reyon for the whole situation. He left the house, filled with anger.

"You'd better find a way to revive my daughter or I'll have you both killed!" Tavan said, leaving through the elevator.

Leon and Reyon mourned for hours after. Spending time thinking of when Shirley was younger, knowing Tavan's pain of losing a daughter... but he couldn't get his daughter back like they did... not alive...

Amora was comatose for days after. Her energy was well spent in her Awakening 1. She overused it and her body needed time to recover. Her attitude frightened Reyon and Leon, who knew that Amora would try to fight back and get revenge. They knew that they needed to calm her down and find a solution. They needed to stay away from the boy. He said his name was Tasaku, but that wasn't his true name. They knew it wasn't.

Shirley was gone, Amora's best friend and the only one who kept her sane was gone, Amora was flying off of her mental rails.

How long until she seeks revenge?