Slit His Throat... Kill Him!

Amora's body shivered. Her eyes fixated on Tasaku, who was in the armored van, staring at her, smiling.

She knew he wasn't able to see through the one-way glass, but felt like he was staring at her. She ran upstairs by herself, running to a window facing the van. Amora spotted the air vent leading outside and held her hand up to it, feeling some wind getting in.

She sent air from her palm, out of the vent and to the car, lifting it up and flipping it, she then shot fire in quick succession and the van's underside lit on fire, exploding and rolling around, the people around were panicking and two Hexcorp Members were blown away by the blast.

She stared at the van. He wasn't dead, and she knew that for a fact. She stared, not taking her eyes off of the van. Leon ran upstairs, asking Amora if she had done that, but she stayed silent, not moving.

Tasaku threw the door of the van off, climbing out unscathed. He turned to the upstairs window and smiled widely. Amora gasped and held her mouth, feeling sick to her stomach.

Leon grabbed onto her and went downstairs, yelling as he ran with her.

"We can't attack them! Hexcorp has all the tools they need to kill us in an instant! We can do this peacefully!" Leon yelled, Amora had enough, she HEARD enough from them.

"No! We can't! Can't you see! You love your peace, don't you?! Cody is dead because of Tasaku! He killed Cody and he will kill us!" Amora yelled, elbowing Leon and running away from him.

"We are going to fight them," Amora said, walking past Aya.

Aya was frozen in place, pale and angry as well, she could remember what Tasaku had done to Jackson, there were no coincidences now, they knew they had the person who killed Cody and injured Jackson.

"We- can't," Aya said, falling to her knees, tears powdered onto her cheeks.

"Amora... we need to stay in here... until they leave."

This angered Amora. "You are all afraid! We need to do something! We don't have time! If he gets in, he'll kill us!" Amora ran toward the elevator just as it opened and some people stepped out.

It was Avian, Clover, and Alex.

"Hey, there kiddo. Calm down, we need to figure this all out." Alex said, smiling sadly.

Amora hadn't noticed the tears running down her face until now, but she realized how weak she was without the others. If she had really just rushed out there, she'd have died.

Avian began speaking, wise words as always. "We need to stay calm, to achieve the best outcome. We will strike when needed." He turned away from Amora and headed to the door to look outside. Clover was in her real (cat) form and was rubbing against Amora, purring lightly. This action had made Amora smile.

"Meow," Clover said, climbing up Amora's left leg and laying on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Clover," Amora said, still petting her and walking away, Clover smiled knowing that she just got away with being lazy and not having to walk.


It seemed to have been hours but had really only been twenty minutes. Everyone was watching outside at the Hexcorp Members, who were all just staring at the house with their weapons ready. Amora looked through the crowd... but Tasaku was gone.

Her heart skipped a few beats, and she ran upstairs once again, bringing Avian with her.

"What's up?! What're you doing?" Avian asked, making her let go of his sleeve. "He's in the house!" Amora yelled, just as something flew at Avian.

He lifted his hand and froze it in mid-air. It was a sharp blade, and Avian slammed his hand down on it, shattering it into pieces, he charged into the next room and froze himself inside. Amora ran up and peeked inside at what was going on. Cole was on the floor and Tasaku was above him. Tasaku had thrown the blade in an attempt to kill Avian and Avian wasn't taking that.

He froze the floor and covered Cole with ice to protect him from any further damage, as he was bleeding in large amounts. "Give it up! I've got you here!" Avian yelled, pointing to Tasaku's feet. Tasaku was now stuck in thick ice, unable to move, the window of the room seemed to have been broken open.

"The... thick glass?" Amora froze in fear, how could he have broken through the thick glass so easily?

Before she could yell her question, Avian sliced at the man, and the man pulled out a large sharp object, hitting Avian and cutting off his own legs, sending himself back out of the window.

Avian unfroze the ground and the doorway and looked outside, Tasaku was gone, and his blood seemed to be following him. Avian gasped silently. "He... can do the same thing Leon used to be able to do?"

Amora knew what he was talking about, the blood being able to return to its owner, it's an enhanced passive healing element.


Avian covered the window in thick ice and woke up Cole, who had a hard time standing with his injuries. Avian decided to go tell everyone else what had just happened and would watch over the upstairs windows afterward.

The whole group was silent, they knew that the attacks would only get worse, and would happen at any moment. With that in mind, the Hexcorp Members began using their elements to attack the windows, The adults pulled Amora and Aya behind the counters and began moving to another room. Aya was crying, and Amora was making sure to stay near her.

The glass was shattering all around them and Aya was screaming, prompting Alex to cover her mouth. He quieted her down and they all headed upstairs. Leon pressed a button and the elevator locked down to protect Rat, who was on a lower floor monitoring the situation.

"Shh. Let's go this way." Avian said, making sure everyone was crouched down low, they headed into a room, and he closed the door behind them, they all hid in the corner, ready to attack. "Umm... guys... what happened to that Aya girl?" Alex asked, turning pale.

Amora bolted out of the room and could hear a muffled screaming sound, she entered the room where Tasaku had attacked Cole, also known as Andrew and Jackson's old bedroom, and could see a person tying Aya up. Amora rushed over, pulling out her blade and using the dull side to slam into his leg, she then flipped the sword and slashed his legs, pushing the man over and kicking him in the head. He was unconscious.

"Aya! Let me get you out of there!" Amora broke the ties that held Aya, and they both returned to the bathroom, where Leon was trying to go, being held back by Avian.

Amora was happy to know that Avian believed in her ability and let her go by herself.

"We can't rush out just begin fighting them!" Leon yelled, escaping Avian's grip. "We have to ambush them in here!"

Clover shook her head, stating Amora's idea from earlier: "No, we cannot just sit here and wait here, Amora was right, we need to hit them with a full attack. Currently, we are the defense, while they are the offense. We need to split up and take them out silently, knock them out, or kill them. It's your choice really, but think of the consequences of killing them." Clover transformed to look like Darkness and stepped out of the room.

"We'll counter fear... with fear."


Tasaku yawned and felt his now healed legs. "Got lucky there, didn't I?" He asked, putting his arm around a Hexcorp Member's shoulder.

"S-sir... why are we attacking Leon and Reyon? They helped Cody and Hexcorp, they are good peo-" The member began, but Tasaku grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into a tree.

"Weak! They are weak! They will tear down Hexcorp and ruin it! We need to fight back and keep it out of the public eye! We will NOT retreat!" Tasaku said, dropping the member and walking away. The member aimed his hand at Tasaku, getting ready to attack.

"Go ahead... why wouldn't you?" Tasaku asked, smiling, his eyes glowing a bright purple, the man lowered his hand in fear and began cowering. Tasaku laughed and walked toward the house once again, walking through the broken doorway and looking around, seeing the members exploring the house, ready for a fight.

Tasaku crept the stairs, looking into the first room and seeing a member knocked out. He entered the next room and could see a large number of footprints in the corner of the room, he knew they were just in the room a moment ago. He walked downstairs and all the members were knocked out, one was covered in ice, another had a dark slash on his chest, another was blown through the wall. Tasaku inspected the members, noting that the others would be nearby.

As Tasaku had thought, he entered the next room and could see another person who was taken down by the dull side of a blade, and another had a spiritual cat on their face, laying down, soon vanishing, one man was still awake, stumbling with burns on his face, screaming Reyon's name in agony, soon falling over, the fire extinguished right away.

"Come out~ why not have some fu~n?" Tasaku said mockingly, sitting down on a couch, becoming bored quickly.

He stood up and went to the kitchen, where there were cups all over the floor. He opened a cupboard and was greeted by a punch in the face. Amora jumped from the now empty cupboard and jumped on top of Tasaku. He was quickly overpowering her and began strangling her.

Amora was turning purple and was thrashing around, looking for where the others went, suddenly something clicked and a voice could be heard deep inside of Amora.

"It's my turn... otherwise we'll die here."

Another side took hold of Amora, and she grabbed her blade, slicing into Tasaku's throat, his blood began shooting on her face. He stepped back and Amora had begun to stand up, her personality and attitude had been completely different.

"I will kill you. You killed Shirley, Cody, and you even almost killed Jackson, but that's it. You will do no more." Amora said, aiming her blade and charging at the man, who was surprised by the sudden gain of such power on her part.

Amora's eyes began glowing a slight red color and she flew at him at a high speed, kicking him. He was sent through a wall and outside, to which she followed.

Everyone else who was fighting off the Members from outside entered the house.

"Amora?! Are you alright?" Reyon yelled, and they all began toward her. She turned and the air began shooting out of her hand, much more than she had ever done before. It sent Clover, Avian, Leon, Reyon, Alex, and Aya all back and against a wall.

"Stay back," Amora said, walking outside and toward Tasaku, whose neck wound had healed, his blood floating from the house back to him. "You- bitch!" Tasaku yelled, also moving at a high speed, nearly hitting her. She grabbed his wrist and slammed him to the ground, shooting flame and air at him.

He was screaming, thrashing about, and released some kind of liquid from his palm, sending it into Amora's eyes. She stepped back in pain, giving Tasaku the chance to run away. Amora began yelling at the rest of them to chase him, but when they got outside, Tasaku was already gone.


It took a while of sitting inside the broken house to recover, the police had arrived and began taking the corrupt Hexcorp Members away for questioning. Tasaku had managed to get away, and Amora knew he wouldn't be back anytime soon.

"Amora... are you okay?" Aya asked, putting her hand on Amora's shoulder. Amora flinched and was seemingly back to her normal self. "Huh? Oh... yeah." She said, not even sure if that was the truth or not. She sighed and looked at the wreckage she caused.

"Sorry, mom and dad..." She said, feeling really guilty, instead of scolding her for breaking something as Darkness would, Leon and Reyon just hugged her instead.

"It's okay silly. You were defending yourself and you did well. We need to figure this all out, and in the meantime, we already have people coming to fix this place up." Reyon said, smiling carefully as to not pierce Amora's emotions.

"If we got mad over something like a broken wall when you were defending yourself, it would be quite unfair," Leon said, remembering losing his mom and dad. Reyon remembered her parents as well.


Amora went to the bathroom to wash the blood off of her face, but upon looking in the mirror, the blood was already gone. She remembered Tasaku's healing ability, the same as Leon's when he was younger. The blood seeks out the owner no matter what, it will get back into the body and heal, preventing the user from dying while healing.

There was a knock on the door, and Amora finished fixing her hair, so she opened it. On the other side was Cole. He gently reached for Amora's hand and kissed it. "Thank you for saving me once again. I appreciate it." He said, stepping back and ushering her to follow him to Reyon's car.

"It wasn't me, it was Avian. I went up there with him, but he is the one who saved you." Amora said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No, no! I mean I was also hiding in a cupboard, if you didn't move the plates and cups to the floor, he would have found me. I tried getting out when he began strangling you, but you two were blocking the cupboard, so I couldn't get out." Cole seemed to feel a bit guilty.

"It's okay, somehow I managed my way through it," Amora said, getting into Reyon's car. Avian got into a Hexcorp Van and drove Clover, and Alex to follow Leon and Reyon, who had Aya, Cole, and Amora in the car.


It was silent. It's not that nobody wanted to talk, it's that nobody knew what to say or do. The tragic memories Amora had gone through was painful, and everyone was suffering. She wanted to cry but had to stay strong and help Leon and Reyon.

It was now night and the moon was full, had Amora still felt playful and cheery, she'd imagine a werewolf howling and transforming, but she couldn't now. The moon only brought memories of her mistakes.

The foggy road led up to a small hotel, where they'd be staying for a couple days, waiting for the house to be repaired and to put up some extra security.

"Where's Mort?" Amora asked, walking with Leon and Reyon down the second floor of the hotel. "He decided to stay and research what he could on that boy."

Amora understood this answer, Rat would love to stay with his research no matter what.

Avian, Alex, and Leon all stayed in one room, with Reyon and Clover in another. Amora, Cole, and Aya all had to share a room, since paying for another just for Cole himself would be a bit too spendy.

Amora loved the hotel room and went to the balcony of the hotel, sitting on one of the chairs and staring at the full moon, bright in all of its glory. The wind was light and refreshing, brushing her hair to the side. Her hair was longer than she'd like and decided she'd go get a haircut soon enough, maybe even tomorrow.

Cole entered the balcony and sat down as well, the way he acted reminded her of Andrew in some sort of way.

"Hey, are you okay?" Cole asked as if he knew how she'd respond.

"No... not really. I'm really worried." Amora said, being honest. Cole replied quickly, being sympathetic.

"For what?" Amora sat still and answered him honestly: "I'm worried about what I may end up doing... who knows if I'll break again like at home." Amora said, letting the wind take her words away.

"I see. I sure hope not. I believe you'll pull through and somehow we'll fix this." Cole said, scooting closer and smiling. He too began to stare at the moon, which had seemed as if it were between them. Cole held his hand out and tried to place it on Amora's, but she moved it quickly.

Cole quickly apologized and Amora told him that she was just not ready for anything with anyone right now. Cole understood and instead he just chatted with her for a while, eventually returning inside and going to sleep. Amora had trouble sleeping and so she exited her room and headed to the vending machine outside, making sure nobody was around, she ordered a candy bar with some money Reyon had left in their room, at least Amora believed it to be Reyon.

"Hey there!" A voice yelled, causing Amora to jolt and turn around to face the person quickly.

"Oops! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" The young girl said, turning red. Amora breathed calmly, holding her chest as if to slow down her fast heartbeat.

"Hello," Amora said, grabbing her snack and beginning to walk away. "Wait! Is it okay if... well I get something from this vending machine? I have no money on me..." The girl said, and Amora just stared at her. "My name is Kori, and you should be Amora right?"

Amora stepped closer to the girl and checked her for any weapons of ways of recording her and stepped back. "I guess so. What would you like?" Amora asked looking at the options, trying to predict what she may ask for.

"Could I have... that?" Kori asked, pointing to a small bag of potato chips that were sour cream and onion flavored. Amora smiled, she loved that kind of chips and hadn't seen them there when she got a candy bar.

"Sure, I'll get one too. We can talk as well if you'd like." Amora said, desperate to talk to someone who didn't know of her past mistakes.

"Sure! Thank you! I bet it's so tasty!" Kori said, hugging the bag, popping it open. "Oh trust me, they are. I love these." Amora said, sitting at a small bench with Kori.

Amora and Kori began talking and laughing, eventually, Amora accidentally said Tasaku's name when saying why she was at the hotel and not at her well-known house.

"Tasaku... that sound familiar. I think I saw someone..." Kori was thinking hard and eventually jumped up, holding a chip in her hand. "That's right! I saw someone in an abandoned house! He gave me some Ramen and he was making an ID for himself, it said Tasaku as his name!" Kori was jumping around.

Amora knew Tasaku was a fake name, but now it made it worse to have it confirmed by a fake passport. "Don't go near him again... he killed some important people... one is alive... but just barely," Amora said, holding back her tears.

"I see... maybe I can try talking to him though! I manage to get along with even the worst people, so maybe if I chat with him, I can get something through to him!" Kori yelled, slipping on her own boot and hitting her head on the bench.

"Kori!" Amora yelled, rushing to her side and seeing that Kori had been knocked unconscious from the collision with the bench. Amora picked Kori up, stepping on Kori's dropped potato chip, making a crunching noise.

Amora brought Kori to her hotel room and wondered how she was going to explain it to the rest of the group. She decided to worry about that when the time arrived, as it was a "future Amora" problem.

Amora put Kori in the bed she'd be sleeping in and Amora slept on the floor, remembering the time when Shirley had let her use her bed at a sleepover.


Inside... Amora knew Shirley was gone, but the thought only brought more agony to Amora, so she believed that she really did see Shirley that day when Tasaku attacked her.

Amora began thinking of what could have been, and what it was now. If Andrew was here, he'd be joking around and keeping Amora happy, he'd smile brightly and they'd be whole again, they would be happy.

All Amora could see left of Andrew was an extinguished flame and a fire sword through a heart.

If Cody was here, he'd be keeping them all safe and Hexcorp would still be safe. He would probably be with Jackson, who would be smiling and having a little battle with Andrew. They'd all be a group, they'd all be friends and would all be happy.

"But I made many mistakes..." Amora connected herself to these mistakes.

Since she was weak, Cody died, since she left him behind, Jackson was injured severely, since she was out of control, Amora killed Andrew, and since she was too weak at the competition and relied on others, trusting so dearly in Tasaku, Shirley was killed. All because of her weakness, if only she had been stron-

"Listen to me." The voice inside echoed, booming. It almost sounded persuasive.

"There is a chance. Let me fight and kill him and avenge them. Let them rest peacefully." The voice kept saying, trying to make a deal with Amora.

"After that, then what?" Amora thought to herself, waiting for the response.

"We go back to normal. After the enemy is gone, we can go back to being happy with Leon and Reyon. Forget this tragedy of life. Find Darkness and maybe forgive him, maybe we can ask him why he took us in the first place, and why he kept us away from our parents."

Amora listened to the voice as somebody would listen to their friend, this person was just another side of Amora, who wanted revenge and anger, while Amora wilted in pain and sadness.

Someone once said that it is better to take the pain yourself than to let it happen to others. If Amora were to accept the deal, the other side would take over and hurt people she cares for. She couldn't let that happen, no matter what it took.

"I'll have to say no... okay?" Amora told the voice, holding her head and stopping her tears from the memories.

"I understand, but do consider what you'd gain, and I'll talk to you soon enough." The voice said, vanishing away.


Amora stayed up for hours straight, checking her phone, looking outside, trying to sleep, everything. Cole and Aya had stayed asleep and Kori was comfortably sleeping in Amora's bed.

Amora felt a slight tinge in her head and Darkness' voice began to fill her mind.

"How have you been? It's been a while... and I thought maybe I should tell you why I took you." He gulped and continued: "If I hadn't taken you... you would've-. I can't elaborate right now... but I'd like you to visit me. I'd like for you to bring Leon, Reyon, and whoever else is with you as well. I have something I need to tell them... something that I can even prove to them." Darkness sounded sad and desperate, his voice lingered before vanishing quietly.

Amora felt bad for him and the good memories she had of him were harming her and making her miss him more and more, but she couldn't figure out why she missed him other than the good memories... he took her away from her parents, prevented her from living her best life, and even left a mark on her, that seemed to grow with her hatred. There was no winning for anyone... not anymore.

With the sad reminder of the deaths, Amora finally fell asleep.


[Hours Before...]

Tasaku limped back home, holding his arm, which had been cut as well. Amora had just managed to beat him for now. He continued limping, the sun flashing down on him. It had been ten minutes since he was fighting Amora, and his arm wouldn't heal yet. He kept running until he encountered a taxi, he jumped in when it stopped and told the woman directions to his abandoned house.

"Sir?! Do you need me to call an ambulance? You're bleeding!" The woman yelled, but Tasaku lifted his finger and told her to drive.

"I'll be fine, I just slipped. Hurry up and I'll pay you extra." He said, to which the woman began driving. She drove quickly and may have been over the speed limit, which was okay with Tasaku, who just needed to escape as quickly as possible. The woman turned around to complain about the blood that got on the seat, but it had already entered Tasaku's bleeding arm and began to finally heal.

The woman looked back to the road, seemingly confused about how the blood was gone.


It didn't take long to reach his Abandoned Home. Once inside, he ran upstairs and lay on the nasty bathroom floor. Cleaning up his body with a scrubber and a bucket filled with the outside water. That was his shower for the night. He headed back to his computer and made sure he was healed fully before typing some information down onto a document.

"Avian is quick and knows how to fight in dire situations, Leon and Reyon are good at hiding and commanding others to defeat large amounts of enemies, Alex didn't do much in the ordeal, Clover knows how to trick people, Aya was a little troublesome with her ranged abilities... Amora sometimes randomly snaps and gains large amounts of power, she'll be a huge threat."

He then printed the sheet and put a tac in it to hang it on the wall, trying to memorize their attack patterns and ways to counter them.

"Amora may be fast, but her defense is seemingly really low. She can dodge well, but when doing an attack she's vulnerable!" Tasaku realized, smiling widely.

He charted the ways he could defeat each one of them, figuring out their weakness and ways to defeat or avoid their elements. He made a game plan of when he could attack them and if it'd be better to take them on all at once, or one on one. He comes to the conclusion that the latter would be the best option, and he thought of who to target first...

"Leon and Reyon... if they were to die... the public will realize me... they'll bow before me... and my power." Tasaku said, laughing and falling to the ground holding his head and rolling around.


Amora woke up, Cole and Aya were already awake, staring at Kori, who was already asleep.

"Um... Amora... who is this?" Aya asked.

"Kori?" Cole said questioningly as Kori sat up. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"You know Kori?" Amora asked Cole. He told her how he met Kori and Amora told him of how she met Kori.

"Well seems like fate to mee~," Kori said, seemingly in a singing tone.

"I guess so, but I haven't met you until now, is that fate just now making us meet or something?" Aya asked.

Kori didn't have time to respond as Reyon and Leon entered the room. They too were questioning Kori and asked how she got there, to which Amora explained what happened the night before. They checked out of the hotel for the day and had promised to be back later that night. On the way out a cleaning woman walked up and said: "Did you guys have a cat up there or something? There is fur everywhere!" Clover smiled in her woman human form and said, "What? I'm allergic to cats! We couldn't even if we wanted!" she then turned and ran out of the hotel, which was very suspicious in itself.

Alex was laughing at Clover's lie, she wasn't very happy about this.

"How ironic that you're a cat and you are supposedly allergic to cats!" He laughed at her and she returned to her cat form, she jumped onto him and began attacking his face with her claws. Alex was making a scene by running around the sidewalk screaming.

They entered the hair salon and Leon let them get whatever hairstyle or haircut they wanted. Amora decided to get her usual short hairstyle and get a single streak of red on the front left hairs. The procedure of doing her hair was always comforting, but she could only remember when she and Shirley went to a hair salon for their hair...

Aya kept her longer hair, getting braids and a small cut off of the bottom of her hair, she also had them lighten her hair color a small bit from dark brown to a lighter brown.

Amora and Aya sat down inside, waiting for Reyon to be done with her hair treatment. Reyon only got her hair slightly clipped and Leon had his grey hairs dyed brown.


They bought some drinks and food from a store and sat down on benches to eat, not leaving each others side for anything. Amora knew they were in danger if someone left for even a second.

"This is so good!" Alex announced cheerfully as he stuffed his second burger into his mouth. Aya laughed and he almost spat out the burger. Avian chuckled and cooled down his burger by cooling his hands. Amora kept looking around constantly, watching and hoping to not see Tasaku. Kori was having an all out feast and everyone was surprised how she had eaten so much.


Everyone was full and tired, so they chilled for a small bit, Alex had fallen asleep on Avian's shoulder, and Avian was obviously annoyed by this, but let it slide, being too kind to wake him.

Clover took them to a clothes shop and Amora and Aya looked around. Amora wanted to pick darker colored clothing, it matched how she felt and she just liked darker colored clothing. Aya picked some bright pink sweatshirt and pants, she also found some other accessories to wear.

Amora picked up a dark shirt and sweatshirt, it had a cool design with some metal bits on it for style. Amora tried it on and decided to buy it along with some dark pants. She exited the store as Cole entered. She paid no attention to him as she ran to go show Leon and Reyon. They were just as excited and loved her choice.

Cole soon exited the Clothing Store with something shiny. He walked up to Amora and began speaking nervously. "Hey... I saw this and decided to just get it, I think you'd really like it and it'd look amazing with the outfit you chose." He said, handing her a dark necklace with a red crystal on the end of it. When she put it on, she realized that it was the missing part of the outfit she couldn't figure out.

"Thank you! I thought something looked off! I guess I just needed a necklace!" Amora was excited and pulled Cole back into the clothing store, picking out clothing she thought he'd like and what looked nice on him. He followed along, trying on what she told him to and giving his input on it. Eventually they both exited, Aya's new outfit was stylish and Leon was smiling as if he didn't just have to spend over $200 for everything they just bought.


They all spent time talking to each other, the adults, (Avian, Clover, Reyon, Alex, and Leon) were asking the kids questions as to get to know them better. While the teens, (Amora who is 17, Aya who is 17, Kori who was 13, and Cole who didn't know his own age, but was assumed to be around 17 or 18.) were answering the questions honestly.

Aya knew that the day was being spent happily to try to help them deal with the situation they are trapped in, being hunted.


They were finished talking and headed back to the hotel, it was already afternoon and everyone was in their rooms. Kori had left for the day but promised to return to hang out soon, she had gone home.

Amora was able to take a nap, and would probably sleep the entire night as well.


Tasaku entered the small shed and began speaking to the two people inside.

"So, Shirley and Cody, are you ready to cooperate?"

There was a growling sound and Cody began yelling. "I'll never help you! You bastard! You killed me!" Tasaku stabbed into Cody and he stopped moving.

"Then I'll just revive you again, this time I won't give you a choice." Tasaku smiled as Cody was revived, Cody's eyes were a ray of spinning colors, he was under Tasaku's control.

"Woulda been fun if I could get the real you to attack them, but this'll do, unfortunately... this isn't enough time before you die again. So, I'll have you go to them now." He said, releasing the controlled Cody, who began walking away.

"Shirley. How about you?" Tasaku asked.

There was no response.


Amora exited her room and bumped into someone, she apologized and was feeling sick since she just woke up, but upon looking up she saw Cody, his eyes a ray of colors, all spinning and he looked mindless, he punched at Amora so she dodged and yelled for Leon.

Leon exited and couldn't understand either, he tackled Cody and Cody began thrashing about, punching and kicking, managing to almost overtake Leon.

Avian froze Cody, but Cody began to sink into the floor, vanishing from sight.

"What the hell!? That was Cody right?!" Leon asked Amora.

"Yes... but his eyes were a bunch of different colors and was spinning..." She couldn't comprehend it.

She entered her room again and decided to shower quickly. Once done, she dried off and got her clothes back on.


Tasaku watched as Cody's body came from the ground, laying there, obviously he had failed.

"That was quick, I'm certain you just reached them. So it seems the second part of reviving someone is quite useless." Tasaku said with a sigh. He had cut Shirley loose, and she was following him. She didn't want any trouble, and now that Cody was dead again, she was alone with the man who killed her before.


Amora felt sick to her stomach still, it seemed that she either ate something she shouldn't of, or was just sick in general. She lay in bed, feeling a little too sick to leave.

Cole checked on her and then brought some kind of stomach medicine that he got from the front counter.

"Eat one. It gets rid of stomach pain in less than thirty minutes. It's really great." Cole said, sitting down on his bed and opening his book.

Amora chewed up the stomach medicine, which just so happened to be a tablet that you chew. It tasted fruity and Amora took two as the bottle had suggested for her age group.

Her stomach suddenly felt better, and she stood up. Amora thanked Cole and left the room, heading outside.

The breeze was still nice and the Amora had just now realized the snow was gone, as it had been for a couple days now.

She recollected her memory and remembered that the snow was gone on the day of Tasaku's attack as well.

Amora missed such big details and felt lost. She needed some time to herself and so she headed to the lobby of the hotel and sat on one of the couches, closing her eyes and practicing breathing in and out slowly.

She had completely forgotten about how Cody was just at the hotel, it seemed like such a small detail and it faded away.

Kori had silently sat next to Amora, waiting for her to open her eyes before she spoke.

"Heyo." Kori said, which made Amora jump, as she had not noticed Kori.

"Dang it! Not again. Sorry." Kori said, bowing her head as if in Japan. Amora giggled and asked Kori a simple question, that would make most people suspicious.

"Are you an Elemental?"

It was silent. Kori shook her head and sighed.

"I wish, but my parents aren't Elementals and I wasn't randomly born with Elements. Maybe one day I could get an Element somehow, and I stumbled across some information that nobody was supposed to see."

This had interested Amora and she asked what it was that Kori had found.

"If an Elemental removes their crystal that floats around their body, they have a small chance of survival, but can give it to a non-elemental, (a human) and they will gain that person's elements, and that person who was an Elemental, will become a regular human. However most times, the person dies if someone removes it, or if they remove it." Kori explained, holding up a water bottle with ladybugs on it. She sipped and loudly breathed outward.

Amora had typed all of that into her phone's notepad. She thanked Kori and didn't ask where Kori had found that from. The two continued to talk and even talked about where Kori had gone while they were clothes shopping the other day.

"I'm not exactly a fan of clothes shopping, I pick out the wrong things." Kori said, smiling.

"I see, well next time we go I'll make sure to help!" Amora said, holding a thumbs up.




"They're all gonna die... you know that right?" The other voice said.

"They won't... I won't let it happen." Amora said to her other half.

The voice sighed and stayed silent.




"We could head to the cafeteria, I heard this place has amazing pancakes!" Kori said, holding up her phone with a 5-star review on the screen. Amora decided not mention that Kori was the one who made the review.


They ate a lot of pancakes and were full. Amora felt way too happy and she almost started crying from laughter.

The two went back to the hotel room, where Cole and Aya were now gone. Aya came out of the bathroom and walked to the cafeteria.

Amora asked if Kori had any social media, and Kori responded that she didn't but would make one right then.

Amora was her first follower. Kori smiled and thanked Amora.

"I stayed away... mainly because I like taking pictures and whenever I post them, people don't like them as much as I do." Kori said, feeling a bit down now.

"Can I see some of them?" Amora asked, ready to be as honest as she needed to be.

Kori showed Amora some of the photos she had taken through the month and Amora gasped and clapped.

"Woah! No way! Those are perfectly shot! Some people don't know what they are talking about!" Amora had never seen such well-taken photos before, not even in newspaper. Seems like Kori figured it all out.

The door opened and Clover, (in her cat form) fell from the door handle and entered the room, closing it behind with her full body force.

"Wheow! That was quite the workout to jump on the handle!" Clover transformed to look like Amora and then Kori, prompting them to begin laughing and clapping.

"Anyway, I'm not here for no reason." Clover said, transforming into Tasaku, causing Amora's heart to ache. She stood up with clenched fists.

"Your father has given me permission to fight you, I need to train you this way. When I am transformed as him, I realize his weakness seemed to be his legs. So everyone will train with me shaped like this in order to be ready for him at any time." Clover finished, charging at Amora.

Amora attempted to kick under Tasaku's (Clover's) legs, but she jumped over Amora and kicked her in the head. Amora stumbled back and looked up, ready to fight with her all, even if it were just Clover.