Learn to Fight

Amora attempts a quick attack, throwing a ball of air under Tasaku's (Clover's) legs. Clover falls and it seems that she had been right about Tasaku's legs being weaker than his other limbs.

Clover transforms back into a random woman she always transforms into, she was huffing and puffing. "Nicely done Amora, but he won't be as slow as I am, he will be fast and strong."

Amora thanked Clover and it seemed that Clover mistook Kori for an Elemental and got ready to fight her as well, but Kori stopped her.

"I'm... um... not an Elemental, but give me some knives and I could throw them!" Kori never told Amora about that, so Amora just stared in surprise.

Clover apologized and left to find Aya.


Aya and Clover could be heard fighting in the next room and Kori giggled.

"What's funny?" Amora asked, actually really curious. "Elementals, they have such strange behavior. You can tell when someone is an Elemental!" Kori said, laying back.

"Really? How so?" Amora asked, wanting to know as well.

"Well, the way they act, if they are ready to fight instead of run, they are either a human or a coward Elemental. They also seem to have some kind of aura, being around them, you automatically feel defenseless, most humans feel that around Elementals." Kori noted her reasons with a smirk.

"Huh. Never really noticed anything like that." Amora said, recalling a human who tried to bully her before.


Tasaku was going through images of the group, stopping on Leon and Reyon. "They lead..." he looked at Aya's picture, "She can heal them if I attack..."

He looks at Avian and Amora's pictures, "They can fight well..."

He seemed to be stumped on who to attack next, as they all had attributes that lead them to be a good part of the group.

He looked at Cole's photo and crumpled it up.

"Cole can wait his turn," Tasaku said, standing up to go use the bathroom.


Avian entered the room with his hand bleeding, he sighed and began speaking. "Amora. You need to drink some of my blood and gain the Ice Element, I will then train you to keep you safe." Amora was surprised and shook her head and said, "No thank you!"

Avian didn't take no for an answer and jammed her mouth open, dripping his blood into her mouth. She fell over and could see a screen in front of her, it displayed Avian's tragic life. She almost began crying when she was suddenly awoken by Avian.

"Now stand up. Try summoning Ice." He says, as if she'd get used to it right away.

Amora lifted her palm and a snowflake formed, she then managed to summon a small ice shard before it broke off.

"Well... that's quite good for a beginner I guess." Avian said, feeling embarrassed for Amora. Amora liked the feeling of the ice and continued trying as Avian had advised. Avian stopped in at random times and taught her new techniques to try with the ice. She had learned how to make a small wall to block the enemy, how to use it to create a sword, which brought back bad memories of the fire sword she had summoned before.

He taught her how to block with ice shard and shoot them at high speeds and she felt tired from all of the summoning. She lay down and sighed, feeling happy to know she was now safer with new fighting techniques.

Amora lay there for several minutes. She waited for something to happen, anything at all, and her wish was granted when a smiling Reyon entered the room.

"Okay, I hope you're ready. I'm going to do the same thing Avian did, except I'm going to show you ways I use my fire and how you can block attacks with it." Reyon began by throwing slow fireballs at Amora, the first flew past Amora, and she missed her counterattacks many times.

Reyon stopped for the night and in the morning Amora was back at it again. She was determined and was throwing fireballs at Reyon's fireballs, which sometimes became a curved fireball. She learned how to curve a fireball and control it in the air. She blocked two fireballs with just one and learned how to dodge more effectively.

"Great! Nice job! I'll be sure to teach you more, Leon will be in here soon to teach you some of his air techniques." Reyon said, leaving the room. Amora felt like it would just be better outside, but thought that they may be doing it inside as to hide the new techniques from the enemy lurking outside... Tasaku.


Amora learned from Leon as well, learning how to form an air sword and even how to boost her jump with air underneath her legs after she jumped. She learned how to run quicker by using Air to boost her speed and fire to boost herself forward. It seemed so fun and Amora was hoping that they stopped Tasaku before she had to fight him herself.

Amora was resting once again. She had been thinking about how Cody had randomly appeared, it had to be some kind of Element of disguise or something... right?


Hours passed and Cole had began conversing with Amora, talking about their training that they had received and showing each other the techniques they learned.

"Wanna spar?" Cole asked smiling, Amora agreed really wanting to see what she could do now. Cole began by lighting his hand on fire and threw a fireball, Amora was going to dodge, but formed a fireball as well and countered his attack. The fireball collided and faded away. She flung air at his legs and he fell back, quickly standing after blowing fire under himself.

"No way I'll lose now!" Cole said, spinning and chucking fire at a high speed. Amora felt stressed from this move and had to dodge, as there was no time to counter it. She dodged out of the way, her cheek being singed by the fireball. She jumped forward and used her leg to kick him in his legs. He almost fell and she finished the job by shooting air under him again, flipping him and making him land on his back.

"Well well... that was... something." Cole said, holding his back. Amora smiled, feeling impressed by her moves and how well it went for her. She heard clapping and looked up to see Leon and Reyon smiling at her. They had seen it too, she had impressed them so quickly with her training!


Tasaku began laughing, the cameras were working perfectly. He monitored the outside and could see Kori walking past, heading home for the night. He smiled and watched as she passed by. His smile faded quickly as he noticed a man following Kori. He stood up and rushed outside, the man was getting closer to Kori, so he tackled him with all of his might.

"Leave her alone! You hear me?!" He yelled in the man's face. The man sat in awe, he began to reach for his holster and Tasaku used his blade to hit the gun out of the man's hands and over a railing, falling far down.

"Fine dude! I get it!" The man said, standing up and attempting to run. Tasaku cut a little bit of the man's leg as a reminder and headed back inside, watching to make sure the man wasn't going to turn back around and follow Kori. The man never showed his face in that area again, and Tasaku loved that.


Amora went to sleep after learning she would have to train all of the next day. Not wanting to be tired and fail her training, she went to bed earlier than normal. She was actually quite excited to train again.