Chapter 6

After killing a few dire bears, increasing my bloodline purity and army. I finally reached level 9.

You have reached level 9! You have been awarded 5 attribute points.

Name Jake Lv9. Race: Evolver

Class: Necromancer Species: Dire Bear 80%

Strength:53 Intelligence: 26

Wisdom: 35 Dexterity: 49

Vitality:52 Charisma: 15

Skills: 6. Attribute points: 5


I decided to put 1 point into strength, 2 into vitality and 2 into dexterity. This would let me attack faster without fear of being instantly killed.

After finishing playing with my status sheet, I looked up and saw a cave on the side of a mountain, it was pretty far away so it would take me some time to get there. I decided I would make my way there only to stop from time to time to kill some mobs.

As I was barreling through the forest, something caught my eye. It was a massive bear twice the size of any of the dire bears in the forest, excluding me of course.

When I looked at it I saw that it was called a Crimson Dire Bear and its level was the same as mine. As well as this I also saw that it was a world boss, that meant masses of XP, but it also meant it was extremely difficult to beat.

I wanted to win this fight and claim that boss as my minion. Pulling out my minions from the death dimension, I gave them each instruction. I told the paladin and all the wolves to attack the boss head-on and surround it. I then told the dire bears to be the second wave of attack, the rogues were to attack and then retreat to safety. I kept the healer at the back and told her to heal any of my troops that she could.

It was killing time.

The wolves and paladin rushed in and instantly swarmed the massive beast. Their attack was then backed up by the dire bears and rogues with the healer helping wherever she could. I then used (leap) to get on top of the giant thrashing beast. Many of my wolves were flung away and killed by the flailing limbs of the bear.

This sparked rage inside of me and I used both (Bite) and (Crash) on the skull of the crimson bear.


The damage seemed to have multiplied due to me using 2 skills at once. If any of the other players saw someone deals so much damage on the first day of the game being released they would have vomited blood.

With the health bar of the world boss decreasing rapidly, I started to attack again and again constantly whittling down the monsters health.

When it got to less than 5% health it became enraged


The user loses all rationality but their attack increase by 50% every second.

With more of my wolves dying I increased the speed at which I attacked, the formidable beast soon died.

Congratulations! You have defeated the world boss Crimson Dire Bear. You have been awarded 10,000 XP and a rare piece of pet equipment.

Yes! This meant he could finally have armour. Suddenly another prompt filled his vision.

[Do you want your name to be seen in the server announcement?]

Why not? No such thing as bad attention.

[Server Announcement]

Congratulations on Jake's party for killing the world boss Crimson Dire Bear Lv9!

Members in party:

Leader. Jake

/As a reward for being the first party to kill a world boss, Jake's Party has received 10,000 extra XP and 1 piece of rare pet equipment./

I stared in shock at that message, it meant I was getting another piece of equipment I could use.

Little did I know that with that simple victory I caused a widespread shock as people realised I had soloed a world boss.

Everyone wanted to know who I was.