Chapter 5

After logging out I went down the carpeted stairs and made my way to the kitchen where I could smell my mums amazing cooking. She was cooking for me and my dad because she had finished she shifts as a volunteer, it was a Friday night so I could play the game the whole weekend. After I finished the meal, I said

"Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now, night"

"Sure, just remember me and your mum are going to work overseas for the next 2 weeks so you'll have to buy your food, while we are away we will update your credit card so you can buy things." My dad said with a smile on his ageing face.

I then walked back up the carpeted stairs and back into my room and lay on my bed. Activating the VR sim on my wrist I once again logged into Horizon Wars.

I opened my eyes and found myself in the forest where I logged out. Using my large mass I trudged through the forest and killed every animal that came near me.


My jaws snapped shut and shattered a white dog's neck.

You have gained 345 XP!

You have levelled up! As you are Lv8 you have been awarded 5 attribute points to spend.

I put all of my points into dexterity as I was lacking in that area.

I started to roam around the forest until I heard voices.

"Why are there barely any mobs in this forest?"

"This should be a starter forest with tonnes of mobs"

Hearing this, I got excited, finally other players that I could talk to! I moved in the direction of their voices with haste.

They were camping in a small field that was about a hundred metres wide. He charges into the clearing and roared

"Hi there it's great to see new players" but all that the other players saw was a massive bear start roaring at them

They raised their weapons and got ready to fight.

"Looks like we found the boss monster boys"

The group started to form a diamond around what seemed to be their healer. With the tank at the front and the damage dealers on the sides, they started to attack me.

The tank charged at me with a hammer and shield, he looked like he was a paladin, the rogues darted around me trying to find weak points in my massive form. All of a sudden the tank activated a skill that I'm pretty sure was a taunt skill.

[Willpower check! Willpower higher, no affect]

With this notice, I charged right for the tank, the tank had a smile on his prideful face as he thought his taunt worked. At the very last moment, I swung my gigantic paw at their healer instantly killing her.

You have killed a Player! You have gained 568 XP!

After doing this I quickly pivoted on my back legs which should have been impossible due to my size and used (Bite) on the shocked paladin.


With one attack I had reduced his HP to nearly half and threw him back 20 yards.


I felt a sharp pain in my back as knives had been plunged into my spine. Purely out of instinct I smashed my paw down where I thought the rogue would be and one shouted her.

Skill made (Crash)

Slam something down to deal 200% of the user's attack damage.

Congratulations! As the first person to create a skill you have been awarded 5,000 XP and 5 gold coins.

I didn't have time to read my prompts because I had to deal with the other rogue that decided to attack me. With the heightened senses of a bear and dog combined I was able to pinpoint the rogue's location from where I was standing.

The Rogue, who I assumed was an assassin dove from his treetop perch at me with knives shining in the mid-afternoon light. As he dove through the air I whipped my head to face him and used (Bite) around his head to instantly kill him.

Dismissing the prompts that appeared in my vision, I used (Leap) and quickly made my way to the stunned paladin. Deciding that I wanted to get going, I finished him off with a swift (Crash).

I wonder if I can use necromancy on players?

If it does work will they keep their abilities?

Oh well, only 1 way to find out. I quickly used Necromancy on the players and to my delight, they were successfully resurrected.

Without wasting any time, I put them into my death dimension for later use. So far my undead army consisted of 6 Dark Grey Dogs, 15 White dogs ( I killed quite a few whilst levelling up), 3 Dire bears, a paladin, a healer and 2 rogues. Overall I was very pleased.

My bloodline purity for my white wolf had been maxed out and I realised I couldn't evolve it further and my dire bear bloodline was at 30%

After finishing looking at my prompts, I carried on my slaughter in the forest without care.