Chapter 9

Congratulations! You have reached Lv10, as for all players you have gained 1 skill related to your class.

Skill gained:


Inflict a curse upon a creature, whenever that creature attacks something else their opponent becomes a part of your undead army

You have gained 10 attribute points to spend due to your Royal bloodline.

I looked at my stats,

Name Jake Lv10. Race: Evolver

Class: Necromancer Species: Royal Vampire

Strength:72 Intelligence: 43

Wisdom: 68 Dexterity: 69

Vitality:71 Charisma: 53

Skills: 10 Attribute points: 10


I put 4 points into vitality 3 into strength and 2 into dexterity. I was ecstatic, I tried to use necromancy on Izroth.

[Necromancy failed! Level difference too great]

I guess I expected that it was extremely lucky I even managed to fuse with him, I wasn't going to do it but when he rushed at me I realised how overpowered he was and had no other choice.

A spatial rift appeared in front of ms and my equipment appeared along with my pet egg.

Rare Draconian Sword


Dexterity: 37

(Dragon's Roar)

Creates a roar that stuns enemies depending on their willpower.

It was an amazing sword and I was finally able to use it because I had a human-like form. I look just like I do outside the game but with ghostly white skin and was a foot taller. My muscles were larger and more defined, I should probably find some clothes.

I then looked at the pet egg that I got and it started to crack.

Ant Queen Rank 10

HP: 2600

Attack: 789


Able to make an ant colony that is blindly loyal to their queen.


Will do whatever its master says even at the cost of its own life.

"I think I'll name you Amelia seeing as you are female"

Grinning like a child at Christmas, I picked up the sword, slung it over my naked shoulder and walked out of the cave. I summoned the two birds I was able to resurrect and made then carry me and Amelia down the mountain.

Back in the forest, I started walking towards where I thought the nearest town was. I picked some leaves and vines and wrapped them around my waist to create makeshift clothes.

As I was walking, I heard the roar of a tiger and the shouts of other players. I quickly rushed towards where I heard the cacophony of noise.

I soon saw a team of girls fighting a massive tiger that was covered in flames. They were in a diamond formation.

"That formation is really popular isn't it?" I said out loud. After hearing me the girls turned to my position,

"Can you help please?" the girl at the front asked. I inspected them and saw they were all on low health.

"Sure thing" I relied on a gentle smile on my face, I sped towards the Lv8 Flaming Black Tiger. In one swing, I decapitated it and got a few XP, I instantly used necromancy and put it into my death dimension. The body was still lying on the ground, the blood was pouring out of the wound.

"Eat?" a timid voice said in my head, I spun around trying to find the source of the voice, I saw Amelia looking up to me with an expectant look in her eyes.

"Yeah sure you can eat the tiger," I said as I patted Amelia's head. The ant scuttled over to the corpse and started using its mandibles to rend flesh from the bones. I watched with fascination as she visibly got bigger as she ate. After 10 minutes she had finished, before the meal, she was as tall as my ankle, but now she is up to my meal.

"I wonder how big she's gonna get?"

"Um, excuse me, who are you?" a gentle voice said from behind me, it was the healer of the group I had saved.

I stuck out my hand, wore a smile and said

"Hi I'm Jake"