Chapter 10

After hearing my name, the girls wore shocked expressions on their faces.

"OMG! Are you THE Jake?" they squealed.

"Um, I guess" I replied nonchalantly, it was the first time any girls had paid any interest in me. Going completely red after realising I was only wearing makeshift shorts, I tried to escape.

The girls wouldn't let me,

"I'm Lucy," the girl at the front said, "That's Jane and Emily, " she explained while pointing at the two damage dealers.

"And that's Mary", Lucy stated that whilst turning again to face me.

Wanting to get away as fast as possible, I said

" Ok well, I have a thing and the thing needs to be done sooooo..."

As I trailed off I began to back away, my 15-year-old mind couldn't handle talking to so many girls at once.

After backing away far enough, I turned and ran, as I did Lucy called after me.

"Wait, at least accept the friend request"

A prompt appeared in my vision, it said

[You have gained friend requests from Lucy, Mary, Emily and Jane. Do you accept?]

I instantly accepted and carried on running.

"I need to get to a city"

Only then did it dawn upon me that the girls could have known where one was.

"Oh well"

Whilst running, I decided to kill a few animals on my way. With tremendous speed, I ran into a clearing, in the centre lay a massive beast. It had the face of a dog with the body of a tiger.

Its face was covered in scars and was a midnight black, it's body was almost completely free of scars and was on fire. The flames ran down its back and around its face like a mane.

After entering the clearing, I watched the beast stand up.

Flaming Tiger Black Dog Lv16

"This isn't good" it was the first ever mob I had encountered that was above Lv10.

As it rose, its red hot claws sunk into the ground melting the earth around it. It opened its mouth and let out a roar so loud my eardrums almost burst.

Deciding to fight it, I pulled my sword out my inventory and told Amelia to stay out. I didn't want her to get hurt.

With a grin on my face, I walked towards the gigantic beast, even with my 7 foot height I had to raise my head to look at its face.

Without fear, the mob charged at me, with a massive paw it swiped at me, I tried to jump out of the way but still got hit.


I went flying into a tree breaking it in two. Groaning, I stood up and had a determined look in my eye.

"God damn that hurt" I said as I readied my sword.

Charging with all my dexterity, I ran towards the beast, I swung my sword and instantly chopped off the beasts right leg.

Instantly, I turned to cut the other one, but a another paw came crashing down at me from above.


I felt dazed as I fell to the floor. I saw a little icon on the side of my screen, it showed a stunned debuff.

As I fell I saw a large paw swinging with full power towards me. It struck me and split my body in two.

[You have Died]