Chapter 13

The next goblins I saw were in a pack, they were huddled around a fire for warmth, after I made my presence known they turned and drew their weapons.

"Wait! I'm not going to hurt you!" I said as earnestly as I could. They looked at me with confusion and started talking amongst each other.

"Nod if you can understand me" I said to the goblins, they looked at me and started nodding. With great effort one of them said


"I am a Royal Vampire, here to help you" I replied, upon hearing my words they started bowing and ran away. After a few moments they returned with at least 50 other goblins, one by one they started bowing.

"Please... make..." the largest one of the goblins said, with a shocked look on my face, I asked


With extreme difficulty the green goblin explained

"Bite... no...kill"

A smile soon appeared on my face as I realised I could gain stats and followers at the same time. In a minute, I had bitten all of the goblins, they seemed fine until one by one they fainted and convulsing.

After 10 minutes had passed the first goblin rose. It's large ears had shrunken to a normal size and sharp fangs protruded from its mouth. With newfound purity, the goblin's green colour became more emerald, its eyes turned red and its thin arms gained muscles.

"Thank you master, I have grown into a Vampiric Green Goblin. Thanks to you my clan has evolved and become something greater than mere Goblins."

"You are welcome, I guess" I managed at say, when I had bitten them, they gained cognitive processing on par with humans.

Goblins were known for their tricks despite not being intelligent enough to put them to use. With their new evolution, I knew they would be a great asset to my new army.

After they had awoken two prompts filled my vision,

[Congratulations! You have made progress in restoring the Vampire race to its former glory!

You have received 10 gold]

Congratulations to Jake for solo completing the Green Goblin Dungeon! As the first to solo clear a dungeon, you have been awarded 1 rare piece of equipment! [This is a server announcement]

A spatial rift appeared in front of me and a piece of loot came out. Instpecting it I saw that it was a piece of armour,

Rare Armour Of Darkness

Vitality: 104

Allows wearer to blend into the darkness with the Skill (Shadow Walk)

I was ecstatic, this new piece of equipment would allow me to sneak past very strong monsters, it could be lifesaving. When I equipped it I felt a rush of power and my skin seemed to darken and toughen,

"Excuse me sire, do you want me to gather the other Green Goblin tribes, they will be thrilled to learn that a new royal Vampire has surfaced"

"Yes please... um...what is your name?" I asked,

"I was not given a name at birth sire, common goblins like our previous selves, do not privilege themselves with names, only after becoming chief are they granted their names. Despite this, I have given myself the name Nigel after being reborn under your banner" the goblin at the front told me.

"Okay Nigel, please can you go spread word of my arrival to all of the tribes of Goblins"

"Even the other coloured Goblins sir?" Nigel responded

"What are these other colours of goblins you speak of Nigel" Damn it felt fun being a Royal being, this must be what the royal family feel like!

"Well sire, the other coloured goblins are just like us except they specialise in other...aspects of life. It is hard to put into words, for example, Us green goblins are incredibly intelligent and are used to employ cheap tricks to catch or kill others, whereas the red goblins are more brutish. They are extremely strong compared to us but are somewhat lacking in smarts."

"I see, so each colour has their advantages and disadvantages, which one is the best?" I asked

"That is a topic that many have fought over for a long time, but in truth no colour is better than the other. We all have weaknesses that can be exposed and exploited. Once all of the Goblins hear of your return they will not hesitate to join you and put all the hatred they have for each other behind them, as long as you will it sire"

"Thank you Nigel for enlightening me, please can you go to the other tribes and colours of the Goblin race and tell them of my arrival" I stated with a smile on my face.