Chapter 14

With that command, about 10 small goblins rushed out of the cave in the direction of the other mountains in the region. After deciding to wait until they came back, I sat down and started talking to Nigel. The rough stone hurt but learning about the Goblins from Nigel was worth it, I learnt about the history of Vampires and Goblins. Apparently goblins were despised by most races including the peace loving elves, this was until the young prince of vampires was injured and a goblin nursed him back to health. After that the Goblins were allowed in the Vampire cities and the punishment for attacking them was death. Without fear of being killed, the goblins showed their true use and made huge improvements to the Vampires economy and Kingdom.

Even the King of Vampires acknowledged their usefulness and had a separate private council of the smartest goblins to advise him. This all came to nought when the noble vampires organised a coup and killed most of the royal family excluding the youngest son who had aided them in their takeover. After dethroning the king and throwing all of the Vampire Kingdom into a panic, the other 'righteous' races invaded their lands and killed every vampire they came across. Eventually they reached the Capital City, the guards refused to defend the city and every citizen died with pride, each vampire in the city wanted to join their King in the afterlife. This is how the vampire kingdom was destroyed, and how Vampires were forgotten in the passage of time.

An hour had passed and I had learnt all about Vampire history and culture, the green goblins that were sent to inform the other tribes had finally returned with one or two escorts from the other colours or tribes to report whether the news of the return of vampires was true.

After they entered they saw me and started bowing until their heads hit the floor, I quickly turned them and let them leave with the news.

A prompt filled my vision

[Congratulations on reaching 100 strength! As you have reached a milestone, natural strength increased by 100%!]

[Congratulations on reaching 100 dexterity! As you have reached a milestone, natural speed increased by 100%]

[Congratulations on reaching 100 vitality! As you have reached a milestone, your entire body has hardened by 100%]

After reading these prompts I opened up my status will extreme happiness in my eyes,

Name Jake Lv13. Race: Evolver

Class: Necromancer Species: Royal Vampire

Strength:112 Intelligence: 98

Wisdom: 99 Dexterity: 114

Vitality:109 Charisma: 94

Skills: 10 Luck:?

I was full of excitement as I thought of all the stats and entire race of goblins would reward me with when a prompt filled my vision and instantly ruined my mood.

You have gained the skill

(Mass Turning)

Turn a vast amount of willing creatures into vampiric versions of themselves, you will not gain any stats from doing so. Using drain on a creature but not killing it will not turn something anymore.

Noooo! I inwardly screamed. Unfortunately, I couldn't become extremely overpowered and ruin the game for other players, I guess the game had measure to stop people from having fun, I thought whilst pouting like a child.

"Seems like I have to actually kill people to gain their stats now" I said outlaid causing a few of the less intelligent goblins to look my way in confusion. After being sad for about half an hour, my depression lifted as I heard thousands of voices outside the cave that I resided in. The different coloured goblins were here.