Chapter 15

With a smile on my face I walked towards the entrance of the cave, sunlight blinded for me a second while my eyes adjusted to the new light, when they did I was amazed.

Thousands on thousands of goblins were on the mountain side. It was as if a rainbow had hit the mountain an left an everlasting point job. They were as numerous as grass in a field, even the elusive white and black coloured goblins had appeared to be turned into Goblins. As soon as the goblins saw me they became quiet and looked directly at me with expectant eyes, I smiled at the different colours.

The Red goblins looked more like Orcs as they towered above the others and pushed them out of the way with their huge muscles. Tusks even protruded from their lower jaw, and my guess is that those tusks only get bigger with the evolution. With constantly moving limbs, the blue goblins tried to stay as still as possible, they specialised in speed but were very easy to one shot. The brown goblins were different, they were as slow as statues and even stood like them, they were extremely durable and could take hits from most things. Despite this they had barely any attack power and could only defend. With mages cloaks on, the black and white goblins were different. Radiating kindness and mercy, the white goblins specialised in the magic of life and light whereas the dark goblins had almost no presence and specialised in the magic of death and darkness. I would need to be taught by one of them to further my class, I thought with a smile.

Activating (Mass Turning) a wave of dark red magic surged out of me, it washed over the goblins and they instantly fainted and started evolving. After doing so I received a notification saying

[Congratulations! You have gained the ability to learn Blood magic a secondary magic to the class of Necromancer. Go to a class teacher to gain more abilities.]

Just like the Green Goblins their ears became smaller but I noticed something interesting when they awoke. Each colour had their flaws which meant that they would be easy prey for beings that were smarter or faster or stronger than them, but after the transformation their flaws were reduced, the brown goblins got faster, the blue more durable, the red smarter and the black and white; well I couldn't tell what their flaws were but they seemed more improved I guess.

Once each goblin had woken up I received a prompt which made me even more pleased with myself,

Congratulations! You have allowed the different colours of the goblin race to evolve and become stronger! As well as this you have united them under your name, they shall be loyal to Vampires until they are extinct!

Congratulations on making progress with restoring the Vampire Race, you have let the Goblins become your loyal servants! You have gained 10,000 XP

When I saw this I was slightly shocked that the system called them servants but I wasn't that troubled by it.

"All Hail Jake!" the goblins all started chanting, even the children raised their fists to praise me. This day would go down in Goblin history as the day that they were once again reunited under their masters the vampires.

I soaked in their praise like a sponge being dropped in water, it felt amazing. Reluctantly, I put a hand in the air to stop them chanting, I knew it would received unwanted attention from predators or players that wanted to kill them. The huge waves of goblins would easily be able to kill anything that came but I didn't want to risk a child or civilian just for to please my ego.

"I have begun constructing a City in a mountain for all of you to live in but Im not sure when it shall be ready, in the meantime I ask that you return to your homes and gather your belongings to come live in my city. But before you go I want to say. We WILL take revenge against those that have wronged both my race and yours, maybe not today, probably not tomorrow but we will take our revenge. Grow stronger with me and let us become the leaders of this world and the next!"