Chapter 16

A cacophony of noice erupted from the crowd as they started cheering my name. I almost didn't want it to stop but I had things to do, eventually it died down and they started to leave. The blue goblins moved faster than my eye could process and left in an instant, but the other colours took their time leaving. After about ten minutes all but one of the colours had left, the black goblins stood on the mountain side looking at me with their dead ebony eyes. I sped towards them and stopped just metres away from the goblin at the front,

"We wish to teach you in the way of Death and Darkness magic" an old goblin said, his aged face stood was extremely wrinkling an clung to his face almost giving the effect of him being a skeleton. He was small, even for a goblin, leaning on a staff for support, his ink black eyes shined in the mid day sun.

"I would be honoured," I said with a bow to the aged goblin. He smiled at me as if he knew I would, "but can I leave for a day for other important things", this did shock him though. Quickly shifting his shocked face into a smile he said"Of course, I shall be awaiting you in our village of the Eternal Death Mountain. Good day your Majesty".

As soon as he had finished his sentence, the old goblin and the rest of his colour sunk into their own shadows and disappeared.

"I hope I learn that skill soon" I said with a smile on my face, starting to run back to the Green Goblin cave I decided to see how my undead humanoid creatures were doing. While I was running I realised that my armour had actually made me run faster, though that may be the effect of reaching 100 dexterity. After ten minutes I had sprinted up the mountain and reached the small alcove that I had made for my undead minions, the entrance looked like something from Ancient Greece with pillars descending from the ceiling and indicate patterns caved into the walls. On the top of the entrance there was a row of words, it read

'Beware all that enter of the creatures of darkness that haunt this mountain. Enter at the cost of your souls.'

Daaamn the undead humans were creative. I never would have guessed that they could come up with something like that, even the architectural design of the entrance was amazing. Walking inside I saw that there were beautiful drawings of a vampire massacring a camp, undead creatures running rampant in villages and other nightmare fuels. After walking for about five minutes I entered a vast stretch of land, wooden houses formed villages in the space, hundreds of villages were inside the dome. It was beautiful, sure we would have to replace the stone ground with grass and earth for growing fruit and vegetables, also there was no way I would fit all of the goblins in the villages.

Thats when I saw it, a massive gate made of stone was sculpted in the wall of the dome. It was tall enough to fit a giant and wide enough to fit a thousand goblins. Even more amazing, it seemed to be opened by a system of gears and pulleys making it a feat of ingenuity. I don't know how the undead minions managed to pull it off; as I approached it, it started to open. Making barely any noise, it opened fully allowing me to seem minions hard at work mining out another dome at least 20 miles wide. How it fit inside the mountain, I had no idea.

After confirming the progress of my minions I checked the time and logged out.