Chapter 17

After logging out, I got off my bed and stretched. I felt energised as I had basically slept for 10 hours straight. I pulled on my school clothes, unfortunately I had Saturday school. Usually I wouldn't have it but I did terribly in my grades so it was mandatory. Walking down the stairs, I put my tie on and then packed my bag. After having breakfast, I got up and left the house, no need to say goodbye to my mum because I knew she was already at her job. I walked to school with a spring in my step because I knew I could get back online after school. As I walked I heard tons of people talking about me, well not me but my character.

"I wonder who Jake is, he isn't a part of the major guilds or e sports teams."

"He might be a veteran gamer since no one knows his age or what he looks like"

"Or maybe he was just really lucky and found something that let him level up quickly"

Well at least the last theory was partially correct. All the shops I walked past had figurines of the top players (other than me) and badges for the top guilds. I walked past computer cafes and they all had banners with the faces of the best Horizon Players on them. They had one of me but instead of a full face it was a silhouette with a question mark. Someone saw me looking through the window of the store and said "aren't they amazing?" I turned around and saw a man in sun glasses and a black cap. It was the famous Kyle Summers, one of the top Horizon players. It had only a full day since Horizon was released and the top players have already gained hundreds of thousands pounds just for being apart of different guilds or company.

Putting on my black face mask, I turned around and said "Yeah, too bad they are gonna lose to me. Hi I'm Jake." He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"sure you are, and I'm Britney Spears" he said with a mocking voice. Despite my want to punch him then, I waited. He would realise his mistake when he met me in the game. Ignoring him, I turned and began walking towards my school.

After walking 15 minutes I walked through the school gates and into the courtyard. I walked through reception and into the corridor, pushing through the door into my classroom, I walked to the back of the class and sat down. Instantly pulling out my phone, I went onto the forums for Horizon and started scrolling.

I read someone's account of my massacre of the player's camp, they said that I was a boss that was unable to be killed, many agreed and people assumed that the new Royal Vampire was an NPC. Smiling at this, I realised that people will believe anything so long it fixed their ego. No one wanted to believe that someone could be that strong already other than the top ranked players.

There were other articles that grabbed my attention, they were about something that had been leaked to the public by Horizon Edge (the company that made Horizon). Apparently you could create guilds in the game and make guild bases, these would bring huge advantages to the members of the guild as they had right to all the resources in the area around their guild. As well as this, players and NPCs could now form kingdoms if they had the support of enough Players or NPCs.

This made a smile creep onto my face as I would be able to create a Vampire kingdom soon. I couldn't wait until the first update of Horizon was completed, it would bring so many new features into the game.

I put my phone down as the school bell rang and the first of my classmates came into the class.