A Spider's Work Is Never Done


Being detention had some advantage; he could focus on his homework while hanging out with Ned. Knowing his best friend didn't have to be here with him, but it was nice to know his friend didn't care about that. Sitting down on the detention room floor, Ned and Peter were working on the Lego Death Star. Finally, finishing it up before taking a picture with his phone knowing he promised Jessie he would show her when it was finished. Ned and Peter were doing their handshake before smiling and having a good time, knowing Peter would be having more fun. Of course, he felt nervous about the whole dance by going with his best friend, Jessie.

Walking down the hallway with the hall pass in hand, Jessie and Peter were meeting simultaneously. Jessie always changed her look, for she liked Harry Potter a lot, knowing she was still dressing the house colors. He always thought of her like Luna or Hermione in his way for when he would see her Jess talk. Her long brown hair was down today wearing a yellow Hufflepuff beanie, yellow & black flannel with lace back, Hufflepuff t-shirt, black shorts with gold studs, black lace tights, and yellow Hufflepuff boots.

Jess ended up looking over to see Peter smiling at him, "I thought you had an art class at this time?"

"I do, but I needed to tell Liz about what song I'm going to be singing for the dance," Jess said to Peter. She was nervous about this too.

Peter couldn't wait to hear her sing, "Really? What song did you choose to sing?"

"Well, remember the Breakfast Club movie we watched together while I was working at the video store," asked Jess, knowing this was going to be good.

Peter nodded, thinking this was going to be great, "Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"I'm going to be singing "Don't You Forget About Me" from The Breakfast Club movie," Jess said, putting her hands behind her back.

Peter smiled at her, "That's awesome, Jessie glad to hear that. I can't wait to see you sing this at the homecoming dance."

"Yeah, I know I'm excited too; this is going be really epic since I'm breaking out of my shell finally. That's not to say I haven't, but to me, this singing in front of a group of people. It's something I wouldn't have thought to be real. Especially if you asked me this back a while ago," Jess explained to him, smiling.

Peter thought she was good at this and was doing just fine, "Well, after what you did at the party, I would have told you that you've been doing this for a while since you don't look nervous when you sing to me. You lit up the dance floor getting everyone into the music."

"Thanks, Peter, I do appreciate it you always know the right things to say," Jessie said, smiling at him walking over hugging him, "You're honestly a good friend, Peter."

Peter had been blushing when she hugged him along with what she had told him, thinking it would be an exciting homecoming dance.

"You're welcome, Jessie. I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't true since you do have talent. You're a good friend to Jessie," Peter said to her before separating from the hug.

Jess separated from the hug, knowing they were going to the dance together as friends, but she felt like telling him how she truly felt towards him.

"Well, I would like to talk some more with you, Jessie, but I'm going to be in detention forever. Though what time did you want me to pick you for the dance," asked Peter holding the hall pass tightly in his hands.

Brushing some of her hair behind her ear, "Well, how about 6:30 pm? Since the dance starts at 7 pm, it'll give us time to get there, and we're not rushing to get there."

"Sounds good; I'll see you at 6:30 pm," Peter said to her before walking past her with Jess heading towards her art class.

Peter had a goofy grin on his face before heading towards his class, knowing he should probably tell her how he felt towards her. After school, Peter made it back to his apartment building, sliding into the living room, knowing he needed help with this. He needed help with everything, which May didn't have a problem with helping out her nephew to get ready for the school dance tonight. May secretly was happy Peter was going to the dance with Jess since she thought they were just adorable together.

They were helping him out with picking out the outfit to wear for tonight, along with a video to help Peter tying his tie. Wearing a black suit with a blue tie white rose on his jacket, May had helped pick out a match with Jess's dress. May teaching Peter how to dance since he would need to know how to slow dance with Jess tonight. There wasn't much of a walking distance for Jess's apartment since he was right across the street from their apartment building.

"Alright, it's game day; what's the game plan," Aunt May asked him, wanting to know if he remembered all of what they had talked about.

Peter relaxed before looking up at May, "Tell her how nice she looks but not too much because that's creepy. When I want to dance with her, put my hands on her hips."

"Alright, you're ready," May said to Peter smiling, handing him the rose corsage.

Peter walked up to her apartment building, feeling nervous still since he never had to ask her to a dance before. Let alone think about her more than just a friend, thinking there was more between them than just friends.


Moments before Peter got to the door; Jess had gotten home telling her mother Rachel, she needed help with getting ready for the dance tonight. Rachel smiled at her daughter, knowing things had been difficult for her since her father Travis had passed away. Travis was a loving father and husband who had always been there for his girls, even though he worked as a lawyer. Travis told Rachel to wait to give Jess this gift since he wanted it as a present during her graduation.

Tonight Rachel wanted to give it to Jess for the dance since she would have something of her father with her. After getting her dressed up for the dance, her mother pulling her hair into a braided wreath side bun with a double rose hair clip on the right side. She was wearing her bright red ruffle dress, with her Gryffindor ring and her gold ash Thelma wedges, walking out of her bedroom, walking into the living room.

Her mother smiled brightly at her, "You look so beautiful, Jess; your father would be so happy for you."

"Yeah, I know I wish he was here to see me go and take Peter and myself to the dance," Jess said to her mother, trying to hold back the tears.

Rachel hugged her daughter tightly, "I know, sweetie, this was a present meant for graduation. I think your father would want you to wear it tonight."

Jess took the note and the black box in her hands, taking it to her bedroom to have a moment alone before heading to the dance.

Peter knocked on the door, hearing her mother answering the door, "Hey Peter, Jess is in her room right now she'll be out in a minute. You look handsome."

"Thank you, Ms. Atkins," Peter said shyly, Rachel walking over to the fridge handing him a soda.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Jess read the note from her father, "By the time you have read this, you've graduated; I want you to know that you've always been smart. I wish I were there to see off to your first dance, first boyfriend and/or breakups, and now this big moment. Words can't express how much I'm proud of you, Jessie. I know I wish we had more time together; we can't turn back the clock. The gift might help with feeling like you can turn back time. When it feels like you've run out of time, always turn it back, and I'll be there. I love you, Jess."

Opening the black box, cupping her mouth from being in shock at looking at the necklace, knowing her father and his play on words. Pulling the time turner out of the box, walking over to her mirror, putting it on before turning it backward, and kissing it.

Closing her eyes, whispering to herself, "I love you too, daddy."

You see, Travis had died of lung cancer since that day Jess had locked up her heart, keeping safe from having it broken again. Rachel had her attend a different school after talking with May Parker since Peter and Jess seemed to get along with each other. Wanting her daughter to be with her friends to help open herself up again since she liked her daughter to be happy. Jess took a deep breath before walking out of her bedroom into the living room, seeing Peter and her mother were waiting for her.

"Wow, look at how beautiful you look, Jessie," Rachel said to her, smiling and hugging her.

Jess sighed lightly and hugged her mother, "Please don't embarrass me, mom."

Peter stood stunned, looking at Jess, thinking she looked beautiful, unsure what to say to her right now?

"Yeah, you look amazing, Jessie," Peter said to her, getting out the rose corsage and placing it on her wrist.

Rachel pulled out her camera to take some photos of them, knowing May would want some of the pair.

"You both look cute; come on, I'm going to take you both to the dance tonight," Rachel said, smiling at them.

Heading out of the apartment building, noticing Peter opening the car door for Jess allowing her to get in first. Thinking it was a smooth move before getting in the driver's seat, starting up the car taking them to the high school. Parking the car on the school's front steps where all the other kids walked up to the doors heading inside.

"Here you go, guys, have fun at the dance alright, I'll be back to pick you both up after the dance is over okay," Rachel said to them both smiling.

Jess nodded and kissed her mother's cheek, "Thanks, mom, we will come on, Peter."

Peter thanked Rachel before getting out of the car with Jess holding out his arm for her, which Jess took. They were walking up to the steps when they both noticed a jaguar pulling up, seeing Liz getting out of the car with Abe as they were going to dance together. The driver's side window rolled down. Peter's eyes widened upon realizing he was the vulture guy. Liz's dad was the vulture guy from the ferry; knowing he had to stop him before he knew it, Jess walked over to them.

"Hey Liz, you look so pretty tonight," Jess said, smiling at her.

Peter went over to them, agreeing with Jess while Mr. Toomes realized the voice sounded familiar to him. Toomes waited for Liz to say goodbye to him, which she did while Peter carefully placed his phone into the car. Heading inside to the school listening to Liz and Jess talking with him, finding out Toomes was going out of town. Peter and Jess walked in though Jess could tell something was bothering Peter, wondering if he was alright?

"Something wrong, Peter," asked Jess, concerned for her friend.

Peter nodded, "Yeah, I'm alright. I need to talk with Ned for a minute about something, okay. I promise we'll be right back."

Jess nodded, figured he was nervous about tonight, and some air before walking over to Michelle, handing out with her for a while. Peter gently grabbed Ned by the arm, taking him away from the dance to talk about what he just found out.

"Ned, the vulture guy, is Liz's dad; you need to track my phone and call Happy Hogan about this," Peter said quickly before taking off down the hallway.

Taking off his tie, tossing it before pulling up his locker, getting out his suit and web fluid, knowing this was going to be along night. Putting it on before heading out the back of the school where school buses were located. Making it outside, though, someone else was waiting for him too, which was Herman, the new Shocker. Knocking Peter onto his feet since Toomes had a feeling, the Spider-Guy would show up again to stop him.

"You know I wasn't sure about this at first, but damn," Herman said to him before firing it up to strike Peter again.

When his arm got webbed up by Ned with Peter smirking through his mask, looking over in this direction.

"Nice shot," Peter complimented his best friend.

When the surprise attack happened, Peter lost his web-shooters. Once Peter got up off the ground, Ned handed them back to him. Ned went inside the school, making his way into the computer lab while Peter went off to get a vehicle to borrow, knowing it would be quicker.