Keyes took Lyric to a lodge to settle in she also told her that she could leave anything and continued her normal life outside the village but could never speak about it too anyone on the outside of Treasure City.

Keyes also told Lyric she can't go beyond the waterfalls for that is were the birds live also can I call Alyrica.

Lyric corrected her its just Lyric um yeah its my band calling I need the saxophone Keyes said your in a band What's that?

Well I play the golden beast I call her.

With other people and animals making music together blending sounds made by instruments such as drums,and guitar and piano and my saxophone are all in a band we have a singer she good with her vocals.

Lyric headed out to Keyes father's shop and picked up her saxophone he turned and said that's not free.

Lyric said it's mine not your's to sell Keyes interrupted her dad said I told you about the human who found our little village.

Her father turn and apologised for the misunderstanding and gave Lyric her saxophone back.

As he touched Lyric's hand he began to become human in front of his daughter eyes she started screaming other animals came rushing in.

What have you done Lyric?

What is the meaning of this human??

Get out you you descendant of Sydney!!!! Keyes tried to stop the other animals they pushed Lyric out towards the bigger part of the village.

When the crowd disappeared Keyes the rabbit stood by the barrier and threw Lyric's belongings too her she said I know you didn't do anything Lyric but be careful out there.

There are animals who haven't seen a human in many moons and your power is strong.

Just follow the sweet scent to the peaches and stop there you'll find a big pond go pass that I will see you in Three days.

Lyric went to speak but more angry animals came towards her she could see that Keyes's father was a rabbit again.

Lyric was confused of what the other animals said descendant of Sydney!! What me??

That's the story my mum told it too me a fox who fell in love with a human.

And the human was actually a hundred tailed fox who hadn't found her Spiritual Twin Soul Flame as yet.

They're love story change the animals and humans together they lived in harmony animals and humans till the day.

The story goes on that someone or something destroyed her love and happiness and she set her wraith.

On the descendant of Treasure City land of Feasts that's what the land was called before they all changed.

Changing humans into animals and animals into humans splitting them up from their Twin Flames as they did too her.

Lyric noticed that a coyote was following her on her journey and stopped for awhile looking in her bag for food and a drink.

Lyric knew her mom packed it she finally found it she sat down on a stump and ate her lunch she threw some food for the coyote but the crow ate each piece thrown.

It seemed if the coyote and crow were talking to each other Lyric said Hey you two what's the big secret?

The crow laughed and coyote said its you we're talking about you have no memory of this place.

Oddly enough Lyric understood them but said nothing to indicate that she understood what was going on.

Lyric listen how they called her Magic and how they said she was the last descendant of Sydney .

The Sydney of the past was human and was connected too all animals and seas and lands.

Her mother was a sorceress who had enchanted the parts of her daughter with all Soul mates of the animals lives.

In either words making Sydney all the Spiritual Animals but not giving her a soul mate or a twin flame when her time was up.

They spoke about a Tree of answers and the Pond of reveler which would uncover memories of the past.

The two spoke as if they were an item a couple who had found each other they also spoke like they knew Lyric forever.

The phone rang and it was Lyrics mom Lynn calling about her to check in Lyric answered.

Hey mom how are you doing are there a lot of deliveries today her mom answered there are 18 new orders.

I will be late tonight be careful when coming home tonight the moon is full and some Spiritual Animals will be in their height of hunting unrevealed humans.

Lyric said just stay in the tree house be home once its safe Lynn agreed and told her daughter that she loved her blow kisses through the phone the call ended.

The heighten full moon gives powers too some Spiritual Animals and Animals when this occurs they hurt and hunt humans who haven't changed into their Spiritual Forms.

In the state of rage they are in they also kill they're own human family members regretting it later for when they kill they're children.

When this happens the moon's powers engulfs they're minds with hate and murder.

It is said its part of the spell curse put on the lands some say they can control it but seek vengeance for what has been done to them.

The crow sits on Lyric's shoulder as they continued to walk through the Forest of Wonders.

The coyote ahead of them leading the way Lyric stops again at old tree she talks out loud I um feel like there's something important in this tree for me.

Weird feeling I am having like I have been here Lyric stretches her arm into the tree and pulls out a bag with the initials l.C.E.

The crow squawk saying

Where did from? Who really put it there? Human's haven't been in this forest for over three thousand years and with your initials of all things.

Lyric opened the bag and it had a wood carving of a fox as human and another human it had bushes and flowers of the past hidden in the in the pouch and a green gem.

When Lyric touched it a lite a beamed out of it onto the tree and branches making a pathway to the other side of the forest showing her the way home not to the Treasure City but we're her dreams have been coming from.

Memories overflowed as she saw the forest change from what it now to what was in the past Lyric in a dreamlike daze followed her former self through the forest.

The crow and coyote followed the human to the scent of the peach tree,the dreamlike daze stopped at the peach tree.

And the green gem dropped in front of Lyric feet the crow picked it up and dropped it in Lyric's open bag

Lyric said Oh Wow a baby fox looks like my mom colors maybe its her or a family member of hers mom never speaks about her family.

I always wondered how a fox and wolf got together and had me but when I look at friends parents they didn't exactly match up either.

Twin Flames are connected through energy and soul mates are connected through souls forever.

Double the soul mating I think I don't know if twins in flames which makes them special but they teach about the difference.

Twin Flames who you marry and have children with and Soul Mates are just friendships developed but love is different feeling they say different then any feeling or energy in your soul and body.

At this moment Lyric isn't worried about that she worried she won't be able to morph into her Spiritual Animal.

For here if you can't you can't marry another human its not allowed its against they're law you'll be put in a zoo for other Spiritual Annimals to buy cruel right.

You have to be in Spiritual Form to find your True Loves not human form you'll be put away for that they believe humans have no souls after 30 years of age in Treasure City.

In other states and provinces it not like that you can remain human until your True Love is born or found.