As they three got closer top the pond the coyote started making weird noises Lyric was trying to catch what she was saying but she was talking to fast in and out of english and coyote talk.

When Lyric realized they were or she was in danger it was too late the animals in this District had taken over the by mischief(which a group of rats) and mice (which is called a horde) had bonded together.

In a rebellion against injustice which they thought Lyric was doing to there fellow animal kin.

They had sharpen their tails to use as poles and spikes they tied up Lyric hands with the help of the spiders.

The leader screamed at Lyric too move to they're hide out but Kiasco finally spoke and morphed into human form.

Do Not Touch Magic!!! Before she remembers or we will all have to start a new.

Lyric looked shocked for she had always thought the coyote was a girl but it turns out he's a male, one of rats spoke.

Why have you morphed out of your Spiritual Form?

Kiasco replied I didn't she thought and it happen,the rats for brought clothes for Kiasco and the ants untied Lyric's hands and they said continue on young Magic.

Lyric turned around to speak and they were gone Kiasco said we should rest for night has come and you have a long way to go.

Lyric asked if she morphed him human he laughed No we can morph in and out of Spiritual animals but not all animals living here are Spiritual animals.

Some are just regular animals who are living with no souls to call their own.

Your power has nothing to do with me and Frost the crow we can morph like you can but a this moment you thought I should be human didn't you?

Lyric responded not really you but Frost I wanted to see what sex she or he was I thought you were a girl Kiasco surprise your not

Your power is your own you'll rememeber what it is and your Spiritual animals will reveal itself.

I believe you can do it since Sydeny no longer exisit here but you are her blood and her child.

As night came the three laid down Lyric looked up the sky was a deep dark blue with stars that look like gold she could her the two sleeping.

A frequency she hadn't heard before her body arose up and she started floating through the dark forest leaving them behind.

When she arrived she was at Mirror of Memories it is several ponds in one.

Frost had morphed into female human the other animals starting speaking at once Sydney's daughter is taken by Swans to Mirror of Memories.

Frost yelled get me some clothes and let's go they might reveal to much to her to early which could set her back.

Kiasco had already started walking as Frost was saying that he tried running to morph back into the coyote but because the moon was emerged with the sun.

They couldn't unless they were with Lyric presences which Kiasco had already lied to Lyric about her power.

When Kiasco arrived Lyric was merging into the 1st pond of memories her mothers past.

Kiasco tried to reach her before she was completely merged but she was too late the 1st mirror took Lyric to a life not like the she was living.

Sydney was born with ears and tail her mother hid her from the rest of the town they lived in though time.

Sydney learned Magic and Morphed into a human but through her studies she learned languages of the North and East and West and South.

The language her mother hadn't learnt as yet even though she married many men who left her for younger pastures the animals had taught her about true love.

One day she fell in love with a human who promise her love and stable life but soon betrayed her trust and stole her magic away which transformed her back to the girl with fox ears and tail in a human body.

Lyric fell out of the mirror the swans yelled its time to see why she was born that way the second mirror engulf her body.

When Lyric woke up she was someone different all together May was a human who came from a Fox.

When May was born her Spiritual Animal wasn't one within her body but lived outside of her body a fox who followed her since birth to her grown age and on.

When she found a baby near the forest she had yelled at the forest animals to come fast for she had found something strange.

The animals rushed over it was called a Spiritual being in a human baby form the Spiritual animals were upset to see such a child mixed with spiritual aspect.(with wolf face mouth and nose but human lower half)

As the child grow his appearance changed to the environment he was raised in.

May had looked at him as little brother she had named him Yancey Wolf

Soon after he fell in love with May he had vowed to protect her forever but he had never confessed his love to her .

May was promised to marry someone else who's Spiritual Form lived outside her body her animal wasn't connected as one as the others in the village.

Until one day his Spiritual Form broke and it was just the animal form he felt lost he return to his love but she had married and moved on and out of the forest.

With no way to understand his body wandered through time until he was reborn again as half human baby fox named Sydney his form was of his past self.

Before buildings came before the highway before humans took over parts of the world.

Long ago before the corruption spread into the forest humans and animals would live together not just taking from the land but sharing it equal between the two species.

The mirror released Lyric the Swan said four more to go but you must rest before we proceed you must understand where you descend from to be awaken again.

Kiasco and Frost rushed over to Lyric covering her body up for she was in Mirror of Memories for too long recovering takes days if rush.

The phone began to ring Frost open her hand and answered the call this time it was her Dad

Hey Alyrica I hope your safe the eclipse has everyone crazy here, stay at the tree house until call you back love ya Lyrica it hung up

Frost said it must be a voice message not a call Kiasco there's another popping up..

Hey Lyric it's Mom don't come home stay away from the house Mom will come get you its dangerous here Please be safe!! and Don't talk to any of your friends or your Dad.

They're something bad happening love you I love you stay safe until I call again.

The last message Lyric am going to kill you run Alyrica run don't come home baby still safe find the humans.

Remember the guests find them I should have told you the truth...beep beep beep Lyric woke up screaming I have to get my mom.